Hurricane Wilma hit our friends at MyMini pretty hard recently. So bad that they have yet to fully get power restored. So if you have orders that are waiting to ship or are simply itchin’ for one of those excellent MyMini Knee Pads, just hold tight.
Here’s the official word from Pete:
We suffered a bit of disruption from hurricane Wilma and still have no electrical service but are working with a generator to stay open. We’ll rush to get all back-orders filled as fast as we can. I was never a camper (my idea of “camping out is a Holiday Inn!) and this is getting a bit old! Please bear with us – we thank you for your continued support and patronage!
Pete is one of the truly good guys out there in the MINI world so
we’re definitely pulling for him to get up and running as soon as possible.
<p>Hang in there man, I just got the power back 2 days ago!! No power no $$, it is hard.</p>
<p>Good Luck & Best Wishes to all you folks that were hit hard by Wilma & Katrina.</p>
<p>Good luck and best wishes.</p>
<p>Let me know as soon as you are able to strart shipping again because I want one of your excellant knee pads to go in my brandy new ’06 MCS.</p>
<p>Nice to hear that Pete of MyMINI is ‘one of the truly good guys out there in the MINI world’. I found him was pleasant to deal with recently and wish him well after the hurricane.</p>
<p>Pete and MyMini are great. I’ve place 4 orders with them over the last year and they are the first place I look to when I need something for my MCSC.</p>
<p>Hang in there, Pete! Best wishes.</p>
<p>Pete is a great guy and has been a very generous supporter of Sunshine MINIs since MyMini opened. Hopefully he’ll be back to normal soon.</p>
<p>Hey pete, a little wind and a little rain, get over it man! Lisa, Mini, and I miss you!!!</p>
<p>Thanks to all of you for your very kind remarks and support! Just to let you know, we’ve shipped all orders from October 20 > November 3- only a couple of items remain to be cleared (ITG filters, MINILITES-“on the docks”). We can process internet and telephone orders, providing our power stays on-by generator for now! Requests after 11/6 may take one extra day to get out but we will stay on top of the situation as best we can until we’re back to “normal”. More stuff is in the “pipeline” so stay tuned!</p>
Pete, sorry you have had to “weather the storm”. Thanks for your great service and willingness to answer my many questions. How did the medical tests go? Nick