For all those Podcast listeners out there, DB and Todd have their latest MINI Podcast up and ready to be downloaded at (or soon to be known as This week’s show features my Podcasting debut where we discuss a few of the more interesting stories on MotoringFile from the past week or two. You can download the show (as an MP3 file) or subscribe through it via iTunes below:
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<p>The iTunes link isn’t working for me. It says it’s not available in the US.</p>
<p>Looking forward to hearing it!</p>
<p>Seems to work fine from here. If you don’t use iTunes or can’t get the iTunes link to work (it will actually open iTunes if you have it and go to the Podcast homepage of just download the MP3 file that’s linked above. It’s the same file just delivered straight to your desktop and playable in the MP3 player of your choice.</p>
<p>I enjoyed the podcast and it was nice to place Gabe’s voice with his website. Gabe, please clarify a comment you made on the interview. You said that Solar Red will be available on the Cooper and Cooper convertible. However, in “A Closer Look at Solar Red & Space Blue”, you wrote that “Neither of these new metallic colors will be optional on the Convertible”. Also do you know whether the English leather seats are available on the convertible (either the base or S)? MINI would have to make a version specially for the cabrio rear seat so it wouldn’t surprise me if it wasn’t offered.</p>
<p>Glad you enjoyed the Podcast. I loved doing it! </p>
<p>You said that Solar Red will be available on the Cooper and Cooper convertible. However, in “A Closer Look at Solar Red & Space Blue”, you wrote that “Neither of these new metallic colors will be optional on the Convertible”.</p>
<p>I mis-spoke on the Podcast – it will only be available on the Cooper hardtop. </p>
<p>Also do you know whether the English leather seats are available on the convertible</p>
<p>No it will not.</p>
<p>Did I hear orange is hot? <a rel="nofollow" href="">Look at this one!</a></p>
<p>One question with regards to the Schroth Harness you mentioned:
Gabe, you have it installed in your 05, right?</p>
<p>I had a look at the HMS Website and the instructions still refer to a lower bolt-on point of the original harness which has now moved from the bottom of the car to the B-pillar.</p>
<p>Did you had any issues with getting the harness fitted? Did you do it yourself?</p>
<p>No – it bolted on rather easily to the new b-pilar anchor of the seat belt. Actually this was easier than the previous cars set=up as you typically would have to bend the Schroth end to make it fit (you still need to in the rear).</p>
<p>Thanks! Now all I need to do is convince Schroth to sell me a pair here in Germany (mailed them already and they refused). Do you have the Schroth product IDs at hand by any chance?</p>
<p>Fun listening! I’m looking forward to the next installment.</p>
<p>This was my first podcasting experience and I loved it. I played the mp3 in my MINI on the way home from work. There was something immensely satisfying about listening to you guys chatting about MINI developments while driving the very car you’re enthusing about. I also liked the way the podcast followed MF’s style of reporting news then commenting on it. I would love to see Gabe continuing to do this, say once a month or so, or to cover a specific event or announcement. You guys had a great presentation style and it was nice to put a voice to Gabe; did I detect a college radio pedigree perhaps…?</p>
<p>Four years! Thanks Stuart – glad you enjoyed it.</p>
<p>I think everytime that “Horseshoes” are mentioned you should take a drink.</p>