MINI Australia Press ReleaseThe first ever MINI CHALLENGE in Australia has attracted over seven hours television
coverage, with the majority of that being LIVE on the Seven Network through V8
Supercars television, including two races from Bathurst.

In a massive coup for the new Series, races two and three from the return of MINI to
Mount Panorama will be shown live as part of Channel Seven’s extensive Saturday
coverage of the Super Cheap Auto 1000.

MINI CHALLENGE charges into life at Eastern Creek across the weekend of March 7-9
and the third race on Sunday, March 9 will be beamed live into lounge rooms right
around Australia.

The newest one make phenomena to hit Australia will whet the appetite of race fans
throughout the country as the curtain-raiser to the Phillip Island 500 in September, whilst
events at Barbagallo, Symmons Plains and the V8 Supercars Farewell to Oran Park in
December will also attract live coverage.

All rounds except Symmons Plains – which has two races shown live – will carry a half
hour post-produced program and a leading V8 Supercars personality is expected to be
announced soon as the colour commentator for the MINI CHALLENGE television

Chief Executive Officer of MINI CHALLENGE – Theo Psaros – couldn’t be happier with
the confirmation of the MINI CHALLENGE television schedule.

“It’s fantastic that we have been able to secure such a great package from V8 Supercars
television, particularly in the first year of MINI CHALLENGE,” he said. “With the news
last week of record ratings for V8 Supercars during 2007 on Network Seven, the
platform has been laid to increase that further in 2008.

“MINI CHALLENGE will be a spectacular addition to the national motor racing scene if
the Series’ in other parts of the world is any indication and race fans across the country
will get to share in that through this magnificent television package we have secured.”