Since it’s Friday we thought it would be as good a time as any to post a few links that have made their way to the MotoringFile inbox lately. Now it wouldn’t have been responsible for us to post them on a normal workday since productivity would plummet. But Friday afternoon… well that’s pretty much the weekend right?
[ Cooper at the Nurburgring ] Google Video
[ Top Gear Winter Olympics Ski/Mini Jump ] You Tube
Nice drive, not too fast but good pace, lucky they didn’t got cought as filming is not allowed in the ring.
That was the best Olympic coverage I’ve seen yet
Did they get passed by a Yugo and a CRX?
It’s very exciting, but the camera position couldn’t be any worse: the mirror blocks most of the view.
I wish I was there. For now I’ll enjoy my GT4 with black/red sport-seat and Logitech wheel in front of 42″ plasma:)
The top gear video has got to be THE greatest thing i have ever seen in my entire life, and most likely for remain at that position forever.
In my excitement for the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, all my communication skills ceased to operate at normal levels . . . Cheers!
For more <strong>Olympic Coverage</strong>…
[British National Hockey Team Practice:Motoring on ICE](<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>)
Yeah, that mirror’s pretty bad. The driver needs to look where he’s going, too; he’s not looking far enough ahead in the turns. 🙂
<blockquote>Did they get passed by a Yugo and a CRX?</blockquote>
Yes, and I think it was the Yugo (or Rabbit, or other early ’80s econobox) that he did such a poor job passing earlier on.
Ok, I’ve really gotta get me one of those tracks. I wonder if Nurburg needs any Java developers?
Those Porsches were the best thing on the video.
The way the first one passed by and then the second porsche was bust gone in an instant. way cool.
I am glad the mini was there justt to get passed.
Nice camera angle of the porsches too.
Sorry about the poor driving 😀
It was my first lap ever on the ‘ring, I’ll try to drive better the next time 😉
PS: the ’80s econobox was probably a tuned Opel Corsa.
The car that I passed earlier in the video was a 4WD 215HP Lancia Delta integrale…
For the torrent enthusiasts… search ‘Top Gear Olympics’ if you wanna get the whole episode and keep it. I agree… that one’s going right next to Rendez-vous!!
I’d like to see the 1st time on the ‘ring videos for most of these driving instructors that critiqued you, I wonder how gracious they would be explaining how a Le Car or Fiat Cinquecento Topolino passed them.
Thanks for the fun, I enjoyed it.
i’m the co-pilot of Demiurgo at the Nurburgring and he was very fast.
it’s really his first time at the ‘ring.
and remember, Italians do it better 🙂
awesome ski jumping mini !
Demiurgo & Paso, thank you guys, for the cool video. Please place the camera lower if you decide to go again, so we can see the track.
Sorry for the mirror, I’m planning to modify the camera mount 😉
You can watch the 2nd lap
Tow-truck overtake and massive understeer included 😀
Demiurgo – Awesome! Is your car a Cooper S? Do you have any mods? Thanks for sharing! What a thrill to drive on there let alone get to tape it and share with everyone! Nice!
It’s Cooper (November 2001) with a Supersprint muffler and BMC flat air filter. ([photo](<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>))
Nice work at the ring. If this truely was your first time then awsome. 10 Minutes in a Cooper is a good time. Forget GT4, Nurburgring is truely scary first time out, especially the speeds you were doing in the little cooper . a few better gear changes would have seen a sub 10 minute lap I rekon.
To everyone who’s done Nurburgring, i salute you. To those who haven’t but have played GT4 – you have no clue.
RE: Top Gear Winter Olympics Ski/Mini Jump
Great clip! I’ve got the A-Team theme song stuck in my head now…. 🙂
Last week with the MINI we have been to Monza but we didn’t have the camera…
it was very exciting…