Remember how we were really insistent on calling the most recent Triumph story still very much a rumor. It was for good reason. Namely because if it is indeed happening, it’s so secret that no one at MINI we’ve spoken to has heard anything. We’re not saying that we’re 100% sure nothing will happen. We’ll just be very surprised if anything does in the near future.
So for those waiting to hear more on the improbable return of Triumph may be waiting well into the 2010s.
[ First MINI Now Triumph? ] MotoringFile
[ More Rumors on the MINI/Triumph Concept ] MotoringFile
[ US Connection for MINI’s New Rumored Roadster? ] MotoringFile
I can see BMW bringing their own family first…
meaning more or less…
Their development and model range on the new 1 series is moving at such furious pace that it’s almost too much for them to consider a Triumph model line that would directly compete against the 1. Especially when the ///M 1 is on the line.
It’s a fun rumor though and maybe someday soon it will be confirmed either way.
If anything, we’re giving them Ideas
I would think it would be simple to just build a triumph on the z4 line. Granted we would all prefer a ground up build, but the feasability of capitalizing on the retro-trend by re-skining the Z4 and selling it as a triumph is certainly there.
That is certainly possible seeing how miserable the Z4 has been doing for BMW.
I just toured the MINI plant, and while they were willing to talk about the new Engine, and the Travler, talk of the Triumph was quickly quashed and deemed not true.
— Joshua
I agree that they should be listening.. I would not likely buy an M1, probably would not buy a Z4, but would have a very hard time keeping my hands off of a BMW-engineered Triumph. The truth is they would not be competing against themselves, they would be picking up sales that they would not otherwise get.
I don’t care much for the looks of the BMW line, but I do appreciate the great engineering, the excellent performance, and when that is combined with the passion and style of well-done retro cues(key wording there, ‘well-done’) its an unbeatable combination IMO.
MINI made car enthusiasts out of people who previously thought cars were an appliance, I think because the MINI was so vey well done. If they applied that same commitment to quality design toward a Triumph.. (or MG, but I like the Triumph nameplate better for whatever reason).. I think it would start a whole new era of British sports car fanaticism. =)
Give me a reborn MGb any day! I love the look of the old MG’s so much more than the Triumphs. Like the MINI, there’s so much charm there to be had. Of course, I’m partial – dad’s ’69 MGb GT is like a part of the family.
I was never a devotee of the Triumph TR series. I have owned classic MGs, i.e., a TD and TC which I thought were extremely classic examples of the marque.
I think the people in Munchen should consider resurecting the Austin Healy 3000 and/or even the cool looking “bug-eyed” Sprite. That would be a step in the right retro direction.
ya… their isn’t a platform for the triumph to be built on… it coudn’t be built on the MINI platform… and the z4 chasis is likely to expensive… plus the car is built in america… i don’t know how warm of a welcome it would be to LAUNCH a CLASSIC BRITISH ICON… thats made in america… kind of like having the next generation camero built in china… it just wouldn’t be wise… plus we are talking about an entire brand not just an individual car… plus the triumph if built on the z4 chasis would be a direct competitor to the z4 and proabably rob sales… now if they were to come out with a triumph to battle th mx5 and solistice OR take the place of the S2000… then thats something completly differnt but again a less expensive chassis would have to be utilized
If it’s only a rumor then so be it. It is interesting though that a tidbit like this could cause such a stir. Maybe someone out there is watching and listening, but if there weren’t it would be no surprise.