It's been over a year since was launched and during that time we've seen many accolades, articles and an incredible number of comments. However there was one thing that didn't have during this whole time – a proper name.
When I started the site I wanted to create a weblog that was all about MINI news, tips, how to's, and reviews (among other things) plus an area for comments and input from visitors. As a designer I also wanted a place that I could have a bit of a creative outlet. Overall I saw the site as a way to create something that was a bit more refined than the standard automotive forums site (which has been done to death all across the web). And of course it made little sense to create yet another MINI forums site specifically when there were already two solid ones out there. Simply put, my theory was if I got hits that was great, but I was going to create something that I'd want to read on a daily basis and not worry about making the site a popular destination. Before starting the site I wasn't even thinking it would ever warrant a real name or url. I figured most likely that only a handful of people would find it, bookmark and enjoy it and that would be it.
So as the site quickly grew early on it became clear to me that I had an opportunity to create a meaningful resource for the MINI community as well as build something to be proud of. Yet over the months there was just one key issue that kept rearing it's head – it was built on a url that was meant to be nothing more than a personal space for design projects and a general weblog. Granted the connection of the url (and subsequently my surname) to both the new and original Italian Job characters was a nice coincidence, it certainly wasn't enough to justify not giving the site a real name.
So after months of planning and debating, and much input from others, I've decided to change the name of the site from to MotoringFile ( As some of you know MINI is very sensitive in regards to using the name MINI or Cooper on a private website (just take a look at what North American Motoring went through last year). With that in mind I wanted something that worked in terms of the MINI culture yet didn't use the term MINI in it's title. I also wanted the name to some how relate to it's place in the MINI world. MotoringFile seemed like a natural choice – and the domain was free 🙂
As many of you know this site is a bit more than a one person job. Because of that I'd like to also take this time thank the coder of the weblog software that this site is built on and constant behind the scenes site contributer Matthew Gifford. Without Matt this site simply wouldn't exist in it's current form.
So without further delay I'd like to welcome you to the MotoringFile. Have a look around and let us know what you think!
Gabriel Bridger
PS: Oh and don't forget to check out our new MotoringFile apparel in the CafePress shop section.
<p>Very cool new name and look to the site. It looks very clean and easy on the eyes. Nice job, Gabe and Matt. How many total hits has the old site had?</p>
<p>Lots 🙂 Honestly I can't quite remember the total but we seem to be doubling number of daily hits every 4 months or so.</p>
<p>The joint looks great, guys. :)</p>
<p>Thanks. There's still a lot of cleaning up that needs to be done, but we decided that supper is more important. If you notice anything wrong, please let one of us know.</p>
<p>Great site, clean design, I come back
almost every day.</p>
<p>Is MotoringGear available here
at MotoringFile or at BMW :-)</p>
<p>Hey Gabe and Matt …thanx for the great site in general. i take a look almost 4 times a day if theres something new ;-). i love the design and the way you write articles. it´s like a MINI mag for Fans. I look forward to buy a MINI Cabrio this Summer so keep me postet about anything regarding the Cabrio ,-) Greetings from Berlin / Germany</p>
<p>Hey, Gabe, congrats on the new site. It's a great name choice, and I hope it serves you well. Keep on postin'!</p>
<p>Major change was right! Like it, though! I'll be back – can't keep away. Good job Matt & Gabe!</p>
<pre><code> BCNU,
Rob in Dago
<p>Great Job, nice already with the last name… new name but always such a nice design. I would have given a name with the word “Mini” inside so there can't be any problem. Like ”, or” What do you think?</p>
<p>Again this is why we can't have the word MINI in our name: <a href="">MINIUSA Legal Goes After MINI Cooper Online</a>.</p>
<p>Gabe- You mention you wanted to build something you could be proud of. I'm afraid to tell you that you over-shot your mark. Just remember that I discovered you guys!</p>
<p>Other than the name change I really don't see any difference. Maybe I missed something. Nice logo.</p>
<p>Have a great time in England. I heard about this place in London called the River Cafe that has amazing food………………..R</p>
<p>R – MotoringFile is an entirely new site. </p>
<p>It's not that was changed – it was eliminated and MotoringFile was launched with it's content. </p>
<p>There are tons of under the hood imporovements they weren't there on that have been made to optimize the site. You may notice this site loads about 3-4 times faster for instance. Actually that's really the biggest change – or the one that took the most work to get done.</p>
<p>Also: </p>
<p>Navigation has been altered on both the top and right side of the page. </p>
<p>The article headers have been redesigned and the info posters fill in has been altered as well.</p>
<p>Content has overall been streamlined.</p>
<p>so now you need to do a global search and replace.</p>
<p>'If you're looking for my
MINI weblog you'll find it at:'</p>
<p>considering how you brand the images
<a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
that could be a bit of work.</p>
<p>Also, the search does not work
'A database error has occurred.'</p>
<p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
is also real nice !</p>
<p>There are a few things that we have yet to do. The search should work however.</p>
<p>My comment was solely directed at the look that some others were commenting on. I am totally clueless to all the technological mumbo jumbo. Yes it does load quicker.</p>
<p>But as I said nice logo.</p>
<p>I used to come here a lot more, seems to have gotten a bit stale.
I do appreciate anybody, as I'm sure you must, putting in the amount of time you do.</p>
<p>Very cool 'new' site, Gabe. I always believed this should have been it's own entity rather than a subdirectory of your personal site. The professionalism and content here is first rate, so it's only fitting it stand alone. Keep up the good work, this is a daily check for me as I keep up to date.</p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p>Congratulations Gabe and Matt on the new site name, format and content. It's really nice! </p>
BJ in Austin Texas
2004 MCS “Mr Bridger”</p>
<p>R – Winter is always a bit slow in the automotive world – just ask your MINI sale person how many cars they sell in February compared to May :)</p>
<p>BTW you may want to check out the archive a bit – over the last 4 months we've had more stories than all the other months combined.</p>
<p>Great name and great site as always Gabe! Being a former MA, I also concur that winter is terrible for car sales.</p>
<p>Keep on going !!
It's realy good.
And keep on MINI-ing :))</p>
<p>Great name!!! What a fantastic site, I check it out every day. Keep up the great work!</p>
<p>Man, I miss a day of looking at Bridger, and what happens. Now I have to change all those links that point here. </p>
<p>I know exactly what you mean about picking a name. Lots of web people ask me why I don't use a Mini URL for the Madison Mini Group.</p>
<p>MotoringFile – I'll have to say it a few times to get used to it. But, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Still the first place to look for Motoring information.</p>
<p>love the new name- and the changes look great!</p>
<p>Gabe, Let me say I appreciate the work this must take and I also love to go to BRIDGER.US and see what Gabe's latest topics are so don't take this anyway but my silly 2 cents.</p>
<p>I have looked at everything that you have generated over the past year. It's all good and I do appreciate the time of year thing, more on your end of the continent than here in SoCal, but how many times can one dicuss the same wheels or interior? </p>
<p>What I like are the roundhouse discussions that start with MINI and go into design and philosophies. Since the MINI thing can only generate so much in new topics why not, with the new name, expand into something much greater. You have the talent, obviously. F1, WRC, NASCAR, Auto Shows, design philosophies…..I guess what I'm saying is why not create an Automotive Journal. Turn it into your biz.</p>
<p>An Admirer……….R</p>
<p>You know I'd absolutely love to but I simply don't have the time. I think what <a href="">Vortex Media</a> has done is great – they went from about what MotoringFile is today to quite an impressive collection of site. </p>
<p>But alas – no time.</p>
<p>The most difficult thing is trying balance the content between stuff for all the different kinds of owners. You've got people who have had classic Minis and now have new ones. You have people who have just had news ones but are going on two years of ownership. And you have people that are new to the MINI world and are awaiting delivery.</p>
<p>Trying to find common ground between articles isn't easy. I want to make sure this is a place that is welcoming to the newbies out there as well as to the old schoolers who have already added the 19% pulley and 18″ JCW wheels.</p>
<p>Also if anyone ever has articles they'd like to write and have posted please by all means send them in via the contribute button above. This site is partially built on visitor contributions and the more I get the more I can post!</p>
<p>BTW thanks for the comments R :)</p>
<p>Thanks, 'nuff said on my part. Have a Guiness for me……….R</p>
<p>Thanks everyone for the support – it really means a lot.</p>
<p>Also I wanted to mention that contrary to some discussion out there – the recent name change was not in reaction to any impending legal action by MINI or BMW.</p>
<p>Greetings from Malaga (Spain). Antonio :-)</p>