And you thought seeing 50 MINIs go down a highway is cool. Check these photos out from the Southern Ontario MINI Club.
And you thought seeing 50 MINIs go down a highway is cool. Check these photos out from the Southern Ontario MINI Club.
<p>MINIs like floating on boats. Reminds them of their first trip into the world packed tightly together, headed for US. Thanks for sharing.</p>
<p>I want to go too!!</p>
<p>I will be meeting up with Scott from the Madison MINI Group Sunday afternoon (9/21) for a short ferry ride over the Wisconsin river and Ice Cream run near Baraboo.. The info is <a href="http://www.minicooperonline.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB_14&file=index&action=viewtopic&topic=16279&0"> here </a></p>
<p>We didn't exactly fill the ferry, but we had a fun ride! And waiting for the ferry on the Merrimac side provided another chance to entertain those interested in a close-up look at a Mini.</p>
<p>Thanks to the Rosemblum family for a fun afternoon.</p>