Not quite sure if these colors are final but if the Cabrio section on MINI.com is any judge there may be some disappointment in regards to colors offered for the new soft top.
According to the site they list the available body colors for the Cooper Cabrio as: Black, BRG, Cool Blue, Pure Silver, Liquid Yellow, Solid Gold, Hot Orange, and Chili Red. Noticeably absent are Pepper White and Indie Blue. From what we've heard Indie Blue won't be around after 2004 but Pepper White should be, which makes it's absence for the Cabrio harder to explain.
We haven't seen a final color list for the MCS Cabrio but we do know that Hyper Blue will most likely be an exclusive color. Hyper Blue is fairly close to Indie Blue.
<p>I also noticed that Electric Blue is not available…as it is a premium S only color, ;)</p>
<p>Electric Blue is actually available on Coopers in most parts of the world other than the US and UK.</p>
<p>Hey what about their purple color? Does anyone have anything reliable about Cooper S colors for next year? I thought my prayers for a purple MINI were being answered, but not even dealers seem to know anything about whether the Blackeye color is Cabrio only, or what….do any of you know anything?</p>
<p>Dealers will be the last thing to know anything – I'd recommend going here or MINI2 for info like that. </p>
<p>BTW Paul Mullet who snapped some exclusive MCS Cabrio pics this past December now thinks that it was Cool Blue he saw and not what was then referred to as “Blackeye Purple”. This of course now poses the question will there even be a Blackeye Purple MINI at all.</p>
<p>RIP Indie Blue….<em>sniff</em> Awesome banner on the home page today Gabe. Very cool.</p>
<p>thanks – I think it's my new favorite. And I also agree with the Indi sadness. As an owner of the classic IB/W combo it's hard to imagine MINI not selling it or something close to it in the future. It's almost as iconic as Chili Red.</p>
<p>I too own, like you Gabe, the IB/W. But I also have seen that color the most in NJ. So, it's my assumption they might eliminate the most popular color to differentiate the rest. Long live Indie Blue! However, I am just as excited to see these new colours, especially the orange.</p>
<p>By the way, the color is Indi Blue, not Indie Blue.</p>
<p>Blackeye purple is a real color, and will be coming to US,
Hyper blue is a few shades lighter than INDI blue, find a shark blue motorcycle and you have an idea.
NO idea why PW is'nt on convertables. ???</p>
<p>Thanks Stuart!</p>
<p>i like the Mini but mi Wv bug its perfect forme</p>
<p>Información del costo y tecnologia del mini cooper</p>