The loss of the supercharger on the Cooper S means a serious change to the soundtrack we’ve all grown accustom to. However the new Cooper S has a sound all its own that may prove almost as intoxicating. Obviously this clip is a bit processed (and undoubtedly recorded in studio-like conditions) but we’re told this is indeed the new 1.6L MINI engine. The clip was original available as part of a movie on the site and now can be found on the French MINI site
[ 1st Through 6th Gear ] 2007 MINI Cooper S (zip file w/mp3 inside)
That’s the sound they had on the Mini website that everyone was saying was not a turbo and not a 4cyl. Makes sense that it is in fact a real sound. Though I think they must have done a special job of recording it to get it sounding that good.
Yes, difficult to believe. Supercharger whine or not my aftermarket exhaust only approaches sounding that good in tunnels or (as I got to do this evening) in my underground parking garage at work! When I leave late as I did tonight and there are no people or cars left I do have a little fun 😉
Gabe, can you post a R53 soundtrack for comparison?
The recording was on the MINI website yesterday but doesn’t seem to be there anymore. Paul Mullett of MINI2 who drove the R56 at the press preview says the car does not sound like that.
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
Impressive sound…though I think its a recording of a Z06 😉 If that can actually be done with the new powerplant I’ll have to get in line for an order!
This sound was most likely recorded outside the car (perhaps under) so you’re not going to hear this sitting in the driver seat. And of course you have to drive fairly aggressively (matching revs etc) to get all those little niceties.
I agree with Mark – there is NO WAY that’s a stock 1.6 four banger. I’ll also go with the Z06…
That sounds like the sound track from the chase scene in the movie Bullet. No way is that a 1.6 turbo.
Listen to the first few seconds of this classic, and AWESOME video… tell me this doesn’t sound exactly like the recording!
The video is called “Rendezvous”, and it features a Ferrari running through Paris at VERY high speed, with NO safety gear, not police… just one VERY crazy driver.
I think the sound is spot on… oh and the soundtrack on the site is NOT a 4 cylinder.. and it is NOT a turbo. This recording is of a high powered V-8, probably Ferrari.
Wow. That must be the 300hp version. LOL
definitly not a ferrari. they have more of a scream at higher RPMs (think F1), not a grumble. at first i wanted to say AMG, like my neighbors S55 but no supercharger. possibly ….M6? or GT500/Z06? if the R56 reaches the redline that fast for each gear put me in line. BRG please!
sorry Rm2k5. i didnt realize you were talking about Redezvous. the 275 GTB was a V12 not an 8. my previous comment was in regaurds to the ferraris of today (355,360,and 430) that have the 8s sorry for the confusion
Z06 dyno run for comparison:
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
That sounds freakin awesome. I hope it really sounds like that.
The car driven in the “Rendezvous” film was a Mercedes 300 with overdubbed Ferrari sound. you could look it up.
The sound on the mp3 is not a MINI, it revs way to fast before shifting.
Was that on a dyno? It sounds like it goes through the same rev range, in the same amount of time, for each gear.
I agree, this is the “Rendezvous” GTB. My very first thought. Anyway, if this was a mini being wound out, the end of second gear (which comes at about 60 mph) would show up closer to 6-7 seconds, not 4. that thrashing sound is brutal, beautiful and extremely powerful from all through the rev range. 12 cylinders.
<blockquote>This sound was most likely recorded outside the car (perhaps under) so you’re not going to hear this sitting in the driver seat. And of course you have to drive fairly aggressively (matching revs etc) to get all those little niceties.</blockquote>
Why is there no road or air noise? The shifts are “too perfect” and sound nearly identical. I would bet this was made in a studio, pieced together from multiple clips.
>I would bet this was made in a studio, pieced together from multiple clips.
I would expect that’s the case.
Could it be a BMW M5 or M6?
I agree . . . re-edited right out of “Rendezvous”. The nerve! Rarely does a contemporary, modern street car even sound like this anymore. Is April Fools way late this year?
If it’s too good to be true – it probably is.
I think it’s blatantly obvious this clip is NOT the new Mini. If you’ve watched the few videos circling the net of the 2007 Mini, it sounds rather uninspired. It sounds like the old Mini without the supercharger. Nothing more, nothing less.
It’s a great note and lots of good growl to it, but I’ll take the supercharger whine any day. As sounds go, it’s nothing special IMO, whereas the supercharger whine on the current car is fantastic.
Gabe, I just re-listened to your audio review of your Supersprint exhaust, and I’ll take that every time.
all she needs is a blow off valve
<a href="" rel="nofollow">R56 Video – Zandvoort Circuit, Netherlands</a> Though the 2G MINI sounds good in the “R56 Video – Zandvoort Circuit”, the R56 Soundtrack” sounds a little enhanced to say the least.
To me it seems it shifts out of 3rd gear just before 6 seconds. Tell me a production car that does that if it’s redlining the shifts? Whatever this is, it’s not a 1st through 6th full on run. At least not in real time.
A few mikes in the right places and a creative mix down can do wonders.
<blockquote>Gabe Aug 15th, 2006
This sound was most likely recorded outside the car (perhaps under) so you’re not going to hear this sitting in the driver seat.</blockquote>
Great! I plan on doing most, if not all of my driving from under the car, so that works for me.
Excellent processsing! That studio could make a Gallardo sound like a Yugo.
Droool. Sign me up, send the bill. I want one.
I should have the first ‘consumer’ 2007 MINI Cooper S in Ohio!!! It helps to have friends in high places 🙂
MINI Cooper Accessories: Out
IMHO, those shifts are way too fast for a sub-200 HP engine unless the car is going down a steep incline… It sounds like a supercar, not a MINI.
Speaking of sounds…Does anyone know if the ’07 will still have the exhaust burble? I hope so : )
There is no way that a 1.6 turbo or not can rev up that quickly…’s only 170something horse.
That sounds like a remix of the post that you did yesterday of the test drive on the “Shark” page.
<a href="" rel="nofollow">minicom-launches-2007-section</a>
Then click MINI Cooper S.
Then Driving Agility once it loads.
I noticed that it sounded incredbile, maybe a little too incredible, but I didn’t have time to post yesterday.
Official O(=^=)O Capn analysis;) Sounds cool, Definitely not a 4 cylinder on the road. Revs too high too fast. It sounds like a studio remix. After listening to the MINI2 post above. It is possible to have it sound something like this, but it is too clean. I think that it is authentic, but ours will never sound like this.
Sounds like Detroit small/big iron block to me…
It sounds like they recorded in a sound cage with the engine outside of the car not attached to any load, and then electronically shifted the gears.
Recorded on a stage on rollers, no load. Absolutely not a V8 IMHO.
Why can’t the naysayers let us DREAM for a little while.
OK now I get it. That’s a recording of 3 2007 MINI’s running nose to tail. 3 MINI’s = 12 cylinders. 😉
i want a Z06
A mini shouldn’t sound like this, it’s too heavy.