
We’ve got another scoop for you today and it involves a topic everyone has an opinion on; colors. As expected, among the many things that BMW will be altering for the debut of the next generation MINI will be the exterior color palatte. More specifically MotoringFile has learned that MINI intends to introduce a total of seven new colors for the 2007 model year. New blues, a new yellow and a new red top the list.

Names like Laser Blue, Mellow Yellow, and Lightning Blue have been mentioned but at this point nothing is completely confirmed. However we have been told to expect a total of 12 colors to be available across the range.

Add to this the fact that Black Eye Purple (Purple Haze in the US), Liquid Yellow and Solar Red will be discontinued from April production onward and you’ve got the chance for some serious change in the MINI color selection.

In fact so much change, the inevitable question is, what stays? Out of the five that appear to be staying, we’ve only been able to confirm one specifically: Chili Red.

Expect more 2007 MINI news from MotoringFile in the weeks ahead.


[ Three Colors to be Discontinued in 2006 ] MotoringFile