Normally we don’t post news about events that aren’t truly national in their scope… however this one is just too cool to pass up. And it has the potential to be one of the bigger US MINI events this year. (The news comes from Adam at the MINIsota Motoring Society)
Just wanted to let you know that the online ticket presale for the June 18th event at Paramount Kings Island (just outside of Cincinnati) is now live!
You can register on the website [ ] under Tickets, scroll to the bottom. In the Company ID box, type BMWMINI. The price is $45.
If you’re already a season pass holder, the price is $20.
Thanks Adam. As part of the Paramount opening press event last Thursday I had a chance to ride the coaster. I can’t imagine anyone being dissapointed. It’s not the fastest, the biggest, or the scariest… it’s just one of the most fun.
I know both the Chicago MINI Club and the MINIsota Motoring Society will have members driving down and staying over night for the opening. If you’re interested in joining either group I’d recommend contacting each club. If you’re a member of another club that is planning on going… feel free to post your plans in the comment section of this post.
<p>Thanks a lot Gabe!
It sounds like MINIsota Motoring Society will be leaving Thursday afternoon and driving to Madison, staying the night and then finishing the trip the next day. Someone in the group has a handle on some really cool twisties in Iowa, near Dubuque I think? We’ll be staying at the Kirkwood Inn.
Can’t wait!</p>
<p>“It’s not the fastest, the biggest, or the scariest… it’s just one of the most fun.”</p>
<p>sounds like an ad for the actual MINI…it’s not the fastest car, nor the biggest (or smallest)…it’s not the best-handling or the most agile…but it’s the most fun</p>
<p>Well, dollar for dollar it IS the best handling, and regardless of price it is definitely the most fun!</p>
<p>Looks like they got the rear seat leg room right.</p>
<p>Some of us from AtlantaMINIS are motoring up Friday morning and joining in a caravan that includes MINIS from North Carolina and Tennessee. This is one event I will not miss. There was at one point, we didn’t know if it was really going to be an official PKI event, but that didn’t matter. It was inviting just to have an excuse to motor with fellow MINI enthusiasts. We’ll be staying at the Kirkwood Inn.</p>
<p>Some of us from the MichiganMINi club are going to the CinciMINIs Meet and Greet Friday evening, the event the next day, and we are also staying at Kirkwood Inn. Thanks to all the clubs and the hard work and determination that made this event happen!!! (especially CinciMINI, MINIsota Motoring Society, NAM, PKI, and MMMC). If you have club shirts, wear them to the event to represent!!!</p>
<p>This sounds like it’s going to be an amazing event! My MINI isn’t expected to arrive at the VPC in South Carolina until June 9th though! 🙁 Does anyone think I have a chance of picking up Domino in time for this event? I’m here in Columbus, Ohio so it would be an easy trip for me. Also, even if I hadn’t received my MINI by June 18th, would I still be able to participate with the MINI crowd? (as in buying the tickets through the BMWMINI corporate ID?) Thanks guys. ~Mitch</p>
<p>More pictures please!</p>
<p>Hey Adam,</p>
<p>I’m in Madison (will actually be in Iowa that weekend), but I can give you a great twisty road near Madison if you want. Email if you wanna know more. Wish I could go with.</p>
<p>Gabe, we may make the drive up to Toronto, Canada instead for the ride opening at Canada’s Wonderland. Do you know if the Toronto’s Italian Job ride is already open or if it hasn’t when will it be?</p>
<p>Toronto is another good option for some of us east coaster that may not wish to go to Cincinnati….</p>
<p>I believe it is open as well.</p>
<p>Gabe something odd going on with seats and wheels.</p>
<p>Is this ride similar in principle and ride mechanics to “Test Track” in Epcot (Disney World) in Orlando, FL?</p>
<p>Test Track is a kick ass ride and the vehicle reaches speeds up to 70MPH. It is still one of the fastest rides in WDW.</p>
<p>It appears the Italian Job coaster is similar to Test Track but slower and with drops that Test Track doesn’t really have.</p>
<p>Just signed up for the Event. I think seeing a parking lot full of MINIs will be so much fun!</p>
<p>MINI Motoring Club of the Carolinas (M2C2) will be there! As reported earlier, we will be joining up with folks from Atlanta and Tennesse in Knoxville. We will be ariving in Mason, OH around 5 and then heading out to the Skyline for the meet-n-greet being put on by the Cincinnati club. The weekend promises to be a blast!</p>
<p>Go to <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a> if you’re looking for info on the Canadian version of this event…</p>
<p>I will be there, proudly emblazoned with a MotoringFile t-shirt!</p>
<p>Help! The Kirkwood is filled up! Where are the rest of us MINI’s recommended to stay?</p>
<p>We attended the event yesterday, the car count was 150+ Minis in the lot 20 or so in the grass at the front gate, and 4 in the park. It was a fantastic day, nice temp and low humidity. CinciMini club did a great job setting this day up, many thanks to them from all of us.</p>