Normally we don’t post news about events that aren’t truly national in their scope… however this one is just too cool to pass up. And it has the potential to be one of the bigger US MINI events this year. (The news comes from Adam at the MINIsota Motoring Society)

Just wanted to let you know that the online ticket presale for the June 18th event at Paramount Kings Island (just outside of Cincinnati) is now live!


You can register on the website [ ] under Tickets, scroll to the bottom. In the Company ID box, type BMWMINI. The price is $45.

If you’re already a season pass holder, the price is $20.

Thanks Adam. As part of the Paramount opening press event last Thursday I had a chance to ride the coaster. I can’t imagine anyone being dissapointed. It’s not the fastest, the biggest, or the scariest… it’s just one of the most fun.

I know both the Chicago MINI Club and the MINIsota Motoring Society will have members driving down and staying over night for the opening. If you’re interested in joining either group I’d recommend contacting each club. If you’re a member of another club that is planning on going… feel free to post your plans in the comment section of this post.