While going over the new R56 I noticed a potential paint rubbing issue under the bonnet. This doesn’t seem like it will be a huge deal to fix like the last time we saw paint rubbing under the bonnet because this time the culprit is a flexible enough part to move with a minor adjustment to a bracket. We’ll see if this is an isolated issue or if many of the new models suffer from this. Before anyone gets alarmed, this is the only instance I’ve seen of this. I have not seen under the bonnet of other MINIs but I will surely be looking over the coming weeks. Stay tuned.
You may remember MINI had a similar issue on the R50 that MF reported on back in early 2003.
I went back and looked at that original thread. Did Mini ever issue a retrofit to replace the rubbing part? If not, how has the tape held up? Is this something the dealers regularly swap out gratis as the tape wears?
Can you clarify a bit when you get the chance?
Is it the black “knob”(?) in the picture, the yellow dipstick head or the yellow wrapped wires to the turbo that are rubbing?
The black cap in the center of the second picture is what is rubbing on the underside of the bonnet.
Like they did in the R50/R53 bonnet, MINI has to add a black rubber stripe directly under the point of rubbing contact.
I went back and looked at that original thread. Did Mini ever issue a retrofit to replace the rubbing part? If not, how has the tape held up? Is this something the dealers regularly swap out gratis as the tape wears?
Yes: <a href="http://motoringfile.com/2003/07/07/MINIUSAReleasesServiceBulletinForTheHoodRubIssue" rel="nofollow">Hood Rubbing Service Bulletin</a>
Ok, so the rub strip was retrofitted. Did they continue with that in new cars, or did the redesign the part to eliminate the rub. What’s the 06 have?
Once again, MotoringFile breaks news on a Mini under bonnet paint rub issue. A proud tradition lives on.
Went to a dealer release party tonight.
5 out of the six R56’s showed the exact wear above.
Guess I’ll be repositioning that cap and/or buying a rubber bumper when my car arrives…
Better yet, point it out to your dealer before you accept the car.