Update (Sunday 1:00pm): Be sure to check out the new photos from today’s events.
I’ve touched down in Phoenix and in doing so have gone from 7F to 70F. But beyond that there are new MINIs. Lots of new MINIs. And lots of people with MINI shirts who look rather official.
While here I’ll be adhering to a stringent schedule of looking at MINIs, driving MINIs, and talking about MINIs. So writing time will be at a premium. But photos I can do. So be sure to check out the MotoringFile Flickr Pool for photo updates throughout the weekend of the MINI USA R56 press launch.
Can you please ask the mini folks what’s going on with the multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the R56? Will they be retrofitting the multifunction wheel here as lots of cars have been effected by this I believe.
I placed and order for my R56 in Dec and was expecting delivery around Feb 21st and I was SOOOOOOOO excited about this. After reading this thread I checked my car’s specs in OL and also called MINI USA and my MA and it looks like my order is screwed up too. If I’m going to pay about 27K for a new car, not having cruise isn’t an option. How could Mini make sure a critical mistake? I’m going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAD if I have to wait another 6 – 8 weeks to re-order and get the correct car. If Mini doesn’t figure out a way to retrofit the wheel or give some major incentive to customers who have to wait extra, that is going to make them look really bad. I can imagine what sort of ratings they will get in different car surverys like JD Powers if they don’t figure out a way to address this major issue.
We all envy you Gabe. If you get some time, can you as the Mini techs if they will be able to retrofit the R56 with the Sports Leather Multifunction Steering Wheel? I had ordered my Mini with one but apparently it has been built with the regular sports steering wheel. It appears that this mixup happened with lots of orders. I want to know if retrofitting will be possible or if I should re-order.
Gabe, I have the same question as Zac about the Multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the first batch of 2007 Minis which customers were expecting to get after the 2/17 launch this month. I’ve been waiting for 7 weeks now to get my 07 MCS and because my Mini got built with thewrong wheel without mutifunction, (it means I get no cruise control, which is a big deal) I’ll have to re-order on Monday. My question for Mini is that will they be able to expedite the new order for the correct build? And what incentive will they be providing to customers who will have to wait an extra 6ish weeks to get their 07 Minis due to this mixup in the steering wheel order.
Gabe, I have the same question as Zac about the Multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the first batch of 2007 Minis which customers were expecting to get after the 2/17 launch this month. I’ve been waiting for 7 weeks now to get my 07 MCS and because my Mini got built with the wrong wheel without mutifunction, (it means I get no cruise control, which is a big deal) I’ll have to re-order on Monday. My question for Mini is that will they be able to expedite the new order for the correct build? And what incentive will they be providing to customers who will have to wait an extra 6ish weeks to get their 07 Minis due to this mixup in the steering wheel order?
My 07 Mini Cooper’s order also got messed up – I had ordered a multifunction wheel and it’s been built without one. I can’t accept the car without the multifunction wheel as it is a “must have” for me. I read on a different forum that lots of customers have become victims of this order mixup. Can you find out from Mini what they will be doing to rectify this issue?
I am in love…great pics! Maybe a point of minutia but I’m noting some variations in R56 bonnet stripe placement….some are farther apart on the bonnet (which I’ve always preferred). Maybe we’ll see more of this as it appears R56 driving lights are positioned farther apart, too. I like.
Are those seats in the Yellow Cooper english panther leather–and if so, are they essentially the same english panther leather seats on the R53?
Reason I ask is that when I bought my 2006, the dealer strongly recommended the english panther leather–said the seats were higher quality. I doubted this, but I liked the look and specced them (have to admit I’m glad I did; I love the look and they’re very comfortable).
I’ll buy you a 12-pak of Honkers Ale (or Anchor Steam) if you get us pics of an orange and blue MINI with a “GO BEARS!” sign of some sort while you’re on this junket. 🙂
You gonna do the Super Bowl Shuffle in hostile territory?
Please ask why the S has a fake hoodscoop. That seems so un-MINI. I love my ’05 but the new S front just doesn’t do it for me. Any chance of an S with the Cooper front end?
I’ll be writing all this up later but here’s a sneak peak at a few answers of the various questions posted…
>Can you please ask the mini folks what’s going on with the multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the R56? Will they be retrofitting the multifunction wheel here as lots of cars have been effected by this I believe.
Done. I’ll have more next week.
>Gabe, have a great time at the press event. Take the opportunity to let the MINIUSA brass know about our outrage with the factory “Aero†kit.
Could you go into at least some fair detail about throttle response? I’m planning on snatching up a nice Chili Red/Black R56 MCS, and since I’ll be moving from the dreaded CVT Cooper Convertible, I’m leaving behind some INSANE delay when I hit the go faster pedal… so, quick and peppy pickup and acceleration are at the top of my list.
Also, just how different is the new 6-Speed gearbox from the current one? Coming from a CVT, I don’t know much about the old box, but from what I’ve heard, it’s great, but quirky, notchy, and the reverse is in a weird spot (hint hint…), so what’s up with the new transmission?
Have a blast down there, as I’m sure you undoubtedly will; my only R56 interaction comes on 2/16/07 at MINI of Peabody- they’ve got a little meet and greet going on for the new car. But fill the Flickr with photos and Motor On!!
A JCW schedule update would be great if you have the chance. Another thing that stands out is if you hear anymore info in reguards to the 08 AWD, clubman only or all models.
Have fun Gabe, hope you know how many of us are dying of envy lol.
Gabe, I’m so curious to know what Mini told you about the multifuction steering wheel order mixup. I ordered the Multifunction steering wheel option for $550 but my Mini has been built without the multifunction wheel and it is already here in the NY port. If it wasn’t for a thread on NAM, I wouldn’t have found out about this issue. So when I would have gone in later this month to pick up my new baby, I would have been in for a shock. Now at least I know in advance and that gives me some time to think of options. And taking the car without the multifunction wheel isn’t an option.
These are my questions and it appears that others have this question too:
– Is a retrofit of the multifunction wheel even possible at the dealerships or VDC?
– If the retrofit is possible, will it be as reliable as the factory installation
– If retrofit is possible, will there be a delay in getting the car?
– If we need to re-order, will Mini put priority on our orders?
– What will Mini do to make it up to us for the extra wait?
– Mini has known about this issue for at least a week now, so when should we expect to hear an answer as this uncertainty is painful
Soon we will find out if Mini will do the responsible thing and like someone mentioned on a different thread, turn a lemon into lemonade or will this turn out to be a classic case of a global giant that has an almost monpoly whee they won’t care about their customers and make it up to them for this critical mixup.
I’m going to be ordering a new Mini and am going back and forth on a couple of options:
First and foremost, can one get a MCS without runflat tires? (In reading reviews, it sounds like runflats are much more costly to replace and don’t last as long as conventional tires.) If it’s possible, which wheels do I need to specify?
In your writeup of this weekend’s events, I would also appreciate if if you could include a comparison of the premium sound system to the stock radio and the sport suspension to the regular suspension (in the base model w/ 15″ wheels assuming you can’t get an S w/o runflats). Are these options worth the money? Are there any drawbacks to each that I should consider?
If you have a chance, please take a moment to note whether the new Mini’s wood steering wheel offerered in the premium package is real wood or imitation. (From what I gather, the dash option is real wood but please correct me if I’m wrong.) Also, from the pictures it looks like there’s a button blank on the left-side of the climate control cluster – Is this for the Powerfold Mirrors or a Europe-only option? And, if one orders the Auto-dimming rearview mirror w/o the garage door opener, will the buttons to operate the garage door opener be on the rearview mirror but inoperative (like the phone-control bottons on the MFSW when the Bluetooth option is not ordered) or will they not be present?
Thanks for the info – The Mini rep at the car show couldn’t answer these questions about the new Mini. I would like to get my order into the que soon…
These pictures look awesome. Thanks for posting them. Unfortunately, I’m one of those whose order has been messed up (AKA the Multifunction Steering Wheel Debacle). I know Mini is looking into retrofitting but I’m friends with a garage owner that spcializes in Mini Mods and he seems to believe that retrofitting the multifunction steering wheel, if possible might have flaws. And I can’t take a chance with such a critical part of the car not be trustworthy. So, I’m going to re-order on Monday. My question for Mini folks is that what will they be doing to make up for my pain. I’ve been waiting for 8 weeks and now I will have to wait longer. I’m expecting them to rush my production and delivery of the new (and correctly built Mini) and also offer me a respectable discount. I think $500 in accessoris and $500 discount off the MSRP is a resonable thing to expect to make me wait longer. What do other folks here think? I’m not familiar with Mini’s ethics – what do you think they might give me to make up for this ordr mixup?
Thanks for posting the awesome pics. And thanks for talking to the Mini folks about the MFSW order mixup issue as I am one of those whose ordered had been messed up. Folks on NAM have suggested the following very reasonable resolutions if you could please pass them on to the Mini folks there:
1. If can retro-fit now and not delay more than a few days then do it and give lifetime warranty on MFSW to meet any possible concerns.
2. If can retro-fit later only then charge us our cost less our $550 wheel now and deliver the car now. Retro-fit for free later, with loaner car, with life of car warranty on MFSW.
Gabe, I’ve been looking at some of the pictures and eyeing the brakes in particular. It was mentioned that the front brakes are the same size as the current JCW brakes. I see the part number for the front pads are different but is there any idea if the new pads will be interchangable with the current JCW pads? I would hope so as that should increase the availability of aftermarket pads for the JCW.
WHAT HAPPENED TO NIGHTFIRE RED????? I was just on the MINI website and it is not there, is this something that was scrapped and we never heard about it, or is it coming later? All the other colors that were reported are there?
Hope you can transcribre the volumes of questions into shorthand to avoid caddying all the additional steerage and its impact on performance when you get behind the wheel Gabe. (:
Seriously — please “push” for the MINI D. Ask if the diesel will be available in Canada before the US and when? Also please try and get a definitive answer/timeframe on AWD. Have fun during your 70F defrost cycle in Phoenix. Will you be attending AMVIV?
So far I can’t see myself wanting this car. The ’03’ going to have to last a while.
Lack of gauges, the center stack is ugly and cheep looking. The fuel gauge looks like it was taken straight out of a Chevy truck from the late 70’s early 80’s.
The headlights are not great either.
Boring at best.
Oh, and don’t get me started on that hoodscoop.
Oh, yeah! almost forgot… how’s the hood gap in person? Looks OK on the car (I assume) you’re driving. Sparkling Silver? Seems on later models, though its present, it’s getting tighter… or possibly just more uniform?
Torque steer? I notice that the drive shafts are of disproportionate length. How bad is it? This is big to me. A big reason that I fell in love with the MINI to begin with.
Enjoy – don’t you guys think he is there to research the car, and not be q/a guy to MINI with your concerns. You need to take that up with the MA when you confirm your error on your MFSW. Just my opinion.
Can you please ask the mini folks what’s going on with the multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the R56? Will they be retrofitting the multifunction wheel here as lots of cars have been effected by this I believe.
I placed and order for my R56 in Dec and was expecting delivery around Feb 21st and I was SOOOOOOOO excited about this. After reading this thread I checked my car’s specs in OL and also called MINI USA and my MA and it looks like my order is screwed up too. If I’m going to pay about 27K for a new car, not having cruise isn’t an option. How could Mini make sure a critical mistake? I’m going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAD if I have to wait another 6 – 8 weeks to re-order and get the correct car. If Mini doesn’t figure out a way to retrofit the wheel or give some major incentive to customers who have to wait extra, that is going to make them look really bad. I can imagine what sort of ratings they will get in different car surverys like JD Powers if they don’t figure out a way to address this major issue.
First of all Gabe, have a great time!
Looking forward to hearing what you learn and have enough time to share with us all.
MINI sunglasses 🙂 and all sorts of other trinkets that I want! And everyone else too no doubt
I’m surprised you got a full sized candy bar.
Seems like an ideal time to hand out MINIatures…
I’d love to hear what they gave out in the goodie back. I do recognize the sales brochure and the “Mini To Go” bag!
We all envy you Gabe. If you get some time, can you as the Mini techs if they will be able to retrofit the R56 with the Sports Leather Multifunction Steering Wheel? I had ordered my Mini with one but apparently it has been built with the regular sports steering wheel. It appears that this mixup happened with lots of orders. I want to know if retrofitting will be possible or if I should re-order.
Have a great time, Gabe. Wring the snot out of ’em.
Do they have some R53s there for back to back comparisons. I bet not, that could be dangerous at an introduction.
Enjoy yourself.
Gabe, I have the same question as Zac about the Multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the first batch of 2007 Minis which customers were expecting to get after the 2/17 launch this month. I’ve been waiting for 7 weeks now to get my 07 MCS and because my Mini got built with thewrong wheel without mutifunction, (it means I get no cruise control, which is a big deal) I’ll have to re-order on Monday. My question for Mini is that will they be able to expedite the new order for the correct build? And what incentive will they be providing to customers who will have to wait an extra 6ish weeks to get their 07 Minis due to this mixup in the steering wheel order.
Gabe, I have the same question as Zac about the Multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the first batch of 2007 Minis which customers were expecting to get after the 2/17 launch this month. I’ve been waiting for 7 weeks now to get my 07 MCS and because my Mini got built with the wrong wheel without mutifunction, (it means I get no cruise control, which is a big deal) I’ll have to re-order on Monday. My question for Mini is that will they be able to expedite the new order for the correct build? And what incentive will they be providing to customers who will have to wait an extra 6ish weeks to get their 07 Minis due to this mixup in the steering wheel order?
Gabe, have a great time at the press event. Take the opportunity to let the MINIUSA brass know about our outrage with the factory “Aero” kit.
Looking forward to your initial R56 impressions.
Oh and that Mellow Yellow Cooper looks fantastic. Finally a good looking yellow from MINI.
My 07 Mini Cooper’s order also got messed up – I had ordered a multifunction wheel and it’s been built without one. I can’t accept the car without the multifunction wheel as it is a “must have” for me. I read on a different forum that lots of customers have become victims of this order mixup. Can you find out from Mini what they will be doing to rectify this issue?
For those interested in this issue, more info is available on the following forum: <a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91071" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91071</a>
I am in love…great pics! Maybe a point of minutia but I’m noting some variations in R56 bonnet stripe placement….some are farther apart on the bonnet (which I’ve always preferred). Maybe we’ll see more of this as it appears R56 driving lights are positioned farther apart, too. I like.
Those pics are awesome. You’re very fortunate to be there and experiencing such a great event.
Are those seats in the Yellow Cooper english panther leather–and if so, are they essentially the same english panther leather seats on the R53?
Reason I ask is that when I bought my 2006, the dealer strongly recommended the english panther leather–said the seats were higher quality. I doubted this, but I liked the look and specced them (have to admit I’m glad I did; I love the look and they’re very comfortable).
I’ll buy you a 12-pak of Honkers Ale (or Anchor Steam) if you get us pics of an orange and blue MINI with a “GO BEARS!” sign of some sort while you’re on this junket. 🙂
You gonna do the Super Bowl Shuffle in hostile territory?
Please ask why the S has a fake hoodscoop. That seems so un-MINI. I love my ’05 but the new S front just doesn’t do it for me. Any chance of an S with the Cooper front end?
Lookie there . . . the red MINI’s got the off center, tow hook mounted license plate.
Glad to see you made it to the Stinkin’ Desert safely. Rubber side down, and after dinner, eat the worm.
Rob in Dago
I’ll be writing all this up later but here’s a sneak peak at a few answers of the various questions posted…
>Can you please ask the mini folks what’s going on with the multifunction steering wheel order mixup on the R56? Will they be retrofitting the multifunction wheel here as lots of cars have been effected by this I believe.
Done. I’ll have more next week.
>Gabe, have a great time at the press event. Take the opportunity to let the MINIUSA brass know about our outrage with the factory “Aero†kit.
Done. It still looks terrible.
>Please ask why the S has a fake hoodscoop.
Done. It’s fake. It’ll be fake forever.
Could you go into at least some fair detail about throttle response? I’m planning on snatching up a nice Chili Red/Black R56 MCS, and since I’ll be moving from the dreaded CVT Cooper Convertible, I’m leaving behind some INSANE delay when I hit the go faster pedal… so, quick and peppy pickup and acceleration are at the top of my list.
Also, just how different is the new 6-Speed gearbox from the current one? Coming from a CVT, I don’t know much about the old box, but from what I’ve heard, it’s great, but quirky, notchy, and the reverse is in a weird spot (hint hint…), so what’s up with the new transmission?
Have a blast down there, as I’m sure you undoubtedly will; my only R56 interaction comes on 2/16/07 at MINI of Peabody- they’ve got a little meet and greet going on for the new car. But fill the Flickr with photos and Motor On!!
A JCW schedule update would be great if you have the chance. Another thing that stands out is if you hear anymore info in reguards to the 08 AWD, clubman only or all models.
Have fun Gabe, hope you know how many of us are dying of envy lol.
Gabe, I’m so curious to know what Mini told you about the multifuction steering wheel order mixup. I ordered the Multifunction steering wheel option for $550 but my Mini has been built without the multifunction wheel and it is already here in the NY port. If it wasn’t for a thread on NAM, I wouldn’t have found out about this issue. So when I would have gone in later this month to pick up my new baby, I would have been in for a shock. Now at least I know in advance and that gives me some time to think of options. And taking the car without the multifunction wheel isn’t an option.
These are my questions and it appears that others have this question too:
– Is a retrofit of the multifunction wheel even possible at the dealerships or VDC?
– If the retrofit is possible, will it be as reliable as the factory installation
– If retrofit is possible, will there be a delay in getting the car?
– If we need to re-order, will Mini put priority on our orders?
– What will Mini do to make it up to us for the extra wait?
– Mini has known about this issue for at least a week now, so when should we expect to hear an answer as this uncertainty is painful
Soon we will find out if Mini will do the responsible thing and like someone mentioned on a different thread, turn a lemon into lemonade or will this turn out to be a classic case of a global giant that has an almost monpoly whee they won’t care about their customers and make it up to them for this critical mixup.
The forum on NAM is trying to get a headcount of folks whose ordered has been messed up and so far there are 17 people listed just on one thread in one forum. How many more are out there? Here is a link to that forum and I believe it has been mentioned by some other people here: <a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91071" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91071</a>
Hi Gabe-
I’m going to be ordering a new Mini and am going back and forth on a couple of options:
First and foremost, can one get a MCS without runflat tires? (In reading reviews, it sounds like runflats are much more costly to replace and don’t last as long as conventional tires.) If it’s possible, which wheels do I need to specify?
In your writeup of this weekend’s events, I would also appreciate if if you could include a comparison of the premium sound system to the stock radio and the sport suspension to the regular suspension (in the base model w/ 15″ wheels assuming you can’t get an S w/o runflats). Are these options worth the money? Are there any drawbacks to each that I should consider?
If you have a chance, please take a moment to note whether the new Mini’s wood steering wheel offerered in the premium package is real wood or imitation. (From what I gather, the dash option is real wood but please correct me if I’m wrong.) Also, from the pictures it looks like there’s a button blank on the left-side of the climate control cluster – Is this for the Powerfold Mirrors or a Europe-only option? And, if one orders the Auto-dimming rearview mirror w/o the garage door opener, will the buttons to operate the garage door opener be on the rearview mirror but inoperative (like the phone-control bottons on the MFSW when the Bluetooth option is not ordered) or will they not be present?
Thanks for the info – The Mini rep at the car show couldn’t answer these questions about the new Mini. I would like to get my order into the que soon…
Enjoy Phoenix,
These pictures look awesome. Thanks for posting them. Unfortunately, I’m one of those whose order has been messed up (AKA the Multifunction Steering Wheel Debacle). I know Mini is looking into retrofitting but I’m friends with a garage owner that spcializes in Mini Mods and he seems to believe that retrofitting the multifunction steering wheel, if possible might have flaws. And I can’t take a chance with such a critical part of the car not be trustworthy. So, I’m going to re-order on Monday. My question for Mini folks is that what will they be doing to make up for my pain. I’ve been waiting for 8 weeks and now I will have to wait longer. I’m expecting them to rush my production and delivery of the new (and correctly built Mini) and also offer me a respectable discount. I think $500 in accessoris and $500 discount off the MSRP is a resonable thing to expect to make me wait longer. What do other folks here think? I’m not familiar with Mini’s ethics – what do you think they might give me to make up for this ordr mixup?
Thanks for posting the awesome pics. And thanks for talking to the Mini folks about the MFSW order mixup issue as I am one of those whose ordered had been messed up. Folks on NAM have suggested the following very reasonable resolutions if you could please pass them on to the Mini folks there:
1. If can retro-fit now and not delay more than a few days then do it and give lifetime warranty on MFSW to meet any possible concerns.
2. If can retro-fit later only then charge us our cost less our $550 wheel now and deliver the car now. Retro-fit for free later, with loaner car, with life of car warranty on MFSW.
3. Expedite re-order with some compensation.
Gabe, I’ve been looking at some of the pictures and eyeing the brakes in particular. It was mentioned that the front brakes are the same size as the current JCW brakes. I see the part number for the front pads are different but is there any idea if the new pads will be interchangable with the current JCW pads? I would hope so as that should increase the availability of aftermarket pads for the JCW.
WHAT HAPPENED TO NIGHTFIRE RED????? I was just on the MINI website and it is not there, is this something that was scrapped and we never heard about it, or is it coming later? All the other colors that were reported are there?
Hi Gabe, Can you try to get some pics of the piano black dash if you come across it?
I think I saw something over on mini2.com that nightfire red is delayed until build dates sometime in March or April.
Not sure exactly where I saw it, but check the GEN II/R56 threads.
Have fun Gabe. Looking forward to your review/write up of the car & event.
Hope you can transcribre the volumes of questions into shorthand to avoid caddying all the additional steerage and its impact on performance when you get behind the wheel Gabe. (:
Seriously — please “push” for the MINI D. Ask if the diesel will be available in Canada before the US and when? Also please try and get a definitive answer/timeframe on AWD. Have fun during your 70F defrost cycle in Phoenix. Will you be attending AMVIV?
Any images of the sport seats would be very interesting to me as well if you come across any.
So far I can’t see myself wanting this car. The ’03’ going to have to last a while.
Lack of gauges, the center stack is ugly and cheep looking. The fuel gauge looks like it was taken straight out of a Chevy truck from the late 70’s early 80’s.
The headlights are not great either.
Boring at best.
Oh, and don’t get me started on that hoodscoop.
I love the redwood red interior! OTH, I’m not sure I like the way the leather seat looks like it will show wrinkles over time.
Gabe… just a quick “thank you” for the flikr pics. Particularly the Redwood Red interior. First time I’ve seen a REAL pic of the back seat. Finally!
Oh, yeah! almost forgot… how’s the hood gap in person? Looks OK on the car (I assume) you’re driving. Sparkling Silver? Seems on later models, though its present, it’s getting tighter… or possibly just more uniform?
Nice techy looking hotel room there Gabe. Hangin’ out in your complimentary robe?
BTY, surprised to see that front strut tower support area looks NO beefier.
In Napoleon Dynamite fashion….Lucky!
Torque steer? I notice that the drive shafts are of disproportionate length. How bad is it? This is big to me. A big reason that I fell in love with the MINI to begin with.
Poor Gabe ~
Enjoy – don’t you guys think he is there to research the car, and not be q/a guy to MINI with your concerns. You need to take that up with the MA when you confirm your error on your MFSW. Just my opinion.
(: motor on!