(Posted by Todd at Monterey) As you all know Friday was delivery day for 32 lucky GP owners in Monterey. I was able to capture some interviews with a few of the owners and even a few words from Mike Cooper himself. Michael Cooper is actually John Michael Cooper so he signed my GP dash as John Cooper with a remarkable flair that you might recognize. Check the flicker for a rather poor camera phone image. I’m still without a way to get pictures from my camera to the laptop but I should have those photos transferred and posted shortly.
For now enjoy about 20 minutes of interviews and fun audio from GP delivery day in Monterey.
Download | 17:51 | 16.4MB | WRR @ iTunes
I just got back from a nice run with the Nano and had a chance to listen to this. Todd you’ve completely out done yourself!
<b>This is podcasting at its absolute best.</b>
I totally agree! BTW, THE GP SOUNDS AWESOME!!!
Also, I’m glad you’re keeping the red mirror caps!!
That is singularly awesome to have Mike Cooper actually sign your dashboard! How cool is that?!