MotoringFile is happy to announce a new edition of Ask a Motoring Advisor. In this edition we'll be using the expertise of Aleks from Hassel MINI in Freeeport, NY. As before Aleks will not only be answering ordering and spec related questions, but he'll also have Hassel's full service department at his disposal to answer a limited number of technical questions as well!
For those that are newer to MotoringFile here's how it works. Post the questions in the comments section below that you'd like to see answered. We'll be cutting off questions late this week and then by early next week we'll post answers to those questions chosen. Not all questions are guaranteed to be chosen as I'm sure there will be some redundancies.
This session of Ask an MA is now closed. We should see answers for the selected questions by early next week.
<p>Are the dealers going to do anything for us buyers who will be getting their MINIs with no rear fog, but would like one. A retrokit paid for by the dealer or MINIUSA would be nice. If the buyer acutally has to pay for it, I think the factory cost of $100 sounds reasonable since this is a rather dumb issue. Any idea on how this rear fog light issue will work out?</p>
<p>I understand that mini motoring accessoeries vary by different states with different dealers. However, last time i got into contact with a NY mini dealer and the price i got on a Driving Lamp is $795. Almost double the esitimated price on Is it alwasy like this, or did i got mocked. They told me the extra 395 is installation Fee. Well imagine you bought a Aero Kit, that will even cost a lot more. And is it me or every time i checked dealers price, its always much more higher than the official website and catalog said. Any idea on how these issue work? THXXS</p>
<p>I've had my MCS '05 now for 2 months. There is a lot of rattle and creaking noise coming from the dash. Is this something that could be fixed? Would you recommend fixing this or is this just a benign characteristic of the car? I think I could live with it if it's not going to be a bigger problem later on. My HK system can mask the noise quite well. Thanks</p>
<p>Although the question has popped up on here before, I have never been satisfied with the answers I have recieved. We all know that vehicle warranties come with lengthy contracts and stipulations, but what does this all mean? The question that i am asking is this:</p>
<p>If one were to modify their mini with non JCW aftermarket parts (for instance a new pulley, intake system, exhaust system, etc), what parts of the warranty if any would become void. I'm sure your service department has come across a few MINI's needing warranty work that are modified with aftermarket parts. What stays covered and what becomes void? Thanks for your time.</p>
<p>I was under the impression that your warranty was void only if the modified part caused the other part(s) to fail.
Example: Your 19% pulley over spins the water pump, your car over heats, and your engine seizes… This repair, if they could prove that your pulley caused the engine failure, would not be covered under warranty.</p>
<p>Has anyone ever complained about the angle and placement of the driver's foot rest? It is out of sinc with the gas pedal and angled too far forward; if I pull the seat far enough forward so my foot rests on the foot rest comfortably, I'm at once on top of the steering wheel…knees too. Sounds like a dumb complaint, but my foot is always angled so far forward that it aches after a day in the car. I drive 55-65k per year. This is my only complaint, albeit a rather standout. Thanks.</p>
<p>I have a general question.</p>
<p>Do dealers have a way to talk to each other regarding service, sales, etc? It seems to be a common occurance to see people online say that they had xx done, yet you call your dealer and they have never heard about the issue, the fix, the programmable option, whatever. It is very frustrating and often causes repeated trips to the dealer and for someone like me who is a minimum of 90 minutes away, that is not fun.</p>
<p>Also, is it SOP to automatically dismiss anything the customer says they learned about from the internet? The last place I had my car serviced, Crown MINI in Richmond, VA did not even try to troubleshoot or investigate some issues, including the wet set belt caused by a leaking “Rain Gutter” and the ability to program the locks in the car to unlock automatically, simply because I had heard about it on the web?</p>
<p>The Harman/Kardon sound system “retrofit” kit used to be available to MINI owners who wanted it installed “after the fact.” Now, it is no longer available. Any particular reason for this? </p>
<p>I have seen the part# and pricing for this kit ($1200 MSRP, $700 +/- dealer cost) in the parts computer system. I realize that there are better aftermarket systems available – but if we could get the H/K parts for ~$700 it would be nice.</p>
<p>I have an '05 MCS on order and my MA and I are struggling on a series of JCW questions. Primarily, it's a given that the JCW kit is covered under warranty, but are all other JCW accessories (brakes, etc.) coordinated with the factory warranty (i.e. don't void it)?</p>
<p>Can the auxillary gauges be installed in '05 mcs? If so, is the removal and installation process the same as the model year '04?</p>
<p>Can the auxillary gauges be installed in '05 mcs? If so, is the removal and installation process the same as the model year '04?</p>
<p>Does anyone know what the holdup is with Sirius satellite radio. I had it in my 2003 and really liked it. I want the OEM and was under the impression that the antenna on the 05 would accomodate Sirius. Now I'm being told it is an antenna issue. It sure would be nice to get a straight answer. Of course, if MINI hasn't told the dealers, they can't give out a straight answer.</p>
<p>Is it possible for an owner to check the battery “water” level? Thanks</p>
<p>My MCS, 04 has never run smoothly during normal acceleration through1st and 2nd gear unless I really increase the RPM. With the AC engaged it is even worth. It stumples.
I had the car inspected and the dealer updated the ECU fro 38 to 48 and was told that nothing else could be done.
I have never had a car that did not run smoothly through the gears, Is this problem a problem that can be fixed?</p>
<p>I would also like to know about the aux. gauges on the '05. I'm planning on getting the NAV system, and would like the extra guages as well.
Also I understand the limited slip is avaliable for 1/05 builds, so how soon could we order it and get the limited slip, thats the thing I'm waiting on before ordering.</p>
<p>Do you know of anyone who has Dyno tested the JCW package?</p>
<p>The reason I ask is that there have been tests done in my neighborhood and the results are not very good. On average the JCW kit has only exceeded the stock MCS by about 20hp. I know dyno tests are not always accurate but there has been MULTIPLE tests completed.</p>
<p>When starting the automatic locks, lock the cars door, everytime this happens there is a pop in my rear speakers (or at least that is where I believe the noise is coming from). I was told when I had the car in to be serviced the following:</p>
<p>“Customer reports that the speakers pop when using door locks, locks are high amperage consumer and will cause static thru sound system – normal.”</p>
<p>NOT NORMAL, my wife drives a Ford Focus with the exact same automatic door locks, and there is no “static thru sound system.” The problem arrises from running high VOLTAGE (not amperage) along with low voltage wires, which in turn causes signal drop, or signal spike. That is why when a house is wired the phone, and TV cables are run seperate from the outlets or lights with at least one foot seperation. My question becomes, are MINI engineers unaware of basic electric characteristics? Has this problem been seen before, or is MINIUSA aware of the problem? The popping of the speakers are not good for them and therefore would the warranty of the speakers be increased? Can this problem be solved?</p>
<p>Why the large difference in price for the new LSD between Euro spec cars (aprox $183) and American ($500)?</p>
<p>I'm with “G.W.” above. I'm enjoying my new 05, but have felt a sinking feeling more than once with strange squeaks and noises: the windshield (!), center dash, HK passenger door bass vibration, and I had to wrap DUCT TAPE around the boot's black, D-Ring to keep the hatch quiet. Question: should owners “live with it” or have these issues addressed with their dealers? Are we experiencing anomalies, or typical build characteristics? Thank you.</p>
<p>I'm a west coast resident wondering why we have to live through 10-12 month waits for an S. The Seattle dealer is not even taking orders for S's because of this! Will this be improved in the future, or should I buy from Chicago?</p>
<p>Is Mini/BMW going to address the issue of Mini owners who reside a significant distance from a Mini dealer getting serviced/parts through the local BMW dealer? Our local BMW dealer has not opted to spring the cash for a Mini dealership so the Mini owners are faced with a 2.5hr drive to get service.</p>
<p>What is the purpose of the holes at the top of the Boot frame? I seem to have a greasy film coming out of the driver’s side. I would think they are rain gutters from the sunroof but I'm not sure.</p>
<p>I have a 2004 MCS with 27K miles. I have noticed that as I turn my wheel from pulling out of parking or any slow turns (example: u turn) that I feel a 'clicking' in the steering column. I remember a Mini owner mentioning something similar on NAM. Is the clicking a common occurence or is this a sympton of an impending problem??? I appreciate your response.</p>
<p>Happy and proud Mini driver,</p>
<p>Daniel B. Lopez</p>
<p>My MINI has a couple annoying quirks – that are either partly or totally due not to the software, but due to the hardware. Is MINI going to address the redesign of any of the offending parts for the most common probmems, i.e. traffic light stumble, yo yo, etc??</p>
<p>Do you have any idea if the rumors of MINI switching to a turbo are true, and if so, when will this happen?
2006 model year?
2007 model year?</p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>daniel: FYI – we covered the wheel click a <a href="">few weeks back</a>.</p>
<p>We have an '04 MC CVT and an '05 MCS. My wife's CVT has the radio with CD player and my MCS has the radio with cassette player. She wants to listen to books on tape so I want to switch the radio head units from one car to the other. If I do this how do I program the security codes so the radios will work?</p>
<p>I have an '04 JCW MCS. I have added a K&N CAI. I want to update the JCW with the '05 improvements but do not want or need the '05 JCW airbox. Can/how do I do this???</p>
<p>I ordered the “lighted door sills” for my 03 MCS. After waiting some time, the dealer informed me that they are not available for U.S. cars. Is this true and if so, why are they pictured in the U.S. MINI accessories brochure?</p>
<p>I have heard little and seen less of the, long ago, promised MINI/iPod adaptor. Two questions: 1) Is it coming any time soon, or should I wait and just order it when I order my 2009 model MINI? 2) Can you locate the Bozo responsible for the delay, and tell him that I will meet him behind the gym after school?</p>
<p>I echo sb's question regarding availability of the MINI/iPod adaptor (although slightly less caustic)</p>
<p>There seems to be a lot of discussions on web boards like this about what will and what will not void a warranty. Perhaps some explanation of the warranty repair process would help people understand how everything works. When warranty repairs are performed on a vehicle, how does the interaction between the dealer and Mini USA work? Does the dealer request reinbursement from Mini USA and Mini USA has the right to review the request and/or deny the request? I am assuming the reason why dealers do not want to perform warranty repair when the user may have made a modification that caused the problem is that Mini USA may refuse to reimburse. Any background on how that process works would be invaluable to reducing the misinformation that people circulate on these boards. </p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>Motoringfile:””and the rear fog light will now be offered as a factory option in all states except for OR. 5AA-Rear Fog Light will be available immediately for only $100″”
Whith a new MINI purchase will the the full set of toggle switches be installed from factory.</p>
<p>Motoringfile:””and the rear fog light will now be offered as a factory option in all states except for OR. 5AA-Rear Fog Light will be available immediately for only $100″”
With a new MINI purchase will the the full set of toggle switches be installed from factory.</p>
<p>Any chance a clock could be made available for my MCSC with chrono that is visible to passengers and with numbers larger then 1/4″ high? Had to ask!</p>
<p>I am having the John Cooper Works package fitted to my car early december (in australia) and have been enquiring as to what happens to the supercharger and cylinder head once its removed from my car. So far i understand some people in the US have been able to keep theirs, the latest word i have from my dealer is that they are charged a core charge of $1500 au plus 10% gst ea if the parts are not returned to the eastern states head office. What happens to the removed heads and superchargers, and is there access to one cheaper than i am currently being told? i want to keep my supercharger to fit to my austin healey sprite, but it seems a very costly option at this stage.. any advice?</p>
<p>I read from the forum that a lot of people change the oil way earlier than the recommended mileage.
I am just following what the car is telling me, because I trust the BMW engineers. Is changing the oil before the car asks me to absolutely unnecessary?</p>
<p>Is there is ANY way to decode the software faux “shifting” of the gearbox when the throttle is floored?</p>
<p>There are so many codes and button sequences for other changes and tuning in the cars. This one behavior is completely artificial and detracts from the CVT experience, as well as actually slowing down acceleration unnecessarily.</p>
<p>Here's one for the motoring advisor that I haven't seen posted before. I have a 2005 Cooper S with an HK sound system. Upon a cold start — after sitting overnight, for example, AND when the temperature is 50 degrees or less — the cd/radio cuts in and out until the car warms up, and then operates fine. The colder it is, the longer it takes to cycle in and out and the longer it takes to operate normally. The display reads normally the whole time. It's just the sound that cuts in and out. Also, it doesn't matter if it's the cd or the radio function. Finally, the cd skips quite frequently over the smallest bumps in the road. Thus far, the dealer has replaced the cd/radio head, but not the amp. That's probably next. Any other ideas before they tear into the electrical system? Otherwise, I'm thrilled with Buster. Thanks!</p>
<p>Would you please tell us the manufacturer of the LSD and any and all tech information you have regarding its functioning, reliability history, durability, service required, etc..</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>I feel like I had a less than satisfactory experience when purchasing my '05 MCS compared to my sister whose did not have one bad thing to say. She bought hers from a different dealer.</p>
<p>What should I expect from a MINI dealer when buying a new car? What freebies are given out, is there an orientation, etc.? Thanks!</p>
<p>I have an '05 MCS with the HK system. Love the sound but seems like the volume is not what it should be. I can turn it all the way up and it seems loud but not loud like I have been able to get other systems. There is no distortion at max volume and I can converse with a passenger without any problems. Am I too picky?
Also, is there an antenna that fit sinside the stock antenna cover for XM radios? I hate having the small magnetic one on the roof.
Thanks for all the input!!</p>
<p>I reiterate an earlier posted question in the hopes that it won't be “forgotten”…</p>
<p>Why do we, in the USA have to pay $500 for the Limited slip differential, when those in the UK pay less than $200 (equivalent) for the same piece. Even with shipping and labor costs involved, it doesn't cost $300+ extra to get the LSD to this side of the pond. Please advise!</p>
<p>FYI, MINI offers a Sirius Radio Option through its dealers. THere is also and XM option called the XM Direct that allows the XM system to work just like the official Sirius does, including control with the steering wheel and display on the head unit. Classic MINI sells this as well as several other dealers. I believe both options have been mentioned in teh past on Motoringfile and certainly at Serach for “XM Direct”</p>
<p>What prevents the line of BMW/ Mini Car seats from beeing available in the US. Is it teh individual state laws differing or some lackm of testing or defeciency? </p>
<p>It would be nice to be able to purchase a car seta that had isofix and was at a minimum sized for the Mini.</p>
<p>Dear Motoring Advisor:</p>
<p>Will MINIUSA have anthracite in the web spoke alloy wheel?</p>
<p>Will the automatic option for the Cooper S actually be available to people whose cars are going to be part of the January allotment?</p>
<p>Why is it that Mini dealers can get away with charging labor rates, and accessory prices, that are all over the board? I have heard rates from a low of $80/hr to a high of about $155/hr, for labor. Why don't they follow some kind of uniform pricing scale? Just curious. And Gabe, keep up the awesome work you always do!!! Thanks.</p>
<p>When I took my 05 MC back to the dealer after 4 weeks’ ownership to check a couple of minor things, they ‘washed’ it and did a pretty lousy job finishing it – smeared windows, tyre cleaner overspray on the plastic trim and, worst of all, the windows now make a terrible squeak when they go up and down. Cleaning the windows with glass cleaner and the rubbers with 303 temporarily fixes the problem, but the squeak comes back. Any advice on how to fix this, or is it back to the dealer? I’ve read on NAM that lowering the windows halfway then pushing down on them helps. Any ideas?</p>
<p>Is it true that JCW will be offering Pulley and Cold air intake and program for those who do not want the whole kit.
It would be MINI $ gain and aftermatket loss.</p>