Updated: Sorry guys… this has been removed at MINIUSA’s request. You can get more info about the full specifications at your dealer.
In an effort to help out those who are currently configuring their 2006 MINI on paper napkins at the pub, we’re offering the complete six page 2006 US Spec Sheet for your downloading pleasure. This PDF contains:
One page of MSRP pricing on every option.
One page defining what is in each package.
Four pages of the full rundown on what options and combinations are available on each model (including color availability).
Hopefully it holds some of you over until the MINIUSA configurator is updated for the 2006 model year. While it doesn’t include any new info, I figured it might help a few folks to actually see the info in official PDF form.
<p>Thanks. Something to peruse this weekend.</p>
<p>So, I have not seen an actual pricing sheet for previous models. Did they also have a line for Munich delivery before, or is that something to be excited about?</p>
<p>They have always had a line for Munich delivey since this is the same form BMW uses for their models.</p>
<p>under colored “checkmate” dash, which i assume is the space blue dash it says ZCM. what does this mean…..the space blue dash is not available for anything but the checkmate package? say it isnt so.</p>
<p>Quick, someone that grabbed it… upload it to NAM :-P</p>
<p><blockquote>under colored “checkmate” dash, which i assume is the space blue dash it says ZCM. what does this mean…..the space blue dash is not available for anything but the checkmate package? say it isnt so.
Don’t know what color it is, but the “Checkmate” dash (4AR) is only available with the Checkmate Package (ZCM).</p>
<p>Note: 4AR and ZCM are option codes used in ordering.</p>
<p>Anyone who grabbed that, please feel free to send it to my email address. :)</p>
<p>why would they have munich delivery when the car is manufactured in oxford?</p>
<p>If anybody saved that PDF, will you please send it to me? Thanks!</p>
<p>BMW pwns MotoringFile.</p>
<p>Anyone who snaged the pdf, please email to me.
<p>Just to clarify:</p>
<p><strong>There’s really nothing that was in the PDF that hasn’t been reported on MotoringFile already. Therefore if you’ve been reading the site over the last month you should have all the info you need for 2006 specing.</strong></p>
<p>Yeah, but having it in one place, in one official document, is way cool. :-P</p>
<p>Bummer. I wish had seen this in time to get the PDF. It would be cool to have everything in one document.</p>
<p>Yea, would have been nice to have the pdf. Anybody feel free to email it to me.</p>
<p>And what’s up with MINI asking you to remove it when they released the price info??</p>
<p>It would be cool to have it. Hint.</p>
<p>Can somebody send it to me?</p>
<p>I’d love to get it for a friend of mine that I’ve convinced (finally) to order an ’06, so if anyone has it, I’d appreciate it if you could email it to me. </p>
<p>Anyone sending it, I’d be much obliged if you sent me one as well. Thanks</p>
<p>For those up us thnking 2006 MC this info would have been nice since most of the talk is focused on the MCS.</p>
<p>I too, would like a copy so I can spec my order. Thanx.</p>
<p>Can someone release a torrent of the file perhaps?</p>
<p>LOL it’s amazing how much demand is created when something is offered then taken away. :)</p>
<p>OK, Gabe:</p>
<p>So when is MINIUSA going to update the configurator at their website? Last model year it was well after they were producing new model-year cars
<p>last comment by imposter Charlie !!!</p>
<p>I am Charlie !</p>
<p>Wait a minute. I’m Charlie!!</p>
<p>I’m Charlie, and so’s my wife ;)</p>
<p>OK…there’s are lots of Charlie’s;</p>
<p>but when will MINIUSA get their website updated for 2006 models…since they yanked back their .pdf file?</p>
<p>The “first” Charlie</p>
<p>Just great…getting information out of my dealer is like trying to fit 20 people in a Mini Cooper.</p>
<p>I think that might be an understatement.</p>
<p>Hey Osmodious it happened in Athens Greece during the last Olympics.</p>
<p>Any word on when the 2006s will be arriving at dealers so we can see the new colors in person?</p>
<p>can you please confirm that ’06 mini cooper ‘s’ models will be available with a conventional auto box instead of or in addition to the c.t.v type</p>
<p>Yes – I am driving an ’05 MCSa and there is no design change coming for the ’06. The gearbox is a six speed “conventional” auto, not a CVT and not a SMG either (however, the MCa still has the CVT).</p>
<p>In 2006 the ’07 will have a totally different engine – presumably the transmissions will have to be altered too.</p>
<p>No wait, I’m <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=I+am+sparticus">Sparta-</a> I mean Charlie!</p>
<p>Email it.</p>
<p>Would <em>really</em> appreciate it if someone could email it to me too…
Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Hi, can someone please email me the US Order Sheet. Your best friend ;)</p>
<p>The delaerships have already recieved metal color bubbles.. of course they don’t do justice to seeing a whole car in the color.</p>
<p>Aloha, Would someone please send me a copy of the US Order Sheet. I will be buying my first Mini this year. I want a red MCS Conv. maxed out. Id like to know how much over $30,000 that will be so I can start saving. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Anyone having any luck getting the 06 US Order sheet emailed to them? If so, would someone be so kind to forward that to me, please?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance. I really appreciate the help!</p>
<p>I haven’t had any luck with getting a copy. Apparently those that grabbed a copy don’t want to share. I’m one of those who is interested in seeing what I want to order will cost before I walk into a dealer.</p>
<p>I have a ’06 on order and am desperate for the final option details. I would greatly appreciate somoone, ANYONE, forwarding me the PDF!!!</p>
<p>THANK YOU!!</p>
<p>Not sure if my email address is linking <a href="mailto:properly....mark.barrett@agfa.com">properly….mark.barrett@agfa.com</a> for ’06 PDF. Thank you again!</p>
<p>another one looking for the e-mail so i can decide if i want to order an 06 just as everyone else has said it’s nice to have it in one place……thanks in advance
<p>PDF Please. joliveira at sc.rr.com</p>
<p>RB…It may have happened in Athens, but I bet it wasn’t easy!</p>
<p>I stopped at my disservice department to book an appointment (again! #12!), and figured I’d ask about the pricing list. They asked around and finally decided that the salespeople have them, so I’d need to talk to them. Well, being lunchtime, I didn’t have the 1/2 hour to wait for one, and they told me they wouldn’t give me a copy anyway…wouldn’t even let me SEE it, just would answer any questions I have on specific options.</p>
<p>This is ludicrous. IF I am going to buy another Mini (and, even though I desperately love my car, the poor service makes it a BIG IF), I want to be able to plan out what I want NOW. I want to know the options available and how much they will cost…and, yes, this site is excellent (and probably has everything correct), but it isn’t the definitive source. That would be Mini. </p>
<p>OK, maybe that seems weak, but the bottom line is that we are Mini enthusiasts and WE have done as much (or more) to sell these cars than the dealers (How many people have asked you about your car this week? I’ve had 4 people come up to me just this past week.). It would be unwise to p!ss us off, I would think, and it serves no legitimate purpose to deny us information about the car…as front line, uncompensated, sales people, the least they could do is allow us to be informed!</p>
<p>Sorry for the rant…this kind of senseless mistreatment of the people who make you a success just gets under my skin.</p>
<p>Also trying to figure out exactly what would be needed to build my car. Many thanks if this can be sent to <a href="mailto:JohnnyBoyX@juno.com">JohnnyBoyX@juno.com</a></p>
<p>May I direct your attention <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.mininova.org/search/?search=Complete+2006+US+MINI+Order+Sheet+-+All+Models">here</a>.</p>
<p>Someone pop it into my in box please at: <a href="mailto:csdmmnt@yahoo.com">csdmmnt@yahoo.com</a></p>
<p>Plan on selling and getting a new one before they go turbo. kthx</p>
<p>It’s on the following torrent sites:</p>
<p><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.demonoid.com">Demonoid</a>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.torrentspy.com">TorrentSpy</a>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.mininova.org">mininova</a></p>
<p>The name is “2006 BMW US MINI Cooper Price List” or something to that effect.</p>
<p>No silver roof for BRG!</p>
<p>Looks like you get the MC spoiler if you want it or not if you get the silver roof.</p>
<p>Looks like you get the MC spoiler if you want it or not if you get the silver roof.</p>
<p>Yes that’s correct. I mentioned that a few weeks back.</p>
<p>I just finished listening to the whiteroofradio.com Woofcast #2. The intro was pretty funny. :-)</p>
<p>The price list was pulled so that it could be updated with the ltd. ed. light weight MCS!!! lol…</p>
<p>Anyone havibg it, I’d be much appreciative if you sent me one as well to my email, <a href="mailto:eddie@dbacentric.com">eddie@dbacentric.com</a> . Thanks</p>