As reported earlier on MotoringFile, MINIUSA will be offering an optional upgrade (2RE) for the popular Sport Package. The upgrade consists of the new 17″ Web-Spoke wheels – regularly $1100 with runflat tires. The option is $500 when combined with the sport package. The wheels, while lighter than the S-lites are still a relatively healthy 22.3 lbs. But hey, they look great. And to prove it we now finally have a pic with the wheels on an actual car.
<p>quack quack ;)</p>
<p>Yep, option 2RE on ZSP… after reading it here, I specified it with my dealer in mid-December. First he had heard of it (it's funny, finding things out before the dealer does – I've turned him onto MF as a result!).</p>
<p>The only thing – the ordering system (run by an independent company?) incorrectly lists the 2RE option as an additional $1100 option, on TOP of changing the ZSP price from $1350 to $1850! That means it looks like a $1600 option ($500 extra plus separate $1100). Basically they just need to remove the $1100 2RE price and leave the $1850 changed ZSP price.</p>
<p>My dealer has confirmed that the pricing is in error, and will not reflect my final cost. It better not! :)</p>
<p>Sounds exactly like what happened to me. My MA quoted me the $1100 price increase to me at first, until I referenced several motoringfile articles. Then he dug up a memo from Mini that said the same. Funny enough, the configurator didn't (probably still doesn't) correctly let you configure the option, but it IS listed in correctly in the full feature price list that you can download from the top of the page.</p>
<p>In any case, my web-spokes will be on my car when it gets to me in January. I think they look great, and a whole lot better than the s-lites (my own humble opinion of course). Some say they will be difficult to clean though.</p>
<p>Not for me, especially at more than 22lbs. To my eye, nothing works with the Mini design as well as the S-lite. Everything else, this one included, looks a bit like some other inhabitant of the contemporary wheel landscape. </p>
<p>(The 15″ 7-holes for the Cooper are great as well.)</p>
<p>I agree with nrkist. The s-lites are to the Cooper S
what the Fuchs 5 spokes are to the Porsche 911. Those are the wheels that help define the look of the car.</p>
<p>Traditional S-Lites for me! Although the “V-Spoke” “Web Wheel Design” or “Open Mesh” are nice wheels, they can be put on any vehicle and almost every wheel manufacture makes a variation of them. Then just don't look right on a MINI!!!</p>
<p>Hi All,</p>
<p>Finally found a “real-life” shot of the new 17″ Web-Spoke wheels installed on a MINI…</p>
<p>Mark Scheuern took a couple of really nice shots of some MINI's at the 2005 North American International Auto Show which happened to of had the new Web-Spoke wheels on them (one hardtop and one convertible):</p>
<p>They look really nice to me! :D</p>
<p>Thanks for the great pictures Mark!</p>