With the help of some strong coffee and an army of MacBooks, our move to a new host is complete. However it’s worth mentioning that a handful of you will probably not have full access to the site for a few more hours yet. Due to the nature of a site move and the way DNS propagates through the web, things will take longer for a few of you. ISPs update their information on an individual basis so there’s nothing we can do to speed-up the process. This also includes out RSS feed which should be coming back online shortly.
Thanks for bearing with us!
Don’t do that again.
I’ve noted that my RSS reader (NetNewsWire) no longer pulls down articles from MotoringFile. Gonna resubscribe and see if that fixes it.
Nope. RSS still unavailable. When I go to <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/Motoringfile" rel="nofollow ugc">http://feeds.feedburner.com/Motoringfile</a> I get “MotoringFile is moving. We’ll be back soon.”
No RSS in Google Reader yet either. 🙁
RSS is now working as of 11pm EST.
confirmed as working now. thanks.