We have a very special (and exclusive) video Friday today. Behold, the last of the first generation MINI commercials and the first created by MINI’s new ad agency BSSP. Look for this to eventually show up on TV and on the MINI USA website.
VERY CLEVER! Not only are they showing off the MINI’s great handling, but they’re SUV bashing in a very entertaining way. MINI also keeps that wonderful personality that’s so appealing to their market.
It’s been up for a while, and we haven’t been kkeeping it a secret, but I held off mentioning it in context of these other posts, in order to prevent getting a polite request to remove it.
Anyway, some substantial differences:
Features a Modded pre-2007 MINI Cooper with aero kit;
Different production company (Tool North America);
Unique “bullfight” theme/scenario;
Special FX “Bully” SUV, with pneumatic suspension, made to look like it’s (a) out of control, and (b) wounded and “bleeding” coolant…
I’m glad Mini enhanced the wit and style of their original marketing and didn’t try to emulate VW or Saturn. I was worried they might try to pass off the Mini as a “feel good” car, or pitch it like “Look at how cute and friendly we are. Let’s be super best friends forever!”
I love it!!! This is the perfect antedote for all those SUV commercials touting in some way that SUV owner’s are better somehow for purchasing a gargantuous monstrosity of an auto instead of some “cute little car”.
Um…yeah…hate to rain on the parade, but I’m not a big fan of this one – at least not as a commercial. As a video – as a fun little short film, I think it’s fabulous. But as an ad, I’m just left asking, “So?” It’s beautiful to watch – very graceful and energetic. But I kept waiting for the payoff at the end – the punch line that was going to make the whole thing worthwhile. It never came. So I’m left with MINI Matador. Is that the concept? Will there be other MINI Matador ads? Or is this just a one-time jab at SUVs? “SUVs suck” – is that the message? Is that why I should want a MINI? Because it’s not an SUV? Are we this insecure now? The MINI has so much going for it purely on its own merits, why is the SUV comparison necessary?
Where’s the brand? We joke about it here on the boards, but since when has SUV-bashing been a MINI brand value? Much like with the “viral” videos last month, I’m left asking “Why do I want a MINI again?” “What does this have to do with the car…or with me?”
I applaud this as at least being different from the majority of car advertising out there, which is pretty much all gosh-awful, But on the strength of the ad itself, I wanted more. I wanted reason with personality. I wanted benefits with soul. I wanted the MINI to shine as the amazing little car that it is. Any small car can do tight reverse 180s on dirt. Give me a reason to care about the <em>MINI</em>. I obsessively LOVE the car and the brand and don’t give a rip about the message of this ad. That’s not a good sign.
But that’s just me. Grains of salt all around. Keep up the good fight BSSP!
I’m amzed that they were able to shoot this ad in a single day, and have a finished version online in less than 3 weeks! Amazing… I agree that the message isn’t well-defined, especially since the big bad SUV seems to manage tight, controlled maneuvers on the cramped rooftop just as easily as the MINI…
As a fun little quick & dirty video, I like it a lot, but expected more of a payoff…
During the shoot, a lot of work went into the special effects of the SUV: the amplified sense of body roll was due to the careful use of air shocks on all wheels, along with skillful remote operation by a co-driver… It really looked like that thing was going to collect itself up in a little ball a few times when heading for the wall. They also spent some time trying to get the SUV to “bleed” coolant onto the carefully-sanded rooftop surface, while steam issued from the grill, like a bull snorting…
We were able to talk with the two “background elements” (extras) up on the corner rooftop of the adjacent overlooking parking garage (that’s where we parked our MINI!), and they were very friendly and informative. I’m glad they made it into the ad so prominently, as they were uncertain whether they would even end up onscreen in the final version.
We also found out that the red and white vintage signage painted around the periphery of the “ring” of the rooftop parking area was done just for the ad shoot, and was painted over shortly thereafter. Nice attention to detail!
<blockquote>MINI has been making fun of SUVs in their advertising for a long time now. Where have you been?</blockquote>
Have you got an example? I’ve got tons of brochures and other collateral that cross-section the last 3 years and have watched all the TV spots I’ve been able to find and haven’t seen it. Things like the bumper sticker that says “Your SUV is a POS” were developed outside of MINI by other people who’d hijacked the MINI brand look.
If it’s there, I’m happy to be wrong. I just haven’t seen it. Furthermore, I don’t think something as great as the MINI needs to resort to SUV comparisons for people to see its merits.
Ah yes, the billboard with just the headline reading “Th SUV backlash officially starts now.”
Alright. I’ll give you that one.
But even then, that headline is a pretty indirect bash and not a direct comparison of the MINI to SUVs, or even an actual commentary on SUVs themselves. I still don’t see it as a brand value though.
>But even then, that headline is a pretty indirect bash and not a direct comparison of the MINI to SUVs, or even an actual commentary on SUVs themselves. I still don’t see it as a brand value though.
Nathaniel – I think you’re reading spot wrong.
I really don’t think BSSP and MINI USA are directly comparing an SUV and a Cooper in this spot. I don’t think it’s really anything more than a light-hearted jab at what our society has become and how much better a MINI way of life is. What we think we need vs what we really need.
The spot is all about brand value, every single move the MINI makes in the spot speaks to the brand.
And I know there are others. These are slogans on official MINI posters.
It’s never been “mean spirited” like the “Your SUV is a POS” reference you made, but SUVs have always been a fun target for MINI advertising. It’s good-natured ribbing. True that some of us MINI owners (myself included) have a strong contempt for the vast majority of SUVs bought in the USA (out of whack for their intended use), but the official campaign is all in good fun.
I thought it was a fun little video, but not anything really special. I don’t know how Nathaniel could have possibly missed the MINI vs. SUV message that has been overtly communicated in their advertising over the years, so that wasn’t an issue for me. But maybe that is because I live in SUV land out here in the west and that might be more emphasized in my part of the country. Looking and hoping for something even more fun, though. But maybe I’m just used to the old company’s style.
Quoting Gabe:
<blockquote>I really don’t think BSSP and MINI USA are directly comparing an SUV and a Cooper in this spot. I don’t think it’s really anything more than a light-hearted jab at what our society has become and how much better a MINI way of life is. What we think we need vs what we really need</blockquote>
I don’t think they’re trying to, but that’s what I get out of it. In my post, I’m not saying this is a MINI vs SUV comparison commercial as much as I’m <em>asking</em> if it’s a MINI vs SUV commercial. Whatever the deeper message is, it’s so subtle that I’m not seeing it. Where’s the beef? Why should I care? Why could only a MINI do this and not a Ford Focus?
Quoting myself:
<blockquote>“SUVs suck†– is that the message? Is that why I should want a MINI? Because it’s not an SUV?</blockquote>
My problem isn’t the comparison in and of itself in this spot as much as not knowing if that’s what the spot is trying to communicate in the first place. I came away with MINI vs. SUV and that just seems like a poor positioning move to me without something else to flush it out.
Quoting Gabe again:
<blockquote>The spot is all about brand value, every single move the MINI makes in the spot speaks to the brand.</blockquote>
I disagree with you here in that as a commercial, it doesn’t seem to be “saying” much at all. It’s a great little :60 movie, don’t get me wrong. I actually really like it. There just isn’t any real messaging there, IMO – or at least it’s too subtle for me. It’s like a great story with a weak moral. I don’t think it’s a bad commercial. I just don’t think it’s a <em>great</em> commercial. And that’s just my opinion. It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback.
Quoting VMMVMMM:
<blockquote> I don’t know how Nathaniel could have possibly missed the MINI vs. SUV message that has been overtly communicated in their advertising over the years, so that wasn’t an issue for me.</blockquote>
I guess there’s more than I remembered – clever headlines and such. But even with the jabs, I never felt like MINI was actually positioning itself in the market or in the minds of consumers relative to SUVs. I get a little of that from this ad – more than in their past communications. That’s all I’m getting at. I don’t think that “SUV Alternative” is a good place to position the MINI. And yes, I know that isn’t what their going for, that’s just a little of what I get from this spot as an <em>advertisement</em>. If this were more of a viral thing, It wouldn’t bother me at all.
I’ll also add that if this were part of a “MINI Hero” series – sort of a more conceptual and artful version of the <em>BMW Films</em> series – I’d be all about it.
>I disagree with you here in that as a commercial, it doesn’t seem to be “saying” much at all. It’s a great little :60 movie, don’t get me wrong. I actually really like it. There just isn’t any real messaging there, IMO – or at least it’s too subtle for me. It’s like a great story with a weak moral. I don’t think it’s a bad commercial. I just don’t think it’s a <em>great</em> commercial. And that’s just my opinion. It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback.
I feel like you’re not seeing the forest for the trees with this spot.
Cute little ad … but I think BSSM has yet to show me something great since they took over. All their ads have been kind like “middle finger in the air” to the non Mini drivers … which is a very non MINI thing in itself.
However, as I see BMW IS going after the “masses” with the new gen which typically have this type of mentality … well in that case this stuff might work.
Commercial makes you think of the cool symbolism…
Placement on Super Bowl Sunday might be too expensive.
PRE-game show rates might be better…
But it would create strong buzz on Monday morning.
Then watch the charge into the dealerships to place 2007 orders….(MSRP + premium pricing) here we go again.
(A MINI lifestyle)
Cute ad!! Not particularly meaningful…just fun, and I’m all for that. The abrupt cut to the MINI logo at the end with “ole” was sharp and added a lot an otherwise very “cimema verite” piece.
No need for a complex analysis of a simple concept. The commercial illustrates SUV’s = bad, MINIs = awesomeness. If that doesn’t tell you to buy a MINI over an SUV, the only other way to do that would be creating a commercial actually saying “Buy a MINI over a POS SUV.” PS – this commercial is awesome, black and red would have been the better choice.
The black SUV simply represents the brutish charging Bull, the Mini the gracefull and agile Matador. It simply shows that small = agile, large = lumbering. As such, the SUV is the only choice possible to express the difference between the two. Not sure its such a dig at SUV’s in general, more a celebration of how small = perfect.
I completely respect the fact that you have your own perspective on this, Nathaniel.
For me, it’s hard to see MINI with such a brilliant background of strategic brand development (that was weaned on a shoestring budget), go from cleverly articulating it’s brand through award winning guerrilla campaigns, to such a subtle gesture on such a large scale, high dollar campaign. You can’t help but respect CP&B for what they’ve done for MINI.
I still like the spot. I still think it does a better job than most car commercials. However, speaking from what we’re used to, I think BSSP has some big shoes to fill.
Cute ad… but why spend money filming an ad featuring a car that is no longer in production? Especially when the R56 is readily available for film, at least (if not yet on the road in some parts of the world).
Regardless of what MINI is used, the ad sends the same message and will move people to buy MINI if they buy the message, R50 or R56 or whatever MINI is current. Looking at all the new ads and photos, and showing potential MINI owners the photos and ads, I am struck by how similar the two MINIs look and how little non-owners appreciate the differences. You, as MINIacs, had to look pretty close to see this was an ’06 and not the new ’07. I really don’t think it matters. They could play this ad with positive effect even when all the ’06s are gone.
Wow, some of these negative commenters are anal-retentive to the point of nausea. You all are some serious monday morning quaterbacks, nitpicking and over-analyzing a friggin 60-second commercial!
Since when is a commercial suppossed to be a profound and deeply meaningful form of communication? When did it become more than just an entertaining way to make people remember that you’ve got something to sell?
I’ve seen fanaticism for many things and with all due respect, yours is pathetic at best. I own an 05 Cooper S. I love it like I love cake…..I’m not IN LOVE with cake though. Save your energy and passion for things that aren’t so inanimate.
Not sure how this works, Gabe, but can you change the video on Google to allow download of the original? Like for the video iPod? It’ll save me the FLV→mp4 step with iSquint. 😉
Terrific! Can’t wait to see it on TV!
OLE’ !
I wish my tinted windows could that nice. I hate having that dot matrix stuff.
Is nice. MINI makes bull party on top of parkin. Is nice!
Would they air a 2006 ad at this (too) late date?
I Like! Jagshemash!
Do they actually manufacture SUVs without any shock absorbers in de US? 🙂
I’d kind of expected to see the R56 in this video, but of course in the US it’ll arrive a few months later.
geinus geinus geinus!!!!!!
VERY CLEVER! Not only are they showing off the MINI’s great handling, but they’re SUV bashing in a very entertaining way. MINI also keeps that wonderful personality that’s so appealing to their market.
Great job.
I think it’s stupid.
I should be the target buyer of a MINI.
I wouldn’t consider buying an SUV.
I don’t run cars in circles on roof top parking lots.
I have this personal thing against black tinted windows – what’s MINI hiding?
I’ll spare you my continued list of what’s wrong…
Sorry guys, I think it’s a stupid ad and seeing it would not cause me to want to buy a MINI.
Great idea, great execution, great corrida..very clever..
Great concept. Finally something that directly shows MINI vs SUV. I think that truck had its shocks removed for enhanced effect. 🙂
And to think that is “JustaCooper”. Go MC, go MC, go MC…
This ties together with what am0eba posted yesterday
<blockquote>My wife Judy and I observed a different MINI ad shoot just before Halloween in downtown Los Angeles. Here’s a link:
<a href="http://twistedmotoring.org/MyStuff/MINIadShoot/102606.html" rel="nofollow ugc">http://twistedmotoring.org/MyStuff/MINIadShoot/102606.html</a>
It’s been up for a while, and we haven’t been kkeeping it a secret, but I held off mentioning it in context of these other posts, in order to prevent getting a polite request to remove it.
Anyway, some substantial differences:
Features a Modded pre-2007 MINI Cooper with aero kit;
Different production company (Tool North America);
Unique “bullfight” theme/scenario;
Special FX “Bully” SUV, with pneumatic suspension, made to look like it’s (a) out of control, and (b) wounded and “bleeding” coolant…
Very cool and clever!
I’m glad Mini enhanced the wit and style of their original marketing and didn’t try to emulate VW or Saturn. I was worried they might try to pass off the Mini as a “feel good” car, or pitch it like “Look at how cute and friendly we are. Let’s be super best friends forever!”
(I just wish I could dot my i with a heart. Gag.)
I love it!!! This is the perfect antedote for all those SUV commercials touting in some way that SUV owner’s are better somehow for purchasing a gargantuous monstrosity of an auto instead of some “cute little car”.
Um…yeah…hate to rain on the parade, but I’m not a big fan of this one – at least not as a commercial. As a video – as a fun little short film, I think it’s fabulous. But as an ad, I’m just left asking, “So?” It’s beautiful to watch – very graceful and energetic. But I kept waiting for the payoff at the end – the punch line that was going to make the whole thing worthwhile. It never came. So I’m left with MINI Matador. Is that the concept? Will there be other MINI Matador ads? Or is this just a one-time jab at SUVs? “SUVs suck” – is that the message? Is that why I should want a MINI? Because it’s not an SUV? Are we this insecure now? The MINI has so much going for it purely on its own merits, why is the SUV comparison necessary?
Where’s the brand? We joke about it here on the boards, but since when has SUV-bashing been a MINI brand value? Much like with the “viral” videos last month, I’m left asking “Why do I want a MINI again?” “What does this have to do with the car…or with me?”
I applaud this as at least being different from the majority of car advertising out there, which is pretty much all gosh-awful, But on the strength of the ad itself, I wanted more. I wanted reason with personality. I wanted benefits with soul. I wanted the MINI to shine as the amazing little car that it is. Any small car can do tight reverse 180s on dirt. Give me a reason to care about the <em>MINI</em>. I obsessively LOVE the car and the brand and don’t give a rip about the message of this ad. That’s not a good sign.
But that’s just me. Grains of salt all around. Keep up the good fight BSSP!
<blockquote>since when has SUV-bashing been a MINI brand value?</blockquote>
MINI has been making fun of SUVs in their advertising for a long time now. Where have you been?
I’m amzed that they were able to shoot this ad in a single day, and have a finished version online in less than 3 weeks! Amazing… I agree that the message isn’t well-defined, especially since the big bad SUV seems to manage tight, controlled maneuvers on the cramped rooftop just as easily as the MINI…
As a fun little quick & dirty video, I like it a lot, but expected more of a payoff…
During the shoot, a lot of work went into the special effects of the SUV: the amplified sense of body roll was due to the careful use of air shocks on all wheels, along with skillful remote operation by a co-driver… It really looked like that thing was going to collect itself up in a little ball a few times when heading for the wall. They also spent some time trying to get the SUV to “bleed” coolant onto the carefully-sanded rooftop surface, while steam issued from the grill, like a bull snorting…
We were able to talk with the two “background elements” (extras) up on the corner rooftop of the adjacent overlooking parking garage (that’s where we parked our MINI!), and they were very friendly and informative. I’m glad they made it into the ad so prominently, as they were uncertain whether they would even end up onscreen in the final version.
We also found out that the red and white vintage signage painted around the periphery of the “ring” of the rooftop parking area was done just for the ad shoot, and was painted over shortly thereafter. Nice attention to detail!
Anyway, in case you missed the link from the other thread, we’ve got a page on our website with photos, text, and a short video of the ad shoot:
<a href="http://twistedmotoring.org/MyStuff/MINIadShoot/102606.html" rel="nofollow ugc">http://twistedmotoring.org/MyStuff/MINIadShoot/102606.html</a>
<a href="http://twistedmotoring.org/MyStuff/MINIadShoot/show/thumbnails/IMG_7481to85.jpg" rel="nofollow ugc">http://twistedmotoring.org/MyStuff/MINIadShoot/show/thumbnails/IMG_7481to85.jpg</a>
It remined me of the Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston
fight,with ali working the ring and beating Liston.
<blockquote>MINI has been making fun of SUVs in their advertising for a long time now. Where have you been?</blockquote>
Have you got an example? I’ve got tons of brochures and other collateral that cross-section the last 3 years and have watched all the TV spots I’ve been able to find and haven’t seen it. Things like the bumper sticker that says “Your SUV is a POS” were developed outside of MINI by other people who’d hijacked the MINI brand look.
If it’s there, I’m happy to be wrong. I just haven’t seen it. Furthermore, I don’t think something as great as the MINI needs to resort to SUV comparisons for people to see its merits.
<blockquote>Have you got an example? </blockquote>
MINIUSA ad circa 2002:
The SUV Backlash Starts Now
There was also the MINI on top of the Ford Excursion that got a ton of press at launch.
Ah yes, the billboard with just the headline reading “Th SUV backlash officially starts now.”
Alright. I’ll give you that one.
But even then, that headline is a pretty indirect bash and not a direct comparison of the MINI to SUVs, or even an actual commentary on SUVs themselves. I still don’t see it as a brand value though.
Any others out there?
>But even then, that headline is a pretty indirect bash and not a direct comparison of the MINI to SUVs, or even an actual commentary on SUVs themselves. I still don’t see it as a brand value though.
Nathaniel – I think you’re reading spot wrong.
I really don’t think BSSP and MINI USA are directly comparing an SUV and a Cooper in this spot. I don’t think it’s really anything more than a light-hearted jab at what our society has become and how much better a MINI way of life is. What we think we need vs what we really need.
The spot is all about brand value, every single move the MINI makes in the spot speaks to the brand.
Let us not forget, just off the top of my head:
SUVs, we feel your pain
Let us sip, not guzzle
And I know there are others. These are slogans on official MINI posters.
It’s never been “mean spirited” like the “Your SUV is a POS” reference you made, but SUVs have always been a fun target for MINI advertising. It’s good-natured ribbing. True that some of us MINI owners (myself included) have a strong contempt for the vast majority of SUVs bought in the USA (out of whack for their intended use), but the official campaign is all in good fun.
I thought it was a fun little video, but not anything really special. I don’t know how Nathaniel could have possibly missed the MINI vs. SUV message that has been overtly communicated in their advertising over the years, so that wasn’t an issue for me. But maybe that is because I live in SUV land out here in the west and that might be more emphasized in my part of the country. Looking and hoping for something even more fun, though. But maybe I’m just used to the old company’s style.
Quoting Gabe:
<blockquote>I really don’t think BSSP and MINI USA are directly comparing an SUV and a Cooper in this spot. I don’t think it’s really anything more than a light-hearted jab at what our society has become and how much better a MINI way of life is. What we think we need vs what we really need</blockquote>
I don’t think they’re trying to, but that’s what I get out of it. In my post, I’m not saying this is a MINI vs SUV comparison commercial as much as I’m <em>asking</em> if it’s a MINI vs SUV commercial. Whatever the deeper message is, it’s so subtle that I’m not seeing it. Where’s the beef? Why should I care? Why could only a MINI do this and not a Ford Focus?
Quoting myself:
<blockquote>“SUVs suck†– is that the message? Is that why I should want a MINI? Because it’s not an SUV?</blockquote>
My problem isn’t the comparison in and of itself in this spot as much as not knowing if that’s what the spot is trying to communicate in the first place. I came away with MINI vs. SUV and that just seems like a poor positioning move to me without something else to flush it out.
Quoting Gabe again:
<blockquote>The spot is all about brand value, every single move the MINI makes in the spot speaks to the brand.</blockquote>
I disagree with you here in that as a commercial, it doesn’t seem to be “saying” much at all. It’s a great little :60 movie, don’t get me wrong. I actually really like it. There just isn’t any real messaging there, IMO – or at least it’s too subtle for me. It’s like a great story with a weak moral. I don’t think it’s a bad commercial. I just don’t think it’s a <em>great</em> commercial. And that’s just my opinion. It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback.
Quoting VMMVMMM:
<blockquote> I don’t know how Nathaniel could have possibly missed the MINI vs. SUV message that has been overtly communicated in their advertising over the years, so that wasn’t an issue for me.</blockquote>
I guess there’s more than I remembered – clever headlines and such. But even with the jabs, I never felt like MINI was actually positioning itself in the market or in the minds of consumers relative to SUVs. I get a little of that from this ad – more than in their past communications. That’s all I’m getting at. I don’t think that “SUV Alternative” is a good place to position the MINI. And yes, I know that isn’t what their going for, that’s just a little of what I get from this spot as an <em>advertisement</em>. If this were more of a viral thing, It wouldn’t bother me at all.
I’ll also add that if this were part of a “MINI Hero” series – sort of a more conceptual and artful version of the <em>BMW Films</em> series – I’d be all about it.
>I disagree with you here in that as a commercial, it doesn’t seem to be “saying” much at all. It’s a great little :60 movie, don’t get me wrong. I actually really like it. There just isn’t any real messaging there, IMO – or at least it’s too subtle for me. It’s like a great story with a weak moral. I don’t think it’s a bad commercial. I just don’t think it’s a <em>great</em> commercial. And that’s just my opinion. It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback.
I feel like you’re not seeing the forest for the trees with this spot.
gentlemen: the car being in the ad is more than enough. people get the “mini thing” – no explanations required.
i think the ad works perfectly. those who don’t get it aren’t right for the brand.
those who do get it are exactly mini’s target demographic.
makes sense to me – drew
<blockquote>I feel like you’re not seeing the forest for the trees with this spot.</blockquote>
Yeah, maybe so. Perhaps the message will grow on me. I never could see those Magic Eye things. Ha ha!
Cute little ad … but I think BSSM has yet to show me something great since they took over. All their ads have been kind like “middle finger in the air” to the non Mini drivers … which is a very non MINI thing in itself.
However, as I see BMW IS going after the “masses” with the new gen which typically have this type of mentality … well in that case this stuff might work.
Love the commercial! Interesting that they’re using an 06 though….
Commercial makes you think of the cool symbolism…
Placement on Super Bowl Sunday might be too expensive.
PRE-game show rates might be better…
But it would create strong buzz on Monday morning.
Then watch the charge into the dealerships to place 2007 orders….(MSRP + premium pricing) here we go again.
(A MINI lifestyle)
Cute ad!! Not particularly meaningful…just fun, and I’m all for that. The abrupt cut to the MINI logo at the end with “ole” was sharp and added a lot an otherwise very “cimema verite” piece.
No need for a complex analysis of a simple concept. The commercial illustrates SUV’s = bad, MINIs = awesomeness. If that doesn’t tell you to buy a MINI over an SUV, the only other way to do that would be creating a commercial actually saying “Buy a MINI over a POS SUV.” PS – this commercial is awesome, black and red would have been the better choice.
The black SUV simply represents the brutish charging Bull, the Mini the gracefull and agile Matador. It simply shows that small = agile, large = lumbering. As such, the SUV is the only choice possible to express the difference between the two. Not sure its such a dig at SUV’s in general, more a celebration of how small = perfect.
Its a good advert, but needed a punchline.
All I know is I’m glad I’m not the one going <a href="http://motoringfile.com/2006/09/22/r56-television-promos/" rel="nofollow">against the grain</a> this time. I don’t think I could handle the backlash again. 😉
I completely respect the fact that you have your own perspective on this, Nathaniel.
For me, it’s hard to see MINI with such a brilliant background of strategic brand development (that was weaned on a shoestring budget), go from cleverly articulating it’s brand through award winning guerrilla campaigns, to such a subtle gesture on such a large scale, high dollar campaign. You can’t help but respect CP&B for what they’ve done for MINI.
I still like the spot. I still think it does a better job than most car commercials. However, speaking from what we’re used to, I think BSSP has some big shoes to fill.
BTW, I took a screen capture. Isn’t <a href="http://www.dickdavid.com/transfer/r50.jpg" rel="nofollow">Text to link</a> an R50?
NEVER MIND. I assumed this was an R56 spot. It pays to actually read the lead-in for the video.
Cute ad… but why spend money filming an ad featuring a car that is no longer in production? Especially when the R56 is readily available for film, at least (if not yet on the road in some parts of the world).
Dealers will still be selling the rest of the R50 and R53s in stock thru the middle of Feb. And a little holiday advertising cant hurt.
Regardless of what MINI is used, the ad sends the same message and will move people to buy MINI if they buy the message, R50 or R56 or whatever MINI is current. Looking at all the new ads and photos, and showing potential MINI owners the photos and ads, I am struck by how similar the two MINIs look and how little non-owners appreciate the differences. You, as MINIacs, had to look pretty close to see this was an ’06 and not the new ’07. I really don’t think it matters. They could play this ad with positive effect even when all the ’06s are gone.
Wow, some of these negative commenters are anal-retentive to the point of nausea. You all are some serious monday morning quaterbacks, nitpicking and over-analyzing a friggin 60-second commercial!
Since when is a commercial suppossed to be a profound and deeply meaningful form of communication? When did it become more than just an entertaining way to make people remember that you’ve got something to sell?
I’ve seen fanaticism for many things and with all due respect, yours is pathetic at best. I own an 05 Cooper S. I love it like I love cake…..I’m not IN LOVE with cake though. Save your energy and passion for things that aren’t so inanimate.
Not sure how this works, Gabe, but can you change the video on Google to allow download of the original? Like for the video iPod? It’ll save me the FLV→mp4 step with iSquint. 😉