Today we’ve got the final video in our three part series on driving the Dragon in the new 2007 MCS. In this last portion I drive from Deal’s Gap towards Fontana Village. It’s not technically the “Dragon” but it’s a faster sweeping road that has am endearing character all it’s own.

Look for some in-car footage of the road itself later this week or early next.

For those that need a little background on the road itself, this quick description comes from

>The Dragon, as many have found, is truly a unique road. In 14 miles there are only two intersections; NC28 to Fontana Dam and the lightly traveled gravel road at Parsons Branch. There are no buildings other than the Crossroads of Time. There are 318 curves in the 11 miles located on the Tennessee side. Most of the time there is very little traffic and the vehicles that do use this road are primarily motorcycle riders and sports car drivers looking for the thrill of their lives. It is remote – there is very little evidence of human population within 20 miles in any direction.

The one thing they don’t mention is that the road is glass smooth and is designed (with cambered corners etc) as if it were a race track. Add sheer cliffs, specatular drop-offs and trees everywhere and you have something truly special.