
We’re back with the second installment of the MotoringFile Photo Contest, this time for March. Last month saw over 160 photos from our 260 [group members](, which is slightly fewer than last month, yet it was somehow harder to choose just a handful! (And, yes, that’s our excuse for not getting the picks made until this late into April….) The creativity, skill and sheer luck continue to leave your intrepid judges just a little bit breathless.

And so, without further ado, here are the winners of the March 2007 MotoringFile photo contest!

First Place
Picture 003

The grand prize this month goes to the one known only as [“minir50cooper”](, a relative newcomer to Flickr. Mr. (or Ms.) MiniR50Cooper, please step up and claim your [MotoringBadges grille badge](!

Runners Up
[![_MG_64441111]( “‘_MG_64441111’ on Flickr”)](
[_MG_64441111_ by Chris](

This month’s first runner up is from Chris, who probably just finished washing his car when the rain fell.

[![Silver Cooper]( “‘Silver Cooper’ on Flickr”)](
[_Silver Cooper_ by Nick](

The spotlight’s on our 2nd runner up, Nick, and a stunning silver R56 Cooper.

[![PDX MINI – Gran Prix to Grand Lodge Run]( “‘PDX MINI – Gran Prix to Grand Lodge Run’ on Flickr”)](
[_PDX MINI – Gran Prix to Grand Lodge Run_ by Tania Feliciano](

Tania and the PDX MINI clan bring us our 3rd runner up.

Honorable Mentions
Like the chip commercial says, “once you pop, you can’t stop”:

[![MINI in the Night]( “‘MINI in the Night’ on Flickr”)](
[_MINI in the Night_ by fredo](

[![Extremadura 07]( “‘Extremadura 07’ on Flickr”)](
[_Extremadura 07_ by Miquel](

[![GIo Mini]( “‘GIo Mini’ on Flickr”)](
[_GIo Mini_ by Giorgio](

Thanks again to everyone who entered! We love what we’re seeing here (even though it makes our jobs so much more difficult); please keep ’em coming!