Promini has an informative article on the wonderful world of cabin air filters. It may not be as exciting of a topic as that latest JCW spoiler but it’s probably more important. Here’s an excerpt:
MINIs are equipped with a small A/C cabin filter element. The filters are designed to trap all dust and/or solid particles. This is a major improvement over the window screen style filtration of the 70’s and 80’s. Unfortunately most car owners are not aware that this item even exists and requires annual replacement, and more often in dusty areas that have high vehicle population. The only indication that you would experience is that the A/C does not seem to have the force that it did when the vehicle was new. Similar to a dirty engine filter, restriction reduces airflow and volume.
[ Have you changed your cabin air filter? ]
You can also check out installation instructions here.
<p>had no idea.</p>
<p>how much does one cost, or should i be yelling at my dealer?</p>
<p>The air filter is replaced as part of the free maintenance during the 3 year / 36K mile period.
Or at least – it is replaced by <a rel="nofollow" href="">MINI Peabody</a></p>
<p>Ian is correct – it should have been replaces once within your free maintenance. If you follow all other standard service it will be replaced at each inspection as well. However if you plan on doing some of the work yourself or plan on taking it somewhere other than a MINI dealer this is one of those items you need to keep an eye on.</p>
<p>I changed the one in my wifes car (non Mini). I could not believe the junk this filter collects.</p>
Mini floating along on the Atlantic</p>
<p>Funny, I’ve been wondering about this filter recently. Okay, now I’ve got the poop!</p>
<p>What’s the difference between the OEM air filter and the two other air filters promini sells? They don’t seem to actually describe any benefit over stock, despite being three times the price. And is the air filter in the electronic A/C system different than the standard A/C?</p>
<p>The Electrostatic Cabin Air Filter is what the OEM filter is, the Carbon version is very similar but with the added bonus that it does a better job dealing with odors, which is very handy for a smoker, owners with small children in their car, or after recent visits to the local all you can eat buffet. :)</p>
<p>The Electrostatic version is $18.95 and the Carbon version is $28.95. Both are available via the website under Replacement Parts. Yes it is true that under the normal services for your MINI that it is replaced, but that is only up to 36k miles. After that you will have to pay your dealer to do this. This is SUCH a simple job on the MINI that it is a waste to pay for 1hr(most places min charge) of shop service time for something that you can do yourself in the matter of 2 minutes. In fact if you have ever taken your car(any car) to a shop to have your AC system looked at because it is not performing as strong as it used to, this will be the first item they will look at and more often then not it is the culprit.</p>
<p>The same cabin filter is used in all MINIs – doesn’t matter if it is a cooper or an S or if you have the Automatic Air or the Standard Air.</p>
<p>Not sure where the 3 times more came from – I just called up another dealer to verify their prices and we are cheaper.</p>
<p>Yeah I thought so too. Another reason I thought the piece would be helpful for some.</p>
<p>Casey, I’ll just opt for the electrostatic and box of Beano….seriously it looks to be a simple maintenance operation.</p>
<p>Chris – hey there is a good idea – include a little bottle of beano with each electrostatic filter :)</p>
<p>Casey – Your site lists the OEM Air Filter for $9 and the Carbon Air Filter for $28. 9×3 = 27, hence three times the price of the OEM filter. Thanks for the info, though.</p>
<p>There are a couple of misstatements above. There are two different OEM filters. The non-carbon filter comes with the std A/C, the filter w/ carbon comes with the auto A/C but you can replace one with the other (if you want to downgrade or upgrade).<br />
The filter is included in ALL scheduled maintenance, each oil service, inspection I and inspection II (which of course is paid for until 36,000 miles or three years.)
That said, if you don’t get serviced that often, that filter really does get dirty.<br />
I have bought the carbon OEM filter from Classic Mini in Ohio for $25.60 each (on 8/30/04, its possible the price has risen). The OEM part number for the filter w/ carbon is
64-31-1-496-711. As prices vary at different retailers it is important to call around.</p>
<p>If you haven’t figured it out yet…you were comparing the $9.00 engine intake air filter to the cabin filter prices which Casey has correctly listed. </p>
<p>MINITOO – thanks i didn’t realize that was what he was refering to. Yes there is a big difference between your “engine” air filter and your “cabin” air filter.</p>
I have never received the “free” maintenance on my Mini. I took it in at 3,000 miles to get the oil changed. I know the first change isn’t till 10,000 miles, but I don’t agree with that, so I opted to go in at 3,000 miles and pay for it myself.($40). Apparently, the mechanic reset the maintenance mileage settings, and since I didn’t notice it, I went for 6,000 miles before I wondered why the settings weren’t near zero.(time for the 10,000 oil change.) I had it changed at my local mechanic’s place to avoid the 40 mile trip to the dealer.(at my cost). I had it changed a second time by my mechanic at around 20,000 miles and the sevice indicator still indicated 6,000 miles to go. (the dealer won’t change it unless the service indicator shows less than 400 miles on it.)
I finally took it to the dealer today for an airbag light problem, and told him to change the oil.(the car has 26,000 miles on it, but is out of warranty.) They changed the oil, and from now on, I’m going to do it myself. They charged me $212 to change the oil. They also changed the filter element that you are talking about. I checked the part number and it’s the a/c filter element….oh, they charged $52.25 for that.(part of the $212) I’d like to know what that has to do with the oil change. I’ll never go there again.