Chicago folks: who wants to join a couple of us in an informal MINI cruise this Sunday at 10am?

I've got a friend coming into Chicago to pick his 2nd MCS this weekend. We thought, what a better way to celebrate than to do a small cruise to break in his MINI. Again we wanted to make this a very informal and a somewhat short drive. I don't really expect much more than a handful of people to make it on such short notice so don't give it a second thought if you can't join us.

When: 10 am this Sunday the 6th of April. (remember the time change!)

Where: We'll meet at the Plaza de Lago in Wilmette (the same place we met for the March drive). From there I'd like to head up Sheridan Rd. and then into southern Wisconsin. We'll end up at Popeye's on Lake Geneva hopefully around noon

When: Not quite sure yet but it'll definitely be sometime Sunday mid/late morning.

Who: Anyone is welcome to join us. If you have a new MINI, a Classic Mini, or are patiently awaiting your MINI that is currently on some ship crossing the Atlantic you're welcome to come out.

Things to Bring: FRS Radios, a full tank of gas, all your best Mini apparel, a smile, and possibly an umbrella as it's suppose to be rainy this Sunday.

Again this is a very informal cruise so if you can't make it you won't really be missing much. Just respond below or email me if you'd like to join us.