On this week’s Podcast Todd, DB and myself talk to the man himself, Fireball Tim Lawrence. We also find time to touch on MINIs in motorsport and the recent success we’ve all read about.
You can check it all out below:
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<p>I’m a huge fan of the woofcast! My only quibble is with Gabe’s audio quality. DB and Todd sound great, but Gabe sounds like he’s in a tunnel – I think he needs a new microphone…</p>
<p>Keep up the great work! And Gabe, Motoring File is insanely great! I check it every morning before I check CNN to see if the world’s blown up.</p>
<p>Michael Rice “Day Tripper”
2005 MCS, British Racing Green
Montclair, New Jersey</p>
<p>Gabe gets a new mic this week! #15 should sound awesome.</p>
<p>And db, is that you click-clacking away, typing up the show notes during the podcast? Well, at least it sounds like you’re a pretty good touch typist!</p>
<p>Keep up the great work. I’ve been listening to the woofcast since day one. I stay up pretty late Sunday nights waiting for the latest episode here on the East Coast.</p>
<p>This time it would have been me, yes. When you hear the loud <em>BANG BANG BANG BANG</em> that would be Gabe pretending his Powerbook is an IBM Selectric :).</p>
<p>I’ll be searching for a quieter keyboard this week and try to get the Sunday show ready on time!</p>
<p>Thanks for listening!</p>
<p>I truly look forward to sundays/mondays; I have a boring corporate (think office space) job, and listening to the weekly podcast at LEAST twice really helps break up the work week. Keep up the great work; keep talking- the 45min+ shows are appreciated for those of us who don’t get out of our cubes for 9+ hours a day ;-)</p>