I think I speak for most MINI owners by saying we all had a great weekend in every respect except for one thing. There was no F1 race.

(photo above taken after police were called in “just in case” during the 2005 USGP)

MINIICCI and STLMINI did a fantastic job with their cookout. It was great to see so many cars and meet so many enthusiastic owners. The Car Corral and the support races on both days were also great (pics below). However it all came to a spectacular end as the grid begin to line up for the race. I won’t rehash the story here, but needless to say it was one of the most dramatic moments in sport I’ve ever witnessed. And one of the most dissapointing. Let’s hope we all get a chance to do this again next year.

Photo One / Photo Two / Photo Three / Photo Four / Photo Five