This was sent in by Philip from Germany:

Sunshine MINIs + Rhein-Main MINIs + Hong Kong MINIs!

Not only is the MINI fun to drive, it also brings people together from all over the world. Here is how a group of MINI enthusiasts from the Frankfurt, Germany region got together for a group picture which will be sent to Hong Kong. And even better, you can hear about how the group welcome a MINI driving couple from Florida who happen to spend a couple of weeks in Europe.

Here’s how it all started: Susanne (aka Missis@), one of the members of Germany’s Rhein-Main MINI group went to Hong-Kong recently for a business trip. While exploring the city she took a picture of downtown Hong Kong from a road bridge. Back in Germany she discovered a MINI had passed by on the road below while she was taking the picture. She posted the picture and story to the online forum of the German new MINI IG. Another member soon discovered the Hong Kong MINI’s website and a couple of German members started visiting the site. Friendly messages were exchanged and a plan was made. It turns out that Susanne is travelling to Hong Kong on business again next week and she was invited by the Hong Kong MINI group to join them for a night out.

To make sure Susanne was well equipped for the meeting, everyone decided to get together for a group picture. To combine this with a little bit of fun the club met at the Frankenstein Castle near Darmstadt. The castle is on the top of smaller mountain with twisty roads going up and down, so guess what the fun part was!

How do the guys from Florida fit into this? Well, there is a connection from Germany to Sunshine MINIs of Florida ( Their members Nickie and Steve (just married!) are currently in Germany and so they got invited to join the Frankenstein meeting. They got picked up in Frankfurt and dragged along to Frankenstein Castle where 13 MINIs and even more enthusiasts got together.

After the picture taken, a wild ride downhill and a kidnap-the-bride incident the group gathered at a traditional German … ehrr… pizza place.

Stay tuned for Missis@ Hong Kong…

Thanks Philip!