Just a heads up we’ll have some big “event related” news concerning both MotoringFile and Whiteroofradio next Monday morning the 23rd. In fact you’ll be able to both read and hear about it right here.
I know! It’s a “MoFi-Phone”, with 8 GB of MINI flash memory, Wireless streaming of WhiteRoofRadio episodes, Video Playback of “The Italian Job” and “Hammer and Coop”, Pre-loaded Google Maps of Las Vegas, Deals Gap, Copper Mountian, and Mt. Washington, and the phone comes pre-loaded with a speed dial to Randy Webb’s cell phone. It’s available beginning in June… no July… no… well sometime soon for the price of only $600 including a year of free wireless access to MotoringFILE, NAM and MINI2.
jeez, db, you are hyping this more than the anna nicole baby dna tests! Hang on, is that it? One of you is the real father and inheritor of the millions?
I’m still hoping its the sex change in Thailand, though…
<strong>My actual guess:</strong> now that db has gone Mac, you guys are going to do some sort of video capture on a 3-way iChat – for the first ever WRR video podcast! From The Dragon!
I think Gabe’s been rubbing elbows with the marketing folks recently. And it appears to be working! I’ve got a hunch on what it might be, but then that’s probably considered privileged information. 😉 Some great WAGs here, tho!
OH, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOO! You can’t do that. No teasing allowed.
Blogging from Yurp, eh? Mum’s the woid.
Who’s quitting? I hope they are not going to replace the 3 of you.
I know! It’s a “MoFi-Phone”, with 8 GB of MINI flash memory, Wireless streaming of WhiteRoofRadio episodes, Video Playback of “The Italian Job” and “Hammer and Coop”, Pre-loaded Google Maps of Las Vegas, Deals Gap, Copper Mountian, and Mt. Washington, and the phone comes pre-loaded with a speed dial to Randy Webb’s cell phone. It’s available beginning in June… no July… no… well sometime soon for the price of only $600 including a year of free wireless access to MotoringFILE, NAM and MINI2.
The whole gang is going to be at the dragon?
They’re going to let Gabe try the intro again?
bimmerfile.com being added to the mix?
Combining under one name?
ALL WhiteRoofRadio podcasts available in both Audio and Video form?
Andrew…you forgot M|U (motoringunderground…aka. Myoo)…just thought i’d let you know, thats all :p tehehehe
All heading to MINI United or the ‘Ring? 🙂
Does Apple know that you are ripping them off?
jeez, db, you are hyping this more than the anna nicole baby dna tests! Hang on, is that it? One of you is the real father and inheritor of the millions?
I’m still hoping its the sex change in Thailand, though…
I Know
I Know
it’s FREE MotoringFile badges for everyone 😉
You are merging and becoming WhiteMotoringRoofFileRadio and everything will be in one place.
I’m still going with Paddy Hopkirk’s gonna be at MOTD! 😀
How about some JCW information for the US? It’s almost May!
They’ve sold out and WhiteRoofRadio will be replacing Don Imus on all his radio stations as well as MSNBC.
Corporate sponsorship from MINI?
Black 7 Series in all three driveways?
Gabe is trading in his MINI on a Z4 M Coupe?
Todd actually updated his blog?
<strong>My actual guess:</strong> now that db has gone Mac, you guys are going to do some sort of video capture on a 3-way iChat – for the first ever WRR video podcast! From The Dragon!
Eh? Eh? Anybody?
Oh wait, Todd DID update his blog! LOL!
and I’m not telling! 😛 😛 😛 😛
I think Gabe’s been rubbing elbows with the marketing folks recently. And it appears to be working! I’ve got a hunch on what it might be, but then that’s probably considered privileged information. 😉 Some great WAGs here, tho!
They’ve dug a tunnel, and will be escaping into the real world.
Wait, no, that’s not going to work.
“Hogan, into the cooler!”
Wow! You sure know how to generate a buzz don’t you? All of a sudden you’ve got your very own Apple-style rumor mill hype machine! And it’s working!
Since everyone else is guessing, I’m going to put my money on “WRR&MF at MINI United”. Heck- you deserve it!
Is it Monday yet?
My Guess: Since the introduction of Apple TV, WRR is going video (WRTV) and it will be in a decent resolution to enjoy on your TV set.
Miniology is already doing it. It’s a natural progression in webcasting. Go for it, guys!
ok it’s monday. what’s up?
OK, I retract my last prediction… Now I say:
WRR/MF is going to Mini United. A clue is found at the end of the latest cast.