Say goodbye to Astro Black. 2008 will be the last year for the color that has been in the MINI palette since 2004. In it’s place will a darker metallic black closer to the revered Jet Black available from 2001 through 2005. Expect this new black to be available at the start of the 2009 model year (late this summer).
For those who are waiting for a non-metallic black (which was available from 2002 to 2005) we have one piece of advice… don’t hold your breath.
Actually, Astro Black metallic is a direct descendant of Cosmos Black Metallic, a Cooper only color, offered from 2002-2004. Cosmos Black was nothing but Jet Black with metallic shavings added to the paint. It was true black unlike Astro Black that has blueish hues under direct sunlight.
I can check my collection of MINI sales brochures, but I believe Astro Black was introduced in 2005. For the 2006 model year, MINI discontinued Jet Black which was a $0 cost color (Along Chili Red, Pepper White and Liquid Yellow).
While I applud MINI’s decision to bring back something closer to Cosmos Black metallic, it seems to me that they insist for customers to pay for the metallic paint surcharge if they want a black MINI. Not really fair when for some years customers could either opt for solid or metallic black altogether.
I’ve seen several BMW’s around town with a metallic black that seems a little darker and not as blue as Astro Black. I’m wondering if the new black will be something like this or maybe even the same thing?
While I agree that it seems very silly to not offer a flat black (after all, it used to be you can “get it in any color you want, as long as it’s black”), I love my AB. It’s a truly unusual and different color. I love that aspect about it, that it can look one way in the shade and completely different in the light. I had been torn between Space Blue and Black, and Astro Black kind of lets me have both. 🙂
I was going to replace my 05 Jet Black MC that I sold last year with an 08 MCS but the lack of a real black was the dealbreaker. Got a motorcycle instead. If they bring back a real black maybe I’ll get the MCS too.
Hallelujah! This is fantastic news. While I liked astro black and was going to end up ordering it I couldn’t help thinking every time I looked at it, “nice, but if only it were just a little blacker”. Looks like I’ve got my wish :-). Any news on whether the release of this colour will coincide with the release(taking of orders and appearance on the configurator) of the factory JCW?
People – its not “flat” black. In paint “flat” refers to lack of gloss – matt. You are talking about non-metallic, or solid black – why not just call it black.
well, I still love my 2003 r53 jet black with white roof (no sunroof). Can never replace that! Looks great and always will. I hate metallic black. Is it grey, dust, purple, blue or black? well, depends on the weather and time of day.
I have to admit that Astro Black was far from my radar when I was first looking at MINI colors. However, when my MA suggested I take a closer look, when I was replacing my first MINI, I fell in love with it. That hint of blue is what made it cool. I’m sorry to see it go.
<blockquote>i like to say that my AB R50 is Astro Black when clean and Jet Black when dirty.</blockquote>
Couldn’t have put it better myself. It’s one of the only colors that give you options on what color you really want it to be. Some days it’s blue others it’s black lol -i love my astro!..but glad to see it i will have a rare color – well sort of 😉
It’s too bad that MINI persists in charging a $500 premium for metalic paint.Clearly a high profit margin item, in my opinion. Other manufacturers charge less or nothing for it.
I refused (on principle) to spring for metalic paint, instead opting for Pepper White. I used the extra $$$ for DSC, a better bargain all around. Also, very few of the metallics appealed to me with the possible exception of Astro Black and Dark Silver.
Apparently when a body shop mixes a black they either add blue or red to give it a deeper look. MINI chose blue plus the metallic flakes don’t help. Good they are making black more black.
I sold my 05 Solid Black Cooper S and like alot of people I really didn’t like the Astro black (Sorry Gabe) I got a Dark Silver JCW Cooper S and as nice as it is I am so angry that I couldn’t get a solid black or even a metallic that didn’t have blue mixed in.
I have nothing against Astro Black other than the name. It’s a nice color… but I think it should have been called something else… like Midnight Blue or something…
Jimbo’s JB/W car was my dream-build MCS for a number of years…
I don’t see how people can be so excited about another BORING color. Black, how plain can you get? That goes for every shade of silver, red, dark green, dark blue, and every shade of white. I want something exciting! Not the same old boring colors I see every year. I’ve been keeping an eye on the Mini but I won’t buy it or any other car until I see something like some of the colors they offer in chile. Something that I do not see in every single make and model ever made!
pink. i want pink. i am tired of silver and black. i do like the new chocolate. i always liked the oxygen blue, i think it’s sort of different. you don’t see too many of those arounnd, looks nice with a white roof.
Actually, Astro Black metallic is a direct descendant of Cosmos Black Metallic, a Cooper only color, offered from 2002-2004. Cosmos Black was nothing but Jet Black with metallic shavings added to the paint. It was true black unlike Astro Black that has blueish hues under direct sunlight.
I can check my collection of MINI sales brochures, but I believe Astro Black was introduced in 2005. For the 2006 model year, MINI discontinued Jet Black which was a $0 cost color (Along Chili Red, Pepper White and Liquid Yellow).
While I applud MINI’s decision to bring back something closer to Cosmos Black metallic, it seems to me that they insist for customers to pay for the metallic paint surcharge if they want a black MINI. Not really fair when for some years customers could either opt for solid or metallic black altogether.
I’ve seen several BMW’s around town with a metallic black that seems a little darker and not as blue as Astro Black. I’m wondering if the new black will be something like this or maybe even the same thing?
While I agree that it seems very silly to not offer a flat black (after all, it used to be you can “get it in any color you want, as long as it’s black”), I love my AB. It’s a truly unusual and different color. I love that aspect about it, that it can look one way in the shade and completely different in the light. I had been torn between Space Blue and Black, and Astro Black kind of lets me have both. 🙂
I would go on record and say that one of the colors that best suits the R56 design is Astro Black.
Glad to see the new color, still not the biggest fan of metallic paint but then again that just me. Good move Mini.
What about the forever talked about non-metallic BRG?
Even if they did C4 the discussion would never end about the “proper” cooler of BRG heh.
Oh thats great news, Gabe :-))))) ;-))))
<blockquote>I would go on record and say that one of the colors that best suits the R56 design is Astro Black.</blockquote>
Agreed, Thats because it hides the horribly mis-matched body lines and big plastic wheel arches that throw off all the visual proportions on the R56.
i like to say that my AB R50 is Astro Black when clean and Jet Black when dirty.
Thanks Gabe,
I’m glad I didn’t hold out for the non-metallic black when there was rumors of a new black all the way back around Mini United time…
Also, Deb, I’m with you on the multiple ‘personalities’ of the AB. 😀
awesome, I always wanted a metallic black without the blue… too bad I already have astro black hah
Now I know what color my 09 MCS will be!
I have to jump in to say I LOVE my R56 in Astro Black…
Hopefully this new color will make Jet Black lovers and metallic black lovers unite!
Do you know if MINI will ever offer color matched wheel arches?
Man I miss my flat black ’05 JCW. Gotta find me a time machine and go back and unsell it.
I was going to replace my 05 Jet Black MC that I sold last year with an 08 MCS but the lack of a real black was the dealbreaker. Got a motorcycle instead. If they bring back a real black maybe I’ll get the MCS too.
It’s like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.
Hallelujah! This is fantastic news. While I liked astro black and was going to end up ordering it I couldn’t help thinking every time I looked at it, “nice, but if only it were just a little blacker”. Looks like I’ve got my wish :-). Any news on whether the release of this colour will coincide with the release(taking of orders and appearance on the configurator) of the factory JCW?
I guess flat black is too popular to just give out as a free color.
People – its not “flat” black. In paint “flat” refers to lack of gloss – matt. You are talking about non-metallic, or solid black – why not just call it black.
well, I still love my 2003 r53 jet black with white roof (no sunroof). Can never replace that! Looks great and always will. I hate metallic black. Is it grey, dust, purple, blue or black? well, depends on the weather and time of day.
Any other color news Gabe??? I am already in the works of thinking about my 2009 Cooper S JCW Factory car and I don’t want Laser Blue again???
I have to admit that Astro Black was far from my radar when I was first looking at MINI colors. However, when my MA suggested I take a closer look, when I was replacing my first MINI, I fell in love with it. That hint of blue is what made it cool. I’m sorry to see it go.
I also can’t wait to see the new color.
Astro Black was too Blue for people who really wanted a BLACK car. This is a good move IMO.
<blockquote>Astro Black was too Blue for people who really wanted a BLACK car. This is a good move IMO.</blockquote>
I totally agree. I’m just sad they decided to get rid of it.
Bring back JET BlACK!!
Or add other non-metalic colors, please.
<blockquote>i like to say that my AB R50 is Astro Black when clean and Jet Black when dirty.</blockquote>
Couldn’t have put it better myself. It’s one of the only colors that give you options on what color you really want it to be. Some days it’s blue others it’s black lol -i love my astro!..but glad to see it i will have a rare color – well sort of 😉
It’s too bad that MINI persists in charging a $500 premium for metalic paint.Clearly a high profit margin item, in my opinion. Other manufacturers charge less or nothing for it.
I refused (on principle) to spring for metalic paint, instead opting for Pepper White. I used the extra $$$ for DSC, a better bargain all around. Also, very few of the metallics appealed to me with the possible exception of Astro Black and Dark Silver.
Appologies to metallic BRG lovers!!
Apparently when a body shop mixes a black they either add blue or red to give it a deeper look. MINI chose blue plus the metallic flakes don’t help. Good they are making black more black.
I sold my 05 Solid Black Cooper S and like alot of people I really didn’t like the Astro black (Sorry Gabe) I got a Dark Silver JCW Cooper S and as nice as it is I am so angry that I couldn’t get a solid black or even a metallic that didn’t have blue mixed in.
I have nothing against Astro Black other than the name. It’s a nice color… but I think it should have been called something else… like Midnight Blue or something…
Jimbo’s JB/W car was my dream-build MCS for a number of years…
Any news on more colors coming?
I don’t see how people can be so excited about another BORING color. Black, how plain can you get? That goes for every shade of silver, red, dark green, dark blue, and every shade of white. I want something exciting! Not the same old boring colors I see every year. I’ve been keeping an eye on the Mini but I won’t buy it or any other car until I see something like some of the colors they offer in chile. Something that I do not see in every single make and model ever made!
Leo, try Oxygen Blue. You won’t see any other makes with that color.
That blue has been seen before many times, but either way I’ve seen much prettier colors than that blue.
pink. i want pink. i am tired of silver and black. i do like the new chocolate. i always liked the oxygen blue, i think it’s sort of different. you don’t see too many of those arounnd, looks nice with a white roof.