Edmund’s Inside the Line website recently posted the obligatory Clubman MINI article. Nothing in the way of new info but it is a nice recap for those that might have missed the news previously on MotoringFile. Here’s an excerpt:
Several possible body varieties are under consideration for the expansion of the Mini range. However, BMW is unlikely to implement either the Mini Clubman wagon or the Mini pickup until it revises the Mini range in 2007, despite its exercises in computer-aided design imaging.
The Clubman may have a longer wheelbase and styling details designed to echo the “woody” look of the original 1960s Mini Countryman. The original Clubman was a standard “classic” Mini with a longer hood and redesigned grille. It was launched in 1969 but was phased out in 1980. The original Mini pickup was made from the early 1960s to the late 1970s.
[ BMW’s Ideas for New Mini Versions ] Inside the Line
<p>I can tell you for a fact (inside info) that the clubman seen in recent magazines in not real, it’s a mockup. The real thing is still under wraps but I can tell you it will have only one, yes one, suicide rear door.</p>
<p>Any idea which side suicide rear door will be on? Will it differ from right-hand drive to left-hand drive versions? Any idea why the hell they’d only have one extra door?</p>
<p>That’s correct. As stated earlier on MotoringFile there will be one extra door on the passenger side.</p>