Another rumor we’ve heard from several folks over the last few weeks was that MINI was moving the introduction of the factory “MINI” aero kit back from March of 2007 to Summer of 2007. We now have confirmation that this is indeed happening. However from our understanding this is not the JCW aero kit that we’ve seen plenty of pictures of, but the MINI branded kit that has thus far remained rather elusive to real photography.
Unfortunately this also means that the Hyper Sport kit for the US market will also be pushed back until summer of 2007 as this is a major component of that option.
Of course those who must have an Aero kit of some kind can still add the JCW aero kit that comes out this winter. It’s a slightly more aggressive looking package but for those wanting to go that route. And you can always opt for the sport suspension (the other part of the package) as a stand-alone option as well.
With this now being at least the second delay associated with the new NEW MINI, perhaps some detail can be given that speaks to the lifecycle of a new car/model from inception to public sale. Maybe that will help ease some people’s fears and frustrations seeing as there is so much involved that a delay here and there almost seems unavoidable?
If I’m completely off topic and/or this has already been covered on MF, then I apologize now.
Just seems from my limited knowledge though, there are so many external pieces of the puzzle that can cause delays – among the internal pieces – that this shouldn’t be all that surprising?
Isn’t this the one to be offered in the “hyper sport” package which included a suspension upgrade? I’m very interested in hear how this compares to the prior JCW suspension upgrade. Furthermore will this replace the JCW suspension or will there be even another suspension up grade available? All this waiting is making me crazy.
Hands up everyone who expected new car intro hiccups, and bought a “last / best” ’06 MINI instead 😉
You guys have got it wrong. Can’t you see that this is all just a devious plot to help the Mini dealerships clear their lots of remaining ’06 inventories?
…(crashes into SUV)…
…guess i should have pulled over before raising my hands…
…R53 > R56…
…MINI > everything else…
This is the first time I’m hearing that there will be two different kinds of “aero” kits. That’s great news. I always liked the look of the R50/R53 with an aero kit, and I was instantly disappointed with the JCW-branded kit. Fingers crossed that the “other” kit is more to my liking.
What didn’t you care for about the JCW kit?
I LOVE that kit personally, and would like to hear other perspectives.
Aero kit is on hold in the UK too. However, whilst picking up my new Cooper on saturday, I saw a customers Cooper S fitted with the kit.
Turns out dealers in the UK were offered a kit to put on a demo car for the launch, the customer in question would only have his new Cooper S if he could have the kit. So Sewell my MINI dealer did some frantic phoning round to find a kit that hadn’t been fitted to a car.
I like the new kit, it looks far more integrated than the last Aero kit. In my view, the least successful part is the gloss black front grille – if it were mine i’d probably leave it with the standard Cooper S one.
the kit you’re referring to is the JCW Aero kit and not the “MINI” aero kit that is referenced in this article. The JCW Aero kit will be available this winter.
OK, have to say though having looked at the pictures of the JCW converted car and the one at the dealers there seemed very little difference to me.