Those crazy kids over at have decided to see if the MINI Clubman _actually_ handles like a go-cart by taking it to a local indoor kart track and racing it against one.
Before you go all crazy and yell foul, watch the video, the result is not what you think.
A quick warning. While not riddled with cuss words, the presenter is a bit loose with the language. No f bombs or anything, but you could get some raised eyebrows in the office.
[ MINI Clubman vs. Go-Kart ]
It was fun watching the clubman race against that gokart haha
Funny. What suspension was on the car? All this different reviews and vids don’t mean much when the suspension isn’t verified. Three choices after all.
This was totally unfair, as the pro race driver had to avoid killing this punk! I say let them go against the clock one car at a time, same track. Yeah! And after the Clubman takes the crown, again, let the BIG BROTHER R60 test mule come in and do it’s best best “BigFoot” Monster Truck imitation and crush the Go Cart. Yeah!! Put that on the web site!
This guys seems to miss the whole character and appeal of a mini. People like the round design of the interior and the huge speedo, and yes the clubman still doesnt offer huge storage room but if thats what your after dont buy something with a badge that says “mini” on the front. This guy just doesn’t get it
Well, jeez, I coulda tole ’em that! Clubman’s a little too wide for sidewalk travelin’ like the old days, but she’ll do, she’ll do.
Cool post! I don’t get his criticism of the interior, either, but his Flavor Flav comment about the speedo earns him a point. Still, the pro should have run over his ass…
What are you all bitchen about? The Mini WON! If I hadn’t seen this before, I’d have thought it lost from your comments….
And I liked the Flavor Flav reference as well…. But WTF, way I heard it he left it open as to if it’s enough more room, commented that he thought a different model could use a bit of differentiation on the inside (a good comment, seeing how “well” recieved the dash makeover has been, Mini COULD have used the intro of the clubman as a way to justify a “tweak” of the interior) and tested the “go kart” claim of the adds.
yeah, yeah, the Mini was faster, sure, but the real win was the sh-t eating grin on the racer’s face.
I gotta agree with the Doc on this one, that one of you has his head….
That was kool! Seems K1 Karts are faster at least from my experience at both places.
I think everyone missed the point even if the Clubman did “win”
The claim MINI makes is in go-kart like “handling” not whether it can out race a go-kart.
MINIs do have GoKart like handling. Period. They are amazing little cars for the price point.
I would still like to see a “lifted” R60 with big truck tires crush a GoKart.
Aurel, the fact that the Clubman did out race a go-kart is what made the video so entertaining. I don’t think anyone missed the point. And yes, the speedo is WAY TOO BIG!
Ditto on the speedo I’m gonna cover it with a nuvi when I get mine.
Now THAT is worth the price of admission at the go-car track. I wonder if we can convince them to let us do that the next time we gather at F1…
I don’t know if this is just a unique circumstance, but my local SCCA chapter holds 3 of the year’s autocross events on an outdoor karting track, (versus the typical mall parking lot scenario). It is quite a different experience running on an actual track, and very fun; feels like you’re breaking the law by running a full sized car on a go-kart track. The MINI performs really well in that arena…
That was SICK!