MotoringFile February Photo Contest results

[Last month]( “Announcing the MotoringFile Photo Contest”) we announced the debut of the MotoringFile Photo Contest, and now we’re happy to bring you the results! We had a great month, with 200 photos posted to [the group]( “MotoringFile group on Flickr”) by our nearly 250 members. We saw a huge number of truly fantastic images with everything from [dinosaurs]( and [airplanes]( to [deserts]( and [blizzards]( Unfortunately, we had to pick just a handful.
After much deliberation, the MotoringFile Photo Contest judges present to you the February 2007 winners of the MotoringFile Photo Contest! (click through to see the winners…)
First Place
[]( “Mirror image”)
[_Mirror Image_ by Jon Morgan]( “Mirror image”)
The first place prize goes to our man Jon Morgan in Old Blighty. One of the more prolific panderer of pixels, Jon’s brought us some fantastic images this month. Be sure to check out his [other photos on Flickr]( Jon takes home our grand prize of a grille badge from [MotoringBadges](! Jon – let us know where we can send your badge! And Jon is interested, we’d love to have this image join the ranks of the MotoringFile headers.
Runners Up
[]( “MINI Repairs”)
[_MINI Repairs_ by Dan Manley]( “MINI Repairs”)
Our first runner up this month is youngster Dan Manley who shows us that dirt can still be beautiful.
[]( “City_Overlook”)
[_City Overlook_ by cth75]( “City_Overlook”)
Our second runner up is from the mysterious [_cth75_](, taken from what looks to be some kind of lovers’ lane. Is it any wonder he or she is looking to maintain some anonymity?
Honorable Mentions
We wanted to stop at just three photos. But we couldn’t. So here are two more.
[]( “nightMINI”)
[_nightMINI_ by dcmini]( “nightMINI”)
[]( “Classic mini”)
[_Classic mini_ by Miquel]( “Classic mini”)
Thank you to everyone who entered! This was not a one-shot deal, so get out there and keep taking pictures. We’ll be working on more ways to feature *everyone’s* pictures on MotoringFile in the near future.
great photos, the colors are awesome in the first pic… reminds me of playing the Rainbow Road track in Mario Kart
<blockquote>We had a great month, with 200 photos posted to the group by our nearly 250 members.</blockquote>
How do you get 200 photo’s from 250 members? Can we see some of the .8 photographs? 🙂
They were very small photos. Mini photos, if you like. 😉
Unfortunately, some of our members didn’t post any photos this month. Unbelievable, right?
Thanks blalor! A pleasant surprise that one of mine made it. It must have been hard selecting so few… there are some great pictures in the group.
Wow, I didn’t expect to end up in the top three or be mysterious in the process:-) Congrats to Jon that is a phenomenal shot.
One is mine!!!!! THANKS!! 😉
Sorry… i’m spanish, and my english is very poor. 🙁
Congrats to the winner!!!!!
In my photostream have a set called minimotion with pictures in motion like this!! ; )