For this week’s MotoringFile DIY, we’ve got both the US and Euro version of the official rear parking distance system. This is the same accessory that is available as a factory option and is standard on the Convertible.
[ Euro Rear Parking Distance System ] Official MINI Retro-fit PDF
[ US Rear Parking Distance System ] Official MINI Retro-fit PDF
nice. how much does it cost?
This is cool. I noted that the sensors are in the bumper for the convertibles and factory PDC. Putting the sensors in the license plate holder is very elegant. Does everything take 2 hours to install? My dealer said it would take two hours to install the rear foglight wiring for early build 05. I wonder if he can combine the two.
Very interesting that it is different from the factory version. This has less capability because it doesn’t have sensors at the bumper corners to detect objects at the sides.
What kind of weener needs… Meh.
Is it my imagination or was there a post about Front parking sensors on MotoringFile for a few hours this week? Then it disappeared?
Aw, come on! I saw it. Give over! What’s the deal with that?
<blockquote>Is it my imagination or was there a post about Front parking sensors on MotoringFile for a few hours this week? Then it disappeared?</blockquote>
<p>lava – <a href="" rel="nofollow">this one?</a> :)</p>