Interesting artcle over at talking about the possibility of BMW building an electric car.
>While BMW is working on its fuel-cell technology, Jochen Schmalholz, head of BMW’s clean-energy technology, told Drive that BMW is considering electric vehicles to fill the 15 to 20 year void before hydrogen vehicles will actually be practical. BMW has even predicted that hydrogen cars could still be 30 years out.
This is the first time I’ve seen predictions about hydrogen being available. 30 years is a long time, but it definitely makes sense.
Meanwhile, I’m still holding out for a MINI diesel.
[ BMW to Produce All Electric Car? ]
Great. I like the electric part, but I’m not so sold on hydrogen. Sounds like the Atomic Powered vehicles they forecast 60 years ago. Anybody glowing in the dark after a MINI run lately? Didn’t think so – it’s more vapor-ware. In 30 years, they better figure an economic way to conjure a whole lotta moisture literally out of thin air if we really go the Hindenburger route, and I would hate to see the future headlines about the Water Crisis tipping point, tho maybe we could convert the climate change affected seas…but I wouldn’t bet on it. I would bet on some shamelessly profitable energy-supplying super-conglomerate sucking money out of our wallets for hydrogen, however. Bet me. Come on. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Could this be the new Isetta? Is BMW the only company pushing hydrogen? What was that gas used in the Lead Zepplin airship – wasnt it hydrogen?
My pick is electric. BMW needs the carbon credits.
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<blockquote>What was that gas used in the Lead Zepplin airship – wasnt it hydrogen?</blockquote>
I love how the Hindenburg almost always gets a mention when the hydrogen subject comes up. As though the gasoline in our cars right this moment isn’t incredibly flammable.
IMO until hydrogen fuel cells become more mature, electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles are the way to go. Battery technology is just now starting to be practical for full electric. BMW’s insistence on burning the hydrogen in an internal combustion motor is stupid and wasteful.
h2 burns clear. the flames you see in the hindenburg vid are from burning the skin. they used a paint combination that is close to today’s rocket fuel. as soon as a hole was burnt through the skin all the h2 dissipated. h2 was not responsible for the hindenburg & is much safer than gasoline–unless you’re in a tunnel, etc, where the gas can build up.
that being said, h2 should never happen for reasons i’ve posted on other threads. the only reason it might is if big oil gets behind it w/ lobbying dollars, per vanwall’s comments. just look at what the ag lobby is doing w/ corn ethanol…
glad to see they’re thinking electric. even if the elec comes from coal plants, that’s much less co2 production than ICE’s & much less inner city pollution.
The base fact is that no one technology is going to “fix” our issues with oil. I think the future will be filled with a small variety of technologies that all work towards the goal of improving the situation.