Fair warning, this episode might not be work safe.
This show was taped live via uStream.tv and if you missed it, well, next time you might not want too. Almost 1 full hour of black roof radio after the show was done with a chat room full of MINIacs! It was great fun! If you think we should do this more often, vote in the poll!
A little reminiscing about the year that was WRR. AMVIV, The Dragon for Gabe and MINI United. What a great year we had, all of it thanks to you! In case you missed any of it.
The schedule will be a little wacky for the next few weeks, but we should be back on track by the 2nd week of January to be sure. I have also taken this time to update the Archive page with direct links to all of our shows through 200. So go nuts!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and all that too all you from all of us!