This bit of MINIUSA humor comes from our friend Ian Cull at GBMINI.net:
My friend Virginie is hoping to buy a MINI Cooper S Convertible; she recently signed up to receive more information from MINI USA and sent me this screenshot [transcript below] of “rules” to agree to:
- I agree to change my locker combination to include the numbers 1964 (the year we won out first Monte Carlo rally)
- I agree to chase the squirrels around the park every now and then and giggle like a madman while doing it.
- I agree to be more adventurous and try to avoid homogenized restaurant chains
- I agree to name my first-born Cooper
- I agree to bare the soles of my feet to the earth and feel grass, sand, stones and streams
- I agree to watch the movie “The Italian Job” as soon as I can
- I agree to at least think strongly about learning to play a musical instrument
- I agree to consider painting the roof my house in contrasting colors
<p>(holding up left hand, right hand on heart) I Agree..</p>
<p>Do we have to swear on a stack of MINI Owner's Manuals? 😉 At least they don't ask you to go motoring naked1 Oh, yeah, they already did. HeHe!</p>
<pre><code> BCNU,
Rob in dago
<p>the funny thing about that is that I got a new puppy recently, and his name is Cooper :-)</p>
<p>Mike… I got a new cat a few months ago, and that's his name also…</p>