AutoExpress has details on a possible new iteration of the MINI, a 2 seat speedster. The details seem very similar to the information in the recent Auto Bilde story from a week back (the photo above is from Auto Bilde). Here's an excerpt from this week's AutoExpress magazine:
Taking the MINI Convertible as its base, the Speedster will have two roof options. Alongside an electrically operated canvas roof, a removable hard-top will also be available. It will extend to the rear of the car, offering extra security and increased protection from the elements, effectively turning the MINI into a coupé.
The key to the Speedster's appeal lies in the removal of the rear seats. This has allowed the designers to blend a swooping roofline into a more steeply raked windscreen, while also freeing up vital space to hide the complex fold-ing soft-top. The lack of rear chairs also gives front-seat occupants more room, and there's a bigger boot, too, compared to the exciting Convertible.
You can read the entire article here.
<p>Thats great news to hear!!!</p>
<p>I always thought the MINI to be better as a two seater!!</p>
<p>it's gonna look like <em></em> with a severely raked front windshield, certainly won't be MINIlike</p>
<p>I don't care for the current 4 seater 'vert, but a two seater will have me at the dealer buying another MINI when it comes out!</p>
<p>I like it. I owned a Metro two-seater drop-top for a few years, and I always liked the hard tonneau cover idea, plus overall, the car weighed less. I'm in, as Brooksie will be paid off by then, and the Bond Bug will be finished, so I'll need a new “behicle”. ;-)</p>
<pre><code> BCNU,
Rob in Dago
<p>This is the kind of obviously nonsensical story that the automotive press likes to put out. Every detail of this story makes no sense. To engineer a car for the 1.6 liter current MC/S engine, when the switch to the Prince series engines is in all the other information sources is insane. To undercut the Mini Convetible market with another type of convertible when sales have been less than expected is also nuts. Competing with other two-seaters with a converted 4 seat chassis is insane. This is like taking a Ford Focus and making a two-seater convertible out of it. Result – a bad two seater. There is no market for front wheel drive two seat sports cars. What kind of idiots do they think we are? Photoshop images aside, can anyone figure out how many of these kludgemobiles they would have to sell to recoup the engineering expense? And how many sales would come out of the current convertible share?</p>
<p>Don't worry though, I hear BMW will be making a two seater convertible speedster version of the 318. Yeah, thats the ticket.</p>
<p>I have to agree with Joe. This article seems suspect. Especially the fact that it would still have the 1.6 liter engine in 2007/2008, when it has been confirmed by BMW that the 1.6 will not be offered during these years.</p>
<p>wow – that really looks stretched out!! there must be a little more foot room then usual! =P</p>
<p>It does “look” more stretched out, but it's actually the windshield slanted back at a more extreme angle — It's tricking the eye.</p>
<p>I have to say the Z4 roll bars are a nice photoshop touch, but the angle is off.</p>
<p>I guess it was a slow automotive news day so someone decided to dream, but it just doesn't seem to make sense.</p>
<p>I would really be disappointed if they did that to the wind shield–it would feel tiny inside, like a TT.</p>
<p>Alright so combining the predictions and new offerings–weve got a mini speedster with a turbocharged engine, AWD, a rounded hard top, no back seat, an auto tranny, softer suspension–wow it is a TT and I really hope its not the future of Mini.</p>
<p>AutoExpress is not known for their reliability but they have had some scoops from time to time. </p>
<p>I also question the timing of this supposed release. However this type of car was been being sketched out by designers since the late 90's. I have no doubt that there are some within MINI that would like to go forward on a two seat speedster.</p>
<p>Sounds to me like they're just feeding off Auto Bilde's story. What a waste of paper.</p>
<p>Oh, a quick Google search finds that Auto Express is the British edition of the German Auto Bild Group. So I guess it's no wonder the articles are nearly identical.</p>
<p>I was in my local BMW dealership this week and asked about the two seater mini. They said that the offical word was that there were no plans as it was not in line with what the mini vision for driving is. He is say that he though a 4 door variant would come along in the furutre……think AutoExpress have been a bit naughty with paint shop!!!!!</p>
<p>I’m a Brighton boy living in America and I’ve worked for Mini and BMW , First of all the Mini convertible is a run away success over here some of you should remember England is just a spec in comparison to the rest of the world in BMW sales ( thats directed at you Joe dentist) lord why drive a underpowered 318 convert when you can drive a British made convert….all I’m saying is you would just be driving a 318 for it’s BMW names sake !
I also love Joe dentist has so much insight into what BMW should be doing sales wise…I’ll be sure to tell the BMW rep’s your insight so they can correct all their blunders ! oh hang on there hasn’t been any…keep dreaming about your 318 convert while I drive my X5 4.4 sport and BMW powered Range Rover…you silly boy !!and just so you all know the BMW rep’s and dealers will never tell you what’s coming, they sell what they have.</p>
<p>Sorry folks ! thats Simon English and the word is the two seater is coming..lets stay positive !different cars for different people, if you don’t like it don’t buy it…at least it doesn’t look like that Porsche Cayman S (double bagger) I worked for Porsche and they are bloody stuck up and were over rated until the 997 came out.</p>
<p>Any Idea Of what the Cost Might Be???</p>
<p>Hoping For the Best!!!!!</p>