Edmunds Inside Line has a new photo of the MINI clubman test mule with one of the rear “barn doors” open.  Keeping in mind that this is a test mule, some noteable features still stand out from the photo:

  • The doors feature a simple hinge, not the complicated parallelogram hinge shown in the concept.
  • The clean lines of the concept’s rear doors show some signs of changing to incorporate the rear license plate and the lights to illuminate it.
  • The tail lamps move with the door in the photo.  This isn’t expected to carry over to production.  Rather, much like the Concept the tail lamps may remain attached to the body, and the rear doors would have holes in them that the tail lights would sit behind.

Finally, as we’ve reported previously on MotoringFile the coach door will be on the right side only.   The extra “door” shown on the left side of the photos is purely masking.