You know the drill. Time again to give thanks to the companies and individuals that keep the lights on. If you ever feel the need to support the site, look no further than these fine companies:
Detailing Concepts
Your source for all Zymol car care products.
Your headquarters for the MINI tuning and aftermarket products.
Knauz MINI
MINIs available immediately (with 20% off Motoring Gear)
Your online source for MINI Cooper Parts & Accessories.
Mini Fini
Your source for the Mini Fini tow-link, cupholder and armrest!
Miniature Trailers has solutions so that you can do more with your Mini!
MINI of Manhattan
New York City’s only MINI dealership (located at 57th & 11th)
Morristown MINI
20% Motoring Gear, MotoringFile reader special discounts and eBay auctions.
Quality-crafted MyMini Components, MINILite Wheels, ITG Filters, and more!
A great selection of all the best electronics gear for your MINI from the UK.
The Aftermarket Performance Tuning Boutique for the MINI
Patrick MINI
Check Patrick’s new and pre-owned MINI inventory online.
Performance Parts by Promini (including Supersprint exhausts)
Webb Motorsports
A full service MINI and Lotus Elise tuner and performance parts supplier.
Thanks to all those who have supported us over the years. From our humble beginnings back the fall of 2002 we have grown exponentially as we bring the best MINI goodies to your doors. As you can tell, our online catalog grows monthly as we find the best and newest MINI products and we’re always on the lookout.
As the first, if not among the first, to advertise on the then, we have been reading the site daily, if not twice at day!!
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MINI Performance : Speed : Style
Having purchased from a coupla these fine, upstanding outfits, I have no hesitation giving a shout-out or two…or three. Ahem. Ahem! “Well done, chaps!” 😉
Rob in Dago