A source just passed along this information from a recently released MINI document:

Official tours of MINI production at Plant Oxford have started on 7 May 2003. This will bring MINI and the phenomenon of its successful market launch to both the community in and around Plant Oxford, as well as the growing global audience. External visitors will be given a chance to see at first hand the key steps in MINI production, and our trained tour guides will provide commentary and safe stewardship through the Plant.

Visiting production areas The tours will start in the Plant Oxford Info Centre, with the main focus of the tour being the Body in White (welding) and Assembly Halls. For Health and Safety reasons, visitors will not go into the paint facility, but instead be introduced to key highlights of the paint process with visual aids in the Info Centre.

How to book your group in If you have requests for a visit to MINI production at Plant Oxford then please direct these to:

E-mail: Oxford.Plant-Tours@bmwgroup.com,

In writing to : Plant Tours,
Communications Dept. (TO-K),
BMW Group Plant Oxford,
Oxford, OX4 6NL.

We regret that children below the age of 14 are not allowed on site for Health and Safety reasons. Our maximum group size will be 30 people. Plant Tours start at the times shown below, and last approximately two and a half hours.

Tour Times:

AM Tour PM Tour
M to TR 09h30 13h45
Friday 09h15 12h45