Well we all knew it was bound to happen. Today marks the first time that we can actually see the cosmetic changes to the '05 MINI range. These exclusive pics come straight from MINI2 and a big thanks should go out to Paul Mullet who made a big effort to bring them to us. I know he's been working on getting these for some time – thanks Paul!
Our new exclusive leaked images show in more detail some of the changes that will come in for the convertible and upcoming 2005 revised MINI range, for which we expect, and have reported on, a range of cosmetic and engineering modifications.
A snapper in the US recently captured a long range shot of the new MINI, one thing that really grabbed people was the new Cooper bumper trim, however the image was a little unclear and this probably raised more questions than it answered. Well, we hope this answers those questions:
You couldn't see the rear of the new MINI in the photos that were shown previously, and of course, the tail end bumper will include modifications to echo those on the front of the car. As mentioned previously, the “chrome line” Classic Mini style bumper inserts are gone, and a new look will be offered instead. The other change, shown below, is the rear fog light mounted low and centre.
For those of you unfamiliar with our previous reports, you may wonder why the rear fog light has been moved to the centre? The reason is the new rear light clusters that will also come in to production next year.
First off let it be said that these design changes are certainly very noticeable. One of the largest frontal changes seems to be the elimination of the chrome strips (which of course were an option) in favor of the smaller chrome strip that runs across the lower air intake. Further, and possibly in an effort to match the current level of chrome, the designers have chosen to outline the front foglights in chrome as well. I would assume this chrome will now be part of the “chrome line trim” package that is currently offered on the Cooper.
Also upfront we see the secondary lights are now more flush with the bumper and appear to be slightly larger than before. The lower black piece on the bumper now has a bit of contour to it where there was none before (actually reminding me of the upcoming 2005 M5). It, along with the shape of the lower grille, seems to lend itself to a more aggressive look.
Around back we see more design changes. First off, as Paul mentions in the MINI2 article the rear fogs move to where the reverse light had been previously. Further the light clusters are cleaned up a bit design wise and the yellow turn indicator lights have been reduced probably in an effort to follow current automotive fashion trends.
Interstingly the rear retains the small bumps on the back which will continue to be part of the chrome line trim option on the MC. The lower black portion seems to borrow some design cues from the current crop of BMW M cars (as does the lower front spoiler mentioned previously).
When you look at the changes for the first time you can't help but notice how the chrome has been used in different ways than before. In the past when chrome was used it was of course used on actual metal. But in this day in age of constant concern of the safety of pedestrians chrome and large amounts of metal (even in larger trucks) has all but disappeared. Because of that it seems as if designers have largely forgotten the real reasons for a surface like that of chrome. Surely chrome accents are easy to understand but the use of chrome on bumpers and bumper guards is lost on this car. Now of course the question is… is this a bad thing? I'm not sure I can answer that from these photos but it is interesting to note the changes in the design language of the car as it's heritage moves forward.
Overall I'd say these changes are interesting steps in a new direction. They are clean and modern. They don't extend the retro look yet they don't negate it either.
<p>I am not all that impressed…I think that the new front grill bar, cover, shiny metal thing, what ever it is, will take away from those who want to represent with their JCW front bumper badge! But at least they are making changes!!!!</p>
<p>Remember this is the 2005 Cooper – not the Cooper S. The MCS will have more subtle design changes for the 2005 model year.</p>
<p>Also does anyone notice anything different in terms of color? Remember <a href="https://www.motoringfile.com/?Y=2003&M=10&D=24&TitleID=IsIndieBlueGoingAway">Indie Blue is going away for 2005</a> – however I can't quite tell if if the front bumper pic is Indie or not.</p>
<p>The front bumper pic is not Indi Blue – actually looks like Dark Silver to me!</p>
<p>I like the new chrome – but I would wish to get it on an MCS …</p>
<p>What seems to have happened here is that the design of the Cooper is being made to be appear more “aggressive” (moving a little away from the “cute” factor to a more of a performance look). However, while I can see why this was done (plus production will be easier with this design), I think this is a step in the wrong direction for the unique look of the car. The front end chrome accents look like an afterthought, especially the bar across the air intake. The back is an improvement but why did they have to go for the cheap aftermarket look in the taillights? Good design means knowing when to stop.</p>
<p>Wow, a lot to digest there. I like the new front bumper, as I never liked those cutsey bumps that are on the bumpers now. However, outlining the foglights in chrome looks ugly. I like the rear bumper as well, much more streamlined, however I still like the old tail lights better. These look too typical, like a Honda.</p>
<p>You need to keep in mind that as with the “Life product cycle” of any production vehicle, most of the changes you see here perhaps were conceived and approved long before the new BMW MINI was introduced in Europe back in 2001.</p>
<p>I applaud MINI for making efforts on keeping the car fresh and interesting. This is an area where VW with the New Beetle and Chrysler with the PT Cruiser failed miserably. Changes for these models have taken longer than needed to be thus making these vehicles look dated. The VW New Beetle cabrio is what the 2001 model should have looked like, get my drift?.</p>
<p>I personally like much better the '05 front bumper cover. It definetely looks more sporty and muscular (More MCS). I was never fond of the chrome strips offered as an option on the current Cooper. I am not sure about the rear bumper and tailights, yet. However my question is this…since the rear fog light will be moved to the prior location of the reverse backup light, will the rear fog lights become standard equipment given the more obvious location down low in the bumper? If they will still be offered as an option, then what will you get there? a blank for the fog lights? or just a plain bumper?</p>
<p>In regards to the color of the '05 front bumper cover, I suspect we are getting a sneak peek of the rumored “Cobalt Blue” or “Shark Blue” metallic likely to replace Indy Blue Metallic, which by the way, I like a lot.</p>
<p>This color seems to me the “blue” version of the current Dark Silver metallic.
the one in the back bumper cover could be a revision of the British Racing Green as well.</p>
<p>adjust your monitors kids, that top pic is IB.</p>
<p>The front bumper pic doesn't look vibrant enough to be IB…and is BRG now a metallic color? Was is always metallic and I just never noticed (never seen one in person)? I realize design changes are necessary, so all I'll say is that I'm so happy I got a 2004.</p>
<p>Also, what about the rumored interior updates, like the chronograph-style speedo? If so, are there pics anywhere?</p>
<p>It's IB, the reflection on it is changing the lighting. I've seen my IB in many, many types of lighting….wasn't a question in my mind.</p>
<p>Yep, I 3rd that. It's an Indi Blue having fun with the camera flash. No doubt. (My Nigel's also IB.)</p>
<p>Does anyone know if these changes will be applied to the MCS verbatim or will there be different exterior changes for the MCS? When compared side to side, the pics above seem to bring the looks of the Cooper closer to that of the MCS. Any shots of the new interiors yet?</p>
<p>I'm going to go with “shark blue”.</p>
<p>Eh… It looks too agressive for a MINI Cooper (Non-s) to me. And the chome outlined fog laps just looks tacky. The rear lights still look like cheap after-market lamps. So, to me, it's makes the Cooper look cheaper and wrongly agressive… (And I vote 'shark blue', with a second guess of 'Dark Silver'..)</p>
<p>Oh, and I'd probally like the design more if it was a MINI Open only design.. something sporty and a little over the top to go with the topless MINI.. but still, it looks extra-bad on a Cooper</p>
<p>I think its ok. Nothing amazing but its certainly not ugly. It would be better if the picture showed the rest of the car and not just the lower bumper, so that you can see what it looks like with the car. The interior changes are more what I'm interested in hearing about. I think the interior is spot on now, except for some quality issues, so I'm looking forward to see how they can improve it</p>
<p>Personally, I will miss the yellow/orage turn indicator lights. There's a real European feel associated with those. Other than that, I am open to new design modifications.</p>
<p>fog light where the back-up light was… do you suppose that we can still have retro fitted the fog lights on our “old” minis using the existing tail lamps?</p>
<p>No one has mentioned the grille behind the chrome bar… it's black plastic… like the 'S'. Instead of the chrome mesh that was there before. That's a sad departure.</p>
<p>I like the front..it looks like an S front. Intersted in seeing what updates they did on The S. I dont like the new wheel, and I dont think the picture is IB.</p>
<p>Like most owners, I'm happy to see evolution in the MINI line. But, from the pics that are shown, I'm happy with the looks of my 03 MCS. I'm not too fond of the chrome around the fog lights. Otherwise the front seems ok. The back end, I don't like. I think with the fog light in the middle, some drivers will mistake it for the third brake light. I know the argument will be that with the current configuration, people think your brake is on when the rear fogs are on, but I think the middle rear fog will lead to greater confusion than the current setup.</p>
<p>Also being an IB owner, the picture of the front bumper does not appear to be IB. I've looked at my car under many different light conditions (including flash photography) and cannot seem to recall so much “grey” in the blue. So, it could be the new “shark blue” color…just my 2 cents worth.</p>
<p>FYI reports now indicate that the MCS will not noticably change much at all for the 2005 model year.</p>
<p>The color is that blue that is replacing the Indie Blue, the Blueberry or what ever the crap is. It is definatly not Indie Blue!</p>
<p>AHHH…Blackeye Purple. That's It.</p>