After living with a 2002 MINI for three years and then a 2005 MINI for almost 3000 miles, I thought it might be interesting to report on some of the more subtle changes made to the car over the past couple of years. It’s truly amazing how much has changed throughout the car and especially within the interior.
My goal here is to not go over the obvious changes that have been mentioned on this site numerous times but the updates that have flown under the radar for the most part:
- The steering wheel leather now feels much more BMW like. I’m guessing BMW may have simply switched suppliers from an old Rover company to whomever BMW typically uses.
- The “Pathway lighting” programmable feature now illuminates by pulling the turn signal stalk back – just like most BMWs. On previous MINIs it was activated by simple leaving your lights on when you initially turned off the car.
- The doors have a much more free movement to them now. It would also appear that the main arm for controlling the door’s movement now uses some type of black coating rather than simply bare metal.
- Not only has MINI added the orange LED lights near the now near the rearview mirror (as seen on most BMWs) but they seemed to have increased the output from the lower LED lights under the toggles.
- The dash surgery required to take out the interior pillars and thus the center console electronics has gotten easier. It would seem that MINI has removed the one screw holding in the center part of the dash. Now the process begins with opening the glove box and simply pulling on the left lower portion of the center dash piece. Remember… quick dissembling of your MINI is always a great way to impress friends!
- Yes the rear view mirror is larger. Thank you MINI.
- The driver’s side parcel shelf (not standard in the US) is now made out of a plastic that is much more malleable and almost rubber like. I would assume it is kinder on a tall driver’s legs in the event of a head-on collision.
- The boot now latches with a nice simple secure souding click rather than the noise an ’02 owner would be used to.
- Door Hinges are now made of a different material and seem to allow the door to swing a bit more freely.
- The dashboard is now all one peice which has eliminated some rattles. It also looks a lot better as the harder plastic near the windshield is now gone.
- As many know the seats are also new. Both the sport seats and the regular seats have been redesigned to accomodate the new airbag sensors in them. The cushion on the sport seats are especially improved.
- Cold shift knobs are now a thing of the past as the 2005 shift knob is now coated plastic rather than chromed metal. Personally I would call this a step backwards but I know quite a lot of people have complained about it.
- The seat belt anchors have also been redesigned to be quite a bit simpler (and easier to install a Schroth Harness!).
- Starting with April production, MINI eliminated the accent lighting around the auxillary power output under the toggles (the cigarette lighter).
Okay – lets hear what I missed. But please, spare everyone the obvious changes like the exhaust popping, or the new lights etc. Let’s hear about the ones that haven’t been mentioned here or elsewhere yet. Official MotoringFile “props” go to the most subtle or undocumented change mentioned.
<p>Looking in the engine bay, I’ve noticed several changes to things that have gone unmentioned. For example, the passenger-side engine mount on my 04 is very different from an 03. The 05s change things like crash sensors and grounding. I haven’t seen these changes documented anywhere. I’m sure there’s plenty more hidden beneath.</p>
<p>They changed the shifter mechanism and the plastic peice holding it in place for 04 cars. Funny thing is, my eary 04 build has the new shifter but the old motor mounts.</p>
<p>I think the seatbelt anchor change was in the ’04s. My 04 MCS has the front anchors bolted directly to the side of the car – not attached to the floor as indicated in the Schroth install instructions under the “How to Guides” section.</p>
<p>Yes the rear view mirror is larger. Thank you MINI.</p>
<p>Is that sarcasm? I <em>hate</em> the larger mirror. Anyone with an older MINI wanna trade? :-)</p>
<p>The larger mirror and minimal head room in the MINI mean (for me) that I have to crane my neck to look under the mirror when turning right, especially during spirited driving. That’s really the only complaint I have about my car (aside from the crappy engine management software BMW has saddled us <em>all</em> with…).</p>
<p>Is that sarcasm? I hate the larger mirror. Anyone with an older MINI wanna trade? :-)</p>
<p>No sarcasm… I love the larger size over the original. </p>
<p>The larger mirror and minimal head room in the MINI mean (for me) that I have to crane my neck to look under the mirror when turning right, especially during spirited driving. </p>
<p>Okay… wait a sec. I’m 6’2″ and I’ve never had that problem. Do you have your seats jacked up or something?</p>
<p>The automatic A/C knob has changed slightly. There are two larger “notches” at the 3 & 9 o’clock positions instead of whatever the pre-05s have.</p>
<p>The seat backs themselves have changed as well. They are now made of a plastic that matches the dash and scratches less.</p>
<p>I dont like the fact that they switched from metal to cheap plastic on the shifter either though.</p>
<p>I am not a fan of the larger mirror either. However, I must admit to not having been an original fan of the small one – I grew to like it and realize that it was the appropriate size. The larger one really only affords you an opportunity to see more things inside the car than anything outside.</p>
<p>Another welcome, yet subtle change I didn’t see was the cowl vents. They were originally a honeycomb surface with foam inserts that quickly deteriorated and fell apart. They have eliminated the foam and redesigned the plastic so it is now more durable.</p>
<p>The rear wiper squirter was also changed. The squirter design was a little, adjustable nozzle that came through the end cap on the wiper. Now, the end cap is simply cut away and the nozzle squirts out of the cut-away. Hard to explain – easy to see. It is now much simpler – but I don’t know whether or not it is actually better – and it doesn’t seem to be adjustable.</p>
<p>Oh, and the tool kit has changed. At least on the S. It used to be in a little red-trimmed black leatherette pouch strapped inside the left-rear cubby. Now, there is a foam “tool-box” in the battery compartment – where the Cooper toolkit has always been nestled.</p>
<p>According to the FAQs I’ve seen, older MINIs did the speedometer calibration wiggle when you started the car.</p>
<p>I never saw that on my 2005 MCS. One day I finally noticed that it now does the wiggle when you pull the door handle from the outside to get in.</p>
<p>Surely this wins for “most subtle or undocumented change” :)</p>
<p><em>(sigh, this would be so much easier in email 🙂 )</em></p>
<p>The larger mirror and minimal head room in the MINI mean (for me) that I have to crane my neck to look under the mirror when turning right, especially during spirited driving.</p>
<p>Okay… wait a sec. I’m 6’2″ and I’ve never had that problem. Do you have your seats jacked up or something?</p>
<p>No, I don’t think so, but I don’t gangsta-slouch, either. I’m a couple of inches shorter than you. I sit like Phil Wicks taught us. 🙂 High enough to see clearly all around me. I should add that my gripe with the mirror is <em>most</em> obvious when going around an on-ramp, while climbing to the right (as most on-ramps are, I suppose). Maybe I’m just “special”, as my mom always told me…</p>
<p>Having driving a friend’s (Zach’s) ’03, I agree with Mini2go that the only additional visibility you get is of the body on either side of the rear window.</p>
<p>It isn’t a huge deal, but as soon as I can grab Zach’s mirror when he’s not looking, I’ll see if it fits my ’05.</p>
<p>A quick turn of the wrist is all you need ;-)</p>
<p>I get lots of positive comments about the orange interior lights on the dash and mirror in my MCSc. It accents well with the chrome and HB dash.</p>
<p>Were there always white lights under the doors when you open them?</p>
<p>I do wish there was better lighting in the boot of the MCSc. When it’s full of stuff the light get’s blocked and you can’t see what’s inside. I must say that the “rip cord” on the boot hatch glows very nicely at night. I have yet to pull on it… it that for the parachute option?</p>
<p>Were there always white lights under the doors when you open them?</p>
<p>No, but that’s one of those changes that has been mentioned several times in the past on MF so I figured I’d skip in this time. </p>
<p>But just to reiterate – the 2005 MINI itroduced two separate lights on the doors. The orange LED light within the door handle and the puddle lighting under the door. Both great additions IMHO.</p>
<p>Wow, reading all these changes, which I’d actually seen or spotted firsthand at one point or another, really makes an upgrade from an ’02 sound more appealing!</p>
<p>They really got rid of the metal shiftknobo and replaced with plastic? Wow..that’s pretty tacky. I <em>love</em> the metal knob.</p>
<p>I must say that the “rip cord” on the boot hatch glows very nicely at night. I have yet to pull on it… it that for the parachute option?</p>
<p>Well, this actually stems from a change that created quite a stir in the MINI community back in the day… The “rip cord” you speak of is simply the emergency hatch release – which was non-existent in the early hardtops – I beleive all ’02s and some of the ’03s. The rip cord was added in the hardtops under the rear seat – and your Convertible has it right on the tailgate.</p>
<p>They really got rid of the metal shiftknobo and replaced with plastic? Wow..that’s pretty tacky. I love the metal knob.</p>
<p>Well you really wouldn’t notice the difference typically. I mean the only difference I’ve felt is just that the to doesn’t get either hot or cold due to the weather anymore.</p>
<p>Not about the exhaust pop, but I’ve heard the difference in the exhaust note from an ’04 to’05 MCS and it’s much better sounding this year.</p>
<p>yeah i’d say cpatisaul wins for subtle :). gonna have to have a look at that when i get home. also just wanted say i’m with blalor on the rw mirror – i have to crane my neck to get a good view when turning right… in certain corners the mirror is smack dab in the middle of where it shouldn’t be. i do sit reasonably high, but far from the highest setting, i’m 5’11… the ’02 rw mirror was large enough, dunno why people had to complain about it. now i see more of the c-pillars and the headliner and headrests, excellent i guess since i paid extra for anthracite there…</p>
<p>I may have to check out the new plastic shift knob. I like the look, but hate the extreme hot/cold temperature that come with my metal shift knob.</p>
<p>Anybody got a picture of this battery compartment tool kit insert for the MCS? And, is it available through the dealer for my ’04?</p>
<p>OK, here’s one so subtle that most people wouldn’t (shouldn’t?) see the change:</p>
<p>A new MINI arrives at the dealer with lots of strategically located protective cardboard and plastic. One of these strips of plastic is on each of the metal door sills – much like the plastic on the face of a new watch or a cell phone – that should be peeled off. This plastic was clear and was, apparently, often not removed before delivery to a customer who in turn also may have left it on. Moisture and debris would build up under the plastic over time and destory the metal finish – requiring thier replacement. Now, the plastic is blue so that it is more obvious and people will remove it. Odd, but true.</p>
<p>Mini2Go – funny you should mention that. I had been driving my 02 for over a year before I noticed the plastic on the sills. And someone had had the car for a year before me!</p>
<p>I know the new steering wheel is a change mentioned a million times but what about the multi-function features?</p>
<p>You can no longer switch from CD to radio mode using the steering wheel because they eliminated that button. My ’02 had two sets of buttons on the back side, volume up/down and mode on the right and station/track and disk changer on the left (correct me if I’m wrong about the disc changer). </p>
<p>Those two extra buttons are gone so now all you get is volume up/down and track or station up/down.</p>
<p>HERE IS SUPER SUBTLE. The rear cup holder has a little removable rubber mat in the bottom. The ’02 didn’t have that nor does our ’04.</p>
<p>blalor –</p>
<p>You can always install aftermarket ECO software. Search for ‘GIAC’ or ‘MTH’ on NAM’s forums. I had my ECO flashed with GIAC software and think it’s much better than stock.</p>
<p>I also think a plastic shift nob is “cheeziness of the highest degree'”…I mean, if the shift knob is too cold for you in the winter, wear leather driving gloves. If it’s too hot in summer…… wear leather driving gloves!</p>
<p>Oops – Sorry – I meant ‘ECU’ obviously.</p>
<p>When the your key at ‘0’ position and you switch on your Radio Boost, there is a difference between ’02 and ’04.</p>
<p>In ’02, the lights on multi-function steering will light up for a second but not for ’04.</p>
<p>Also the rear cup holder has a trim ring around it.</p>
<p>Depends how far back you go. Original MCS’ didn’t even have a jack, I believe that started when peoples cars would fall off normal jack stands, they started including a jack in every MCS.</p>
<p>There were the old seat handles too, that you could both tilt forward and adjust recline from either side – they replaced them because it was really confusing, that’s why the handles now swing freely or do something depending on which side.</p>
<p>There was the ’02 recall for the shifter linkage falling off the transmission, which caused a redesign.</p>
<p>’02s only came with 1 remote key. The other was solid – for ’03 they increased price by $130 (exactly the cost of an extra remote key) and provided two remote keys.</p>
<p>Early MCS’ didn’t have metallic pedals.</p>
<p>There are some old floor mat designs that got replaced, likely because people’s shoes got caught in them.</p>
<p>I know my ’02 had many more parts that said BMW then my ’05, but I can’t think of any specifics now, they certainly have relabeled the exact same parts with a MINI logo in a few cases.</p>
<p>Old MINIs couldn’t blink the lights when you unlocked the car the so called ‘safety’ logic of not promoting car-jacking. (but annoying people who like the visual confirmation)</p>
<p>I know there’s other things hiding out in old forum threads, but that’s about it off the top of my head.</p>
<p>Two minor things. No more orange turn signals in the rear and something I noticed in an ’05 at my dealership-a side sunvisor located above the drivers window.</p>
<p>“This plastic was clear and was, apparently, often not removed before delivery to a customer who in turn also may have left it on. Moisture and debris would build up under the plastic over time and destory the metal finish – requiring thier replacement. Now, the plastic is blue so that it is more obvious and people will remove it”</p>
<p>Mini2Go, I’ve got an ’03 and still have the plastic on…now’s you got me worried and I might have to go and rip it off right now!</p>
<p>The rear wiper BLADE on the ’05 is about 0.5 inches shorter.</p>
<p>The ’05 chrome trim around the bonnet grill is smooth rather than ribbed.</p>
<p>There are 3 horizontal slats on the ’05 Cooper grill instead of 4.</p>
<p>So, there is no more accent lighting underneath the toggle array now? IF so, how come? That was a very nice touch, and useful or not, has gotten quite a few compliments from riders. You can never have enough accent lighting!</p>
<p>No – it’s still there. In fact as I said above in the article, it seems brighter now.</p>
<p>All of the above on my 05 MCS, plus LSD!</p>
<p>I’m 5’11”, but I have the seat cranked up all the way the better to see the fenders for placement in the corners. I have to duck under the mirror as well when turning hard right. Brings back the memory of Raul Julia ripping the mirror off his car at the start of “Death Race 2000”:
RJ: The first rule of Italian driving: what is behind me does not matter.</p>
<p>I do not like the idea of referring to the mini2 as, “more BMW”. BMW in the Philippines does not bring in the mini and we have to get the car from the grey market. For service we have to deal with importing parts, accessories, and market modifications on our own. I find this arrogant of BMW NOT to recognize mini owners that where sourced from the grey market. BETTER MINI2 GREY MARKET THAN THEIR “AUTHORIZED” SERIES ONE.</p>
<p>So unti they recognize us, we do not want to be “more BMW”.</p>
<p>Derick Gamboa
Manila Philippines</p>
<p>How about the addition of the grounding strap from the body to the boot lid?</p>
<blockquote>Brings back the memory of Raul Julia ripping the mirror off his car at the start of “Death Race 2000”: RJ: The first rule of Italian driving: what is behind me does not matter.</blockquote>
<p>Actually Siddhartha, the quote is accurate but the movie was “The Gumball Ralley,” a direct ripoff of Brock Yates Cannonball races. The car that Raul Julia ripped the inside rear view mirror off of was a real Ferrari Daytona Spyder. Looking at the current value of original Spyders, I would day that mirror was worth almost what a Cooper is going for these days! ;-)</p>
<p>Right you are. Raul played Franco Bertellini in The Gumball Rally. Funny how that cross fertilization thing happens. DR2000 was Sly Stallone’s debut as I recall (although, as referenced above, my memory should not be trusted) :-)</p>
<p>Here is a really big one. For 04, the volume control knob on the stock stereo was skinny, round and made of hard plastic. 05 has a slightly bigger squishy knob with raised “tread” on the sides.</p>
<p>I think the rear-veiw mirror is to big in the ’05. I’m 6’6″ and I always have to duck to see under it. Thats really my only complaint.</p>
<p>I hope someone could comment on what has changed in the air intake of the ’05 Cooper (not S). I’ve been looking at aftermarket air intakes for the Cooper, and several of them are described as not for ’05.</p>
<p>I hope someone could comment on what has changed in the air intake of the ’05 Cooper (not S). I’ve been looking at aftermarket air intakes for the Cooper, and several of them are described as not for ’05.</p>
<p>Yes – the ’05 Cooper air intake was redesigned quite a bit for improved air flow.</p>
<p>How about the crash safety changes for ’05? Some folks already mentioned the seat changes, but how about the passenger side airbag. It is now integrated into the dashboard. It now fires up toward the windshield (Honda Style), rather than toward the passenger’s head. This was how they engineered it to meet FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard)208. See the NHTSA website for more detail. Anyway, it is now much safer for smaller occupants. Also, the door liners and door armrests have changed quite a bit for ’05. I’d guess that they improved them to perform better for the new IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) SICE (Side Impact Crash Evaluation) testing.</p>
<p>I think Mini2Go wins with the blue saran wrap change.</p>
<p>Something I noticed just today actually, was that some of the centre caps of the alloy wheels on the MINIs at my local dealer had, instead of the usual silver MINI font, a blue font – so that the MINI logo on the centre cap of the alloys was blue with the same black background… quite bizzare… something i had never noticed before… anyone else seen this?</p>
<p>instead of the usual silver MINI font, a blue font – so that the MINI logo on the centre cap of the alloys was blue with the same black background</p>
<p>While I’m not positive, I think that this may have been more of the blue “saran wrap” mentioned earlier. It can be peeled right off. Just my guess though.</p>
<p>Hello, My name is Erik, and I like my old style rear view mirror.</p>
<p>And after driving around for a year with the metal ringed shift knob, it was quite dissapointing to feel the plastic version.</p>
<p>And how’s this for an obscure change. The “MINI” tag on the bootlid is larger than on the ’02s.</p>
<p>I’m about to put in my order for an ’06… still deciding between the MC and MCS. I went out to take my umpteenth test drive a few days ago.</p>
<p>First they game me ’05 MCS. I’m 6’1″, so I pulled the seat back and actually didn’t need to go all the way. There was more than enough room. Then I tested a used ’03 MC. When I pulled the seat back as far as it would go, it wasn’t far enough.</p>
<p>Has the distance the seats can go changed at some point in the last few years?</p>
<p>No – they are identical. Maybe there was something on the track of the seat that didn’t allow it to go back all the way.</p>
<p>Maybe Sport seat versus un-sport seat?</p>
<p>I did notice a little bit less legroom in the Cooper Convertible vs. my 02 Cooper.. </p>
<p>I had to scoot the seat up a bit more to accomodate my usual back seat passengers.</p>
<p>i’m pretty sure my ’02 mc also had a grounding strap from boot lid to body… so i don’t think that’s new?</p>
<p>Before everyone get’s thier panties in a wad over the plastic shift knob – if it wasn’t mentioned in the artice, most people wouldn’t have even noticed – it looks and feels like metal – and it’s only a SMALL band around the knob anyway – the top is still clear plastic with the gate graphics, and the bottom is leather.</p>
<p>And the top of the knob is now silver on the MCS. It used to be white.</p>
<p>The seat mentioned above might have been adjusted higher so it seemed like it did not go back as far.</p>
<p>The larger mirror and minimal head room in the >>MINI mean (for me) that I have to crane my neck to >>look under the mirror when turning right, >>especially during spirited driving.</p>
<p>Okay… wait a sec. I’m 6’2″ and I’ve never had that >problem. Do you have your seats jacked up or >something?</p>
<p>I’m 6’2″ as well and I agree with blalor – the 02 mirror is hard enough to see around when you’re trying to see through right hand sweepers or even hairpins. In this case, bigger probably isn’t better (IMHO)</p>
<p>O.k. Well because of the new shift knob the leather stitching on it is also new. Much smoother and more comfortable. How about that new cupholder?!</p>
<p>Exterior Door Handle:
On my ’03 MC, the rubber part of the door handle (the part that you “squeeze” to unlatch the door) pivots from the ‘front’ edge of the part.</p>
<p>On my ’05 MCS, the pivot point (fulcrum) for the rubber part (lever) is about an inch from the front edge.</p>
<p>(I’m not sure whether this change was related to solving the frozen door handles/locks issue some owners had, in which case this could have been a design change made prior to the ’05 model… can anyone confirm?)</p>
<p>Regarding the changes in the sport seats’ cushions, when was this made? Would my ’04 MCS, built in the 1st quarter of 2004, have the new or old seat?</p>
<p>panties loosening… phew… some folks are just <em>passionate</em> ahem about their motoring and typing and whathaveyou. :-)</p>
<p>I’ve been scheming a way to get some more weight into the handle, (think whalen shift machine) without loosing the look of the stock handle… I think I’m going to get out the torch and some lead….</p>
<p>Regarding the seat cusion. You can tell if you looked at the two side by side immediately. The old one has more of sort of a bowl shape. the new one looks more like a recaro style cusion with two small buldges on either side of a larger bulge where you actually sit.</p>
<p>Peter.. The new handles were specifically due to the handles freezing problem.. there’s a TSB out for them, and they are replaced free if you have a problem with them freezing….</p>
<blockquote>DR2000 was Sly Stallone’s debut as I recall (although, as referenced above, my memory should not be trusted)</blockquote>
<p>actually, i think that was sly stallone’s first SPEAKING part, his debut was in “Bananas” a film by Woody Allen.</p>
<p>The oil in the struts for SS+ cars was changed to a lower viscosity to soften the ride from what I remember-maybe someone can confirm that.</p>
<p>Also, there’s now a rubber cover over the bottom strut bolts that wasn’t there before.</p>
<p>Actually Jim, we covered that way back in May of 2003 ;-)</p>
<p><a rel="nofollow" href="">MINI to Adjust Shocks After Complaints</a></p>
<p>Correct, that’s not a new blue font on the MINI discs on your wheels – that’s more of the blue tinted plastic saran wrap.</p>
<p>Our dealer missed them, too. When I was taking them off, one of the discs came off too. I’ve heard others complain about the glue not being strong enough and discs missing from their wheels.</p>
what a great thread!