Yeah, Okay, but still, the thing that I like on car videos is the sweet music from under the hood. When ever I come to a light and someone that I know is a showboat pulls up next to me, I always roll down the window act like I want to race or just yell “lets hear it!” and they usually oblige.
Still enjoyable though I’ve seen it many times before. Amazing little car!
ABF, ABF !!!!!!!!!! ABF
Poetry in motion.
Nice use of VAST music too. My favorite car and favorite band!
Yeah, Okay, but still, the thing that I like on car videos is the sweet music from under the hood. When ever I come to a light and someone that I know is a showboat pulls up next to me, I always roll down the window act like I want to race or just yell “lets hear it!” and they usually oblige.
Nice Job and nice music.
Let’s go for the next stage :)))))))
Peter & Stef