A few of your sent in this very interesting looking Clubman. From the Winding Road blog.
>The Chateau offers a clutter of weird wood trim pieces, including side-view mirror surrounds that look for all the world like the polished halves of coconuts. Exterior non-woody surfaces are finished in iridescent brown and gold paint, creating a very 1970’s rec room vibe. But perhaps the strangest addition to the Chateau Clubman is the retro-fitted shockproof wine cellar in the back, capable of transporting your favorite vino undisturbed wherever you need to go.
Only a dozen are being made and I couldn’t find any information on the cost. Sure looks nice though.
It is something different, and they did manage to make a MINI look stuffy. I saw the interior photo, and all I could think of was the Top Gear where Clarkson decks out a car with wood flooring, a wingback chair and a fireplace.
If I was the owner / manager of a chocolate shop, coffee shop or large cafe – this is the car that I would definitely want for promoting the business!
It could have a great role in a variation of the classical movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (imagine the promotion this vehicle would achieve by Johnny Depp driving in this vehicle, or a new character in the Austin Powers series). It has potential.
Most of it I’m surprisingly ok with. But what in the world is with the dash and armrests? Is that some kind of paisley, pseudo-leopard thing going on? Or is it supposed to make us think “heifer”?
Very much like the Chrysler PT Cruiser, MINI owners are customising their cars to their own desires. Both cars lend themselves to individuality. The large number of aftermarket companies that have started up show this trend. Would go for the “wood” exterior panels as a retro look to old Mini Countryman but this looks too overdone.
I can appreciate the amount of work that went into this, but certainly not my style. The exterior is fine by me. The interior? Gaudy.
I just threw up in my mouth a little…
<blockquote>“Sure looks nice though.”</blockquote>
You’ve <strong>got</strong> to be kidding. Surely!
Yeah… not a fan of the interior. Ugh. 🙂
I didn’t say I’d buy one. But I am kinda keen on the color scheme and overall use of materials.
But, really? That much brown would get old in a very quick hurry.
There’s an old Chinese curse: “May you lead an interesting life.” This is one of those “interesting” items it warned you about.
… well. . . it is unique — but that may not always be a good thing.
It is something different, and they did manage to make a MINI look stuffy. I saw the interior photo, and all I could think of was the Top Gear where Clarkson decks out a car with wood flooring, a wingback chair and a fireplace.
^ that’s great ’cause I thought the same.
There is only one true good brown monochrome car and this clubman is not it.
Too bad that Chocolate Thunder had to be stolen by some horrible people.
<a href="http://CWimg.sv.publicus.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=CW&Date=20060419&Category=FREE&ArtNo=60417025&Ref=AR&Profile=1041&maxw=350" rel="nofollow ugc">http://CWimg.sv.publicus.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=CW&Date=20060419&Category=FREE&ArtNo=60417025&Ref=AR&Profile=1041&maxw=350</a>
It’s an abomination. It’s like looking into a porta-potty at the end of the state fair!
Hey if they’re only making a dozen of them, why not??
Hmmmm . . . <strong>BIG BROWN</strong> is all the rage – UPS probably can’t believe their good fortune! 😉
Hey, don’t mess with Brown MINIs.
If I was the owner / manager of a chocolate shop, coffee shop or large cafe – this is the car that I would definitely want for promoting the business!
It could have a great role in a variation of the classical movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (imagine the promotion this vehicle would achieve by Johnny Depp driving in this vehicle, or a new character in the Austin Powers series). It has potential.
Most of it I’m surprisingly ok with. But what in the world is with the dash and armrests? Is that some kind of paisley, pseudo-leopard thing going on? Or is it supposed to make us think “heifer”?
Very much like the Chrysler PT Cruiser, MINI owners are customising their cars to their own desires. Both cars lend themselves to individuality. The large number of aftermarket companies that have started up show this trend. Would go for the “wood” exterior panels as a retro look to old Mini Countryman but this looks too overdone.