More MINI Podcasting! DB and Todd (from were kind enough to extend another Podcast invitation to me this week. This week’s show features discussions on the latest MF news, best practices for dealer interaction, after-market warranties and a ton of other useful info and useless banter!
You can download the show (as an MP3 file) or subscribe to the feed:
<p>Thanks, Gabe. I’ve enjoyed listening to their podcast for the past couple of weeks. It was nice to hear you on there as well. I’m sure it will be even better with your new mic!</p>
<p>Great show! Inspired me to dig out my iPod and hop on this whole “podcasting” bandwagon…</p>
<p>I lasted through about 58 seconds of this. My initial hypothesis: People who listen to Podcasts such as this have an exorbitant amount of time on their hands.</p>
<blockquote>I lasted through about 58 seconds of this. My initial hypothesis: People who listen to Podcasts such as this have an exorbitant amount of time on their hands.</blockquote>
<p>This coming from someone who has time to post negative comments in near every single MF article.</p>
<p>Those who live in glass houses really shouldn’t through stones!</p>
<p>OK, nrkist. What are some good podcasts? What is White Roof Radio missing that these good podcasts have?</p>
<blockquote>OK, nrkist. What are some good podcasts? What is White Roof Radio missing that these good podcasts have?</blockquote>
<p>Actually, I haven’t heard a good podcast yet, aside from recordings of some “professional” radio shows and technology conferences. I didn’t mean to bash this one on a realtive basis – I’m sure this kind of thing is fun to listen to if you have few demands on your time. I just require a little more signal with my noise to make it worth my while.</p>
<p>I’m sure this kind of thing is fun to listen to if you have few demands on your time. I just require a little more signal with my noise to make it worth my while.</p>
<p>So typical of you to think that no one else here has demands on their time. </p>
<p>I have my day planned down to the minute… even the time I listen to Podcasts (usually half of my daily workout). I’m sure most people here have similar constraints. Why would you think you have any exclusivity in this regard?</p>
<p>And btw – I highly recommend you read the second sentence of the fine print carefully. It’s one thing to slander the car you own and the company that produces it. But uninitiated derogatory comments towards readers will not be tolerated.</p>
<p>Just wanted to let you know you were right.</p>
<p>There are stand alone MINI only dealerships.</p>
<p>My dealer Prestige MINI in NJ is one of them.</p>
<p>Great dealership. Has an XBOX with Italian Job in the waiting room.</p>
<p>A huge British flag hanging in the service bay which has glass windows to the waiting room so you can watch them work on your car.</p>
<p>Also if you need a loaner they always give you a MINI Convertible.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>NorthWest MINI (Tacoma) Is a full seperate dealership. It has seperate bays for service and detail. A showroom, and a bunch of used cars. (non-MINI) A Mercedes dealership sits in between it and its mother BMW dealership.</p>
<p>I was told that it was a requirement by MINI that all MINI dealerships be seperate. But now it sounds like that is not so. I know that Rasmussen MINI (Portland Ore.) is a combined dealership, so is MINI of Murray (Utah) is also a combined dealership. I was kind of confused when I heard that. Oh well.</p>
<p>nrkist is that anarchist?</p>
<p>capn, help me! I’m being silenced. But I will rage against the dying of the light, until I can rage no more.</p>
<p>I was told that it was a requirement by MINI that all MINI dealerships be seperate. But now it sounds like that is not so.</p>
<p>By stand-alone dealerships I meant service and sales sites that don’t share space with any other car dealership. That means when you look out the window you don’t see any BMWs around at all 😉 I believe there are only two or three such dealers in the US (I may be off by a few here or there).</p>
<p>Almost all MINI dealerships have seperate buildings for sales (usually co-exsisting with used car sales) but share parts and service facilities with BMW dealerships.</p>
<p>Here in CA, all of the MINI dealers co-exist with their BWM dealer. Sales are located in their own building off to the side, but they share the same service departments and parts desk.</p>
<p>And, I have 3 to 4 hours worth of commute time everyday. Perfect time to get caught up on the podcasts I listen too. Aux cable and my Zen Micro to the rescue!</p>
<p>Thanks again Gabe for helping to spread the word :)</p>
<p>Not a BMW in sight at my dealership.</p>
<p>Gotta say that the KC MINI dealership is sort of in the basement of the BMW dealership here. There’s ten times the number of BMWs as there are MINIs.</p>
<p>I want to move to a MINI only city!</p>
<p>I’m driving the MINI to Toronto in a few weeks and will definitely check out the MINI-only dealership there.</p>
<p>From what I understand, the seperate dealership rule from BMW/MINI is a new one that only came down about a year or so ago.</p>
<p>I think all new franchises (are BMW/MINI dealerships franchises?) must have seperate facilities, and existing ones are being encouraged to split off but are not required.</p>
<p>I know MINI of Sterling is working on plans for a new showroom and service area seperate from BMW of Sterling (everying is in one building), and Tate MINI which has a seperate showroom but shared service is also working on plans for a new MINI only sales and service facility…</p>
<p>Oh, and as for the podcast, I listened to the last one and will continue to subscribe.</p>
<p>I think the guys have something here and will only get better as they go along… Don’t prove me wrong! LOL!</p>
<p>I’m very picky about my podcasts, but you guys seemed to have found a niche, enough content and entertainment to be interesting. Plus the sound quality is decent too.</p>
<p>I hate podcasts that sound like one or more people are recording using a tin can and string for a microphone..</p>
I really enjoyed listening to you and White Roof Radio.</p>
<p>FYI, Morristown (NJ) Mini is a stand-alone dealer too.</p>
<p>I’ve really enjoyed these podcasts, too. Kudos to Gabe, DB and Todd.</p>