In the last 24 hours we’ve heard a couple reports referencing an upcoming film that will feature a 2007 MINI Cooper S in some way. Has anyone else seen or heard of something similar?
Most likely, Seriously Dude, where’s my car…but this is not even written yet. The rumor was a Kutcher thought.
The London Job isn’t in production or scheduled.
The Brazillian Job is in script finalization… IF it ever hits production. The production sheets that are sent to industry have not mentioned either film above.
Although there was a false start on the Brazillian Job about a year ago.
Transformers will not feature a mini.
I went to the MINI Masters Council meeting in Cabo a few weeks back, and got the run down on this movie. IT is totally top secret, and is going to be awesome! I saw bits and pieces of it, and it looks great. Release date is Feb. 17th. Coincidence that the 07’s are released the same day? Hints: Starsky and Hutch, NightRider, Dukes of Hazzard……
The original has a very special charm to it. Definitely classic. That said, the remake is much more entertaining and has a halfway clever plot. It is a good movie. Moreover, every time I see the new Italian Job I work up a mean hankerin’ for some supercharged fun of my own.
Okay so here’s what I’ve heard. This will be some kind of throw-back movie that will feature a MINI sort of in a Kit way. The guy I talked to said it was shot quickly for a for late winter release.
Dude – that’s totally spot on. It’s being directed by… oh I can’t say or he’d kill me. But it will totally be cool. And if you know movies you’ll know the star and the director. I guess they put it together really quickly in an “old-school” way.
Pulleeze, too many Jobs already. And wait, a MINI movie based on a lousy TV show is gonna be anything but execrable – I clear my nostrils in your general direction. Howzabout a sequel to “Goodbye, Pork Pie”? I’d buy that for a dollar.
i hope there will be a MINI in the new transformers movie. I would be ahead of the curve since my MINI is named “OTTOBOT”…complete with autobot emblems in various places.
It is a hoax. Launch of R56. New AD campaign.
Keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks. There is something in the pipeline. 😉
A few guesses:
<a href="" rel="nofollow">The London Job</a> – MotoringFile reported back in September that a script for the Italian Job remake was in circulation.
Transformers – doesn’t seem likely at this point, but we could always hope that a MINI is featured.
Let’s just hope it’s not: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Seriously Dude, Where’s My Car?</a>
Most likely, Seriously Dude, where’s my car…but this is not even written yet. The rumor was a Kutcher thought.
The London Job isn’t in production or scheduled.
The Brazillian Job is in script finalization… IF it ever hits production. The production sheets that are sent to industry have not mentioned either film above.
Although there was a false start on the Brazillian Job about a year ago.
Transformers will not feature a mini.
Wait to see. It won’t be anything spectacular.
Wasn’t there an R56 in the Cameron Diaz/Kate Winslet movie called “The Holiday”?….
No wait, I just found a picture and it was a R53…
<a href="" rel="nofollow">picture here</a>
By the way, I would do anything to see a “London Job” movie… as long as it has a decent script and good storyline like the previous Italian Jobs.
I saw a copied movie DVD recently in China that featured a mini cooper that came to life. It looked like a copy of a herbie movie with a MINI.
The last (REMAKE) of The Italian Job had a decent script and storyline?
Did we see the same film?
I liked it…
I went to the MINI Masters Council meeting in Cabo a few weeks back, and got the run down on this movie. IT is totally top secret, and is going to be awesome! I saw bits and pieces of it, and it looks great. Release date is Feb. 17th. Coincidence that the 07’s are released the same day? Hints: Starsky and Hutch, NightRider, Dukes of Hazzard……
I thought it was good to
I think the remake was MUCH MUCH MUCH better than the original, campy, boring version. The plot was actually BETTER than the original.
The original has a very special charm to it. Definitely classic. That said, the remake is much more entertaining and has a halfway clever plot. It is a good movie. Moreover, every time I see the new Italian Job I work up a mean hankerin’ for some supercharged fun of my own.
I red something about it, too.
Check out
sorry, forgot the www
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
Added to my Netflix list… Once I saw the Dark Silver MCS I figured I needed to see it. 🙂
Okay so here’s what I’ve heard. This will be some kind of throw-back movie that will feature a MINI sort of in a Kit way. The guy I talked to said it was shot quickly for a for late winter release.
Dude – that’s totally spot on. It’s being directed by… oh I can’t say or he’d kill me. But it will totally be cool. And if you know movies you’ll know the star and the director. I guess they put it together really quickly in an “old-school” way.
Can’t wait!
Pulleeze, too many Jobs already. And wait, a MINI movie based on a lousy TV show is gonna be anything but execrable – I clear my nostrils in your general direction. Howzabout a sequel to “Goodbye, Pork Pie”? I’d buy that for a dollar.
Rob in Dago
Isn’t there supposed to be a Mini in the upcoming Transformer movie?
Also, London Job sounds good. Give it a Guy Richie-esque feel (Snatch, Lock STock, etc.) and I’m there
i hope there will be a MINI in the new transformers movie. I would be ahead of the curve since my MINI is named “OTTOBOT”…complete with autobot emblems in various places.