From a MINIUSA Bulletin:
“Aftersales is pleased to announce the release of the retofit kit for the Center Armrest.”
“The optional armrest for the MINI Cooper and MINI Cooper S is now available for the older MINI vehicles as a retrofit kit. The armrest comes in a silver or anthracite finish to match the interior of the car. An integrated box offers additional storage space for small items. The rear cup holder for the back seat passengers can still be used and the armrest can be flipped back, if not needed.”
“The kit includes the armrest, a special adapter plate for MINI Cooper and MINI Cooper S produced prior to 07/04 and all the hardware required for
installation. A new emergency brake cover is required and needs to be ordered as a seperate item.Parts Information:
Center Armrest, Silver: 51 16 0 398 630 $250.00
Center Armrest, Anthracite: 51 16 0 398 467 $250.00Additional Parts required for retrofit:
E-Brake Console
Convertible 51 16 6 958 577 $$53.25
Hardtop 51 16 6 958 575 $45.26These parts are now available.
<p>i want this. i have an 05(july build)cooper s. so do i need the adapter plate or the e-brake kit? if you know, of course. also, do you know if there is or going to be a retrokit for auto headlight sensors?</p>
<p>The adapter plate appears to come with the kit, but apparently you only need to use it if your MINI was produced PRIOR to 07/04.</p>
<p>You will however need to order/purchase one of the new E-Brake Consoles though (as they are required in order to mount/use the new center armrest).</p>
<p>As for the auto head lamps being available as a retrofit… I have no idea I’m afraid.</p>
<p>This is great news for most. Unfortunately $300 is not.</p>
<p>Personally, I still prefer the first “official” MINI center armrest as it’s much more sturdy, has a larger storage compartment, extends down a bit farther towards the gear shift, doesn’t have the plastic trim around it and so it won’t scratch up as easily, etc.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, they were never “officially” released in the U.S. (or not many of them any way) and so they’re hard to get a hold of. However, you can still find them on eBay for a price of around $250 or so. There’s a German MINI dealer that lists them on eBay quite often. I’ve ordered one from him for my own MINI.</p>
<p>Here’s a picture of the first “official” MINI center armrest:</p>
<p><a rel="nofollow" href="">Old Style MINI Center Armrest</a></p>
<p>I’ve seen both the “first official armrest” and the final version (seen in the article above) and, while Mike may disagree with me, I have to say the new version is a much higher quality piece of kit. The first time I saw the “first official armrest” in person I was actually taken aback at the design and construction – especially considering it was supposedly an official product.</p>
<p>Granted I only spent 5 minutes with it…</p>
<p>One of your part numbers is wrong (i think the “53.25” needs to be deleted) </p>
<p>Additional Parts required for retrofit:
E-Brake Console
Convertible 51 16 6 958 577 $41.75
Hardtop 51 16 6 958 575 53.25 $45.26</p>
<p>Oops! $53.25 is the correct list price for the hardtop e-brake cover. The $45.26 should be deleted.</p>
<p>Sorry about that.</p>
<p>Nice catch slh</p>
<p>Ahh, just think, for a mere grand (a drop in the bucket!), I can get an armrest, convertible windblocker, AND a JCW strut brace. Now THAT’S bang for your buck!</p>
<p>Except that the JCW strut brace still isn’t available in the USA yet.</p>
<p>I’ve just got mine at mini Long beach today… $200.00 I got it i will intall by tommorow..</p>
<p>Is the armrest pad leather- or vinyl-coated? If the latter, how well does it “go” with the leather seats?</p>
<p>It’s high quality vinyl aka leatherette. It goes very well with leather actually. You wouldn’t know unless you really looked at it closely.</p>
<p>The armrest in my 05 MCS, March build, is the new one, I agree with Mike. I orderd it with the build and I am very disappointed in it’s sturdiness and length. </p>
<p>Just a guess…maybe the first offical one was redesigned because it’s length interfered with the hand brake, rasing some sort of safety issue ???</p>
<p>If I had it to do over, I’d aftmkt my arm rest. I guess I still could, there are some better ones out there. But right now, I’ve other mods like speaker upgrade and auto-up window taking priorty. </p>
<p>Seeing the price for this makes me feel better about springing for the Euro style armrest. It was $270 with no extra pieces needed – with a 5 minute install to boot. It’s sturdy, leather (I think) and it looks more at home in the car. The main drawbacks: it doesn’t swing up out of the way, and has no storage – but that’s what the parcel shelf is for…</p>
<p>Gabe and all</p>
<p>I just love that you find and post this stuff for us, so I can find out about things before my service advisor does! I send him your links all the time when I come up with a retrofit I want to do that I have seen here. I’ll be sending him this one today. I didn’t think I wanted an arm rest until I saw this one installed in an 05. But now I think that I do…will have to wait and see if I come into a little spare cash.</p>
<p>My car was built in February, as they announced that the armrest would be n/c in the package. It did not make my build though. </p>
<p>I made a deal with the dealer and he threw it in. It was installed this week (finally). I like it, The Anthracite matches the interior perfectly. It is strong and long enough for me, plus the added storage. </p>
<p>Plus you keep the reat cup holder. </p>
<p>I would buy it even, if it was not free. I am sure with labor it is going to be around $400 though. Too expensive, but then again so is every dealer add on other then the Union Jack Valve Caps. </p>
<p>I just received the kits to install the armrest. I have figured out how to install the new pieces, but I am unsure how to remove the existing console in my 04 MCS, without damaging the existing e-brake cover, etc. Does anyone have any information about removal of the existing unit?
As a note, I am also installing the iPod ICE-link in the armrest compartment to house my iPod mini. Looks like it will be a perfect fit.</p>
<p>BTW, if anyone’s interested, here’s a link to a Motoringfile review of the old-style (i.e. the first) “official” MINI armrest:</p>
<p><a rel="nofollow" href="">Official MINI Armrest Reviewed</a></p>
<p>I got mine…. I installed by my self no problem I am very happy the results ….</p>
<p>That 07/04 date on the need for the adapter plate may be fudging a bit to make sure everybody gets covered. I installed mine yesterday, into a 09/03 build car, and guess what? Didn’t need the plate. The new console holder dropped right in.</p>
<p>Lance – Removing the old console is a breeze.</p>
<p>Pry around the edges of the e-brake boot with a flat-tip screwdriver to release the clips that hold it on. Then you’ll see a small Philips-head retaining screw at the top of the opening that needs to come out. </p>
<p>Then, it’s just a matter of lifting up on the console. It’s only held in place by four friction-fit clips. Start at the front of the e-brake opening, and lift upward. It’ll pop right up. <strong><em>BUT</em></strong> make sure to unplug the Flat Tire Reset button before removing it all the way.</p>
<p>Then comes the old console holder bracket, held in place by four 10mm nuts. You’ll need a deep socket and an extension, as the bolts they go onto are a bit long. Undo them, and pop the white wire-holder tabs up with a falt screwdriver, and it’s ready to come out.</p>
<p>BTW, the DSC sensor bracket is held in place with three 1/2″ nuts. Don’t ask my why they aren’t metric… That’s known but to God and BMW engineers. ;)</p>
<p>Hope that helps save some folks a little bit of trouble.</p>