It’s been three weeks since we first introduced our MotoringFile magnetic badges and in that time we’ve sold almost 400 500! This week we’ve added a handful of new magnetic badges to the collection focusing on various countries around the world. And we’ve also added a new way to buy them. A set of 6 magnetic badges is now only $37. That means you’re basically paying for 5 and getting a sixth one free.
You can check out the new magnetic badges below (click on each for larger versions) and you can buy them at here.
Purchase your MotoringFile magnetic badges at the following site:
[ MotoringFile Grille Badges For Sale ] MotoringFile Badges
And don’t forget your grille holder if you don’t already have one – they’re required to use MotoringFile magnetic grille badges. You can find them at any one of the following MotoringFile sponsors:
Knauz MINI (mention MF and get 20% off)
Patrick MINI
Morristown MINI (lists for 20% off)
MINI of Manhattan
Outmotoring (ships worldwide)
Now for all you folks who have no idea what we’re talking about here, this post may help:
[ MotoringFile Grille Badges: An Introduction ] MotoringFile
Welsh design created by Steve Speirs
These are just so cool. You’ve really started something here, Gabe. There’s something kinda ‘doctors and nurses’ about the Swiss one that is very appealing.
I like the Saltire and Canadian Roundel.
I hope you guys have some sort of patent on this idea! I know the badge holders aren’t yours and magnets aren’t new technology, but putting these elements together like this is an awesome idea.
I can totally see MINIUSA, Dinan and JCW coming up with their own and leaving you out of the cut.
What a great idea for local clubs too 😉 .
I can also see how folks can get addicted to collecting these. When I as at Office Depot yesterday, I caught myself looking for a floppy disk holder (like they make those anymore) to start storing mine when not in use. I might just get some of those plastic binder sleeves.
Any likelyhood we’ll see an Italian one? That’s all I’m waiting for before I start ordering them.
>Any likelyhood we’ll see an Italian one? That’s all I’m waiting for before I start ordering them.
Yes – very likely 🙂
Would love to have one for my club, I’m trying to talk them into it. I ordered mine, and got them in like 2-3 days! I was very happy!
We have a fresh supply of badge holders in stock and ship daily….
We’re also working on getting a grill badge section on our site and may be carrying a cross section of MF, White roof radio as well as some Out Motoring grill badges. Check it out in a few days.
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
also, I think we will have an exclusive MF/MOTD badge at the Dragon in few weeks.
the badge holder is on sale at Morristown MINI for $18!
It’s a great idea !
Please note that the Swiss cross should be smaller to respect the Swiss flag proportions.
Like Stuart said this one has doctors look 😉
>also, I think we will have an exclusive MF/MOTD badge at the Dragon in few weeks.
Thanks for reminding me Aaron – forgot to mention that. Yes – an exclusive MF/MOTD badge will be available from Outmotoring at the Dragon only.
<blockquote>Would love to have one for my club, I’m trying to talk them into it…</blockquote>
Just tell them all the COOL CLUBS are <a href="" rel="nofollow">doing it.</a>
>Please note that the Swiss cross should be smaller to respect the Swiss flag proportions.
Fixed. Thanks!
Will the badge holder mount on the Aero Kit’s mesh grill?
Never mind. I read the original postings and see that it does work with the Aero Grill. The RCAF roundel has my eye.
Any chance of a New Zealand flag badge and, cos I know they will moan if they don’t get one, an Australian flag badge as well?
I’m sure there are enough Kiwi/Aussie MF readers both in the US and elsewhere that it would be worth your while 🙂
<blockquote>“Any likelyhood we’ll see an Italian one? That’s all I’m waiting for before I start ordering them.”
Yes – very likely 🙂
Hows about a MINIs on Top and AMVIV badges?
My obscure requests:
Brasilian flag and Sri Lankan flag…
or a way to special order with a .pdf file of graphics we’ve designed ourselves.
Since you’re making flag badges, how about a Polish Filipino combo. JK, LOL!
Thanks for creating and adding a Saltire version of the badge for us in Scotland.
I second that polish one!
<blockquote>Just tell them all the COOL CLUBS are doing it.</blockquote>
I darn it! I thought I was cool. =(
These things are making me more excited about ordering a MINI, if that’s possible.
Ooh, I’ve got a request. How about an Irish flag? Or a potato and pint glass. Either will do… 😉
>Ooh, I’ve got a request. How about an Irish flag? Or a potato and pint glass. Either will do… 😉
Look above: second row, second badge from the left.
<blockquote>darn it! I thought I was cool. =(</blockquote>
Only if they let you play with magnetic badges. 😉
<blockquote>I second that polish one!</blockquote>
I would hope they don’t come out upside down.
Question – has anyone tried putting these badges on other parts of their MINIs other than on the grille badge holder, as on the back where one may normally stick a GB sticker on, or in the case of a Cooper, on the fuel cap cover?
Other than the issue of possibly scratching the paint finish by doing so, I think these would be great spots to attach the stickers too!! Especially on the back, where the airflow shouldn’t be a factor in keeping the badge attached.
>Question – has anyone tried putting these badges on other parts of their MINIs other than on the grille badge holder, as on the back where one may normally stick a GB sticker on, or in the case of a Cooper, on the fuel cap cover?
<b>Please don’t ever put anything magnetic on your paint for more than a few hours!</b> It will ruin your finish.
>Other than the issue of possibly scratching the paint finish by doing so, I think these would be great spots to attach the stickers too!! Especially on the back, where the airflow shouldn’t be a factor in keeping the badge attached.
Yes, we are currently looking at offering every magnet as a sticker as well 🙂
Gabe, nice graphic work on the MF Checkered2.
How about a BEP/S or W Union Jack? I’d be up for a Peruvian/British/American combo! LOL Wouldn’t mind Brazilian flag for during the World Cup.
<blockquote>Question – has anyone tried putting these badges on other parts of their MINIs other than on the grille badge holder…</blockquote>
I was thinking about doing something like <a href="" rel="nofollow">THIS</a>, with a license plate frame, but it’s hard to find a metal disk 2.875″ in diameter that attaches nicely to it without it looking homemade.
>>Ooh, I’ve got a request. How about an Irish flag? Or a potato and pint glass. Either will do… 😉
>Look above: second row, second badge from the left.
Oh damn. Now I’ve gotta place another order.
I’d still like to see a spud/mug badge… 🙂
<blockquote> has anyone tried putting these badges on other parts of their MINIs other than on the grille badge holder</blockquote>
I wonder if you could do this with some neodymium magnets on the windows? Hrm…. 🙂
Thanks Steve! BTW I added your name to the end of the post as well.
way to go with the badges gabe and todd – very cool! any more designs coming in the next few days or so? i am about to order (again) but you keep putting stuff out!
how apple-like… 😉
thanks – drew
<blockquote>I wonder if you could do this with some neodymium magnets on the windows? Hrm…. :-)</blockquote>
That’s a great idea…
Love the country-oriented options. I’ll definitely be getting the Welsh flag. It would be great if you could add the Italian roundel and/or Italian flag!
Canadian badges! Thanks Gabe!
Does anyone know if the grille badge holders can scratch the paint on the grilles of the Cooper S?? That’s all that is holding me back from ordering…
Rebecca – they specifically have a foam backing so that they will not scratch the grille.
Hey Gabe!
Man these rock! I have my GBH on my MCSC already and am eagerly awaiting my first set of badges! I know that there are a lot of Aussies waiting to get their GBH’s from the States as they are not available here either 🙁 So, if you are going to do some more national flags please do an Australian one!! 😉
Steve – these are stronger magnets so there’s more potential for damage if you leave them on your paint for long periods.
I think I know the answer to this one (because of copyright issues)…
How about a Cubs logo!!!
>How about a Cubs logo!!!
As a huge Cubs fan I would like nothing more … but alas there are copyright issues 🙁
Hm, the Swiss badge makes me wanna buy the holder and this badge… nice work!
Oh, for those that don’t know, MINIUSA says you should not put more then 2 badge holders on your grill. They SAY its because of air flow, but I think its more an edict issue. =P
thanks for the St Andrew’s cross!
might I enter a request for a Red Lion,Rampant,the “other” Scottish flag?
and I second the request for a New Zealand flag.
thanks for doing all this!
Ordered a bunch today. They all look great.
Nice work!!
Another suggestion:
I would love a Black and Silver US Flag to go along with my Black and Silver UJ. Great way to support those who are looking at tacking a grille badge on an F-16 or A-10, right?
Any chance we may see a badge for MOTD 05′.
Wife had such fond memories.
I think it would be really neat if MINI Gave away some really cool grill badges to the people that took delivery of their GP’s on MINI takes the states. How about putting in a good word Gabe? Thanks Steve
Great Idea. Am waiting with bated breath for the sticker versions. Magnetic nadges here in the UK would probably be gone after one parking session!!!!!
Stickers would (and will?) be spot on and you will probably be inundated with UK requests.
Nice work to one and all. Keep it up.
I got my badges the other day – <a href="" rel="nofollow">Here they are at my desk.</a>. Now all I need is for my holder to make it in.
Has anybody discussed the possibility of doing a NAM badge?
Got my badge holder today (Nice work as usual OutMotoring!) Just waiting for my badges to arrive.
I got my badges yesterday all the way down here in Australia!!
WHAT! <a href="" rel="nofollow">Helix grille badges?!</a> OH SNAP!