
Perhaps a few of you, and from what I understand a very select few, received this in your inbox.

>As part of a new pilot program that will put folks interested in buying a MINI in touch with folks who already own one, we’re looking to build a team of volunteer MINI Owner Ambassadors.

>Ultimately, the idea here is to help give people access to a completely honest, unfiltered view into what owning a MINI is like. And hopefully, the chance for you to share your unique insights and knowledge of motoring is something you think would be fun.

>The duties of a MINI Owner Ambassador should be pretty straightforward: just respond honestly to any questions you’re asked about your MINI ownership experiences. We’ve even set-up a private, online messaging environment so that, if you want, you can remain completely anonymous throughout your “conversations”.

>Plus, these dialogues aren’t intended to be “live”. Rather, you’ll be able to log-in and answer questions as your schedule allows. And if you ever feel like you have too many questions coming your way, just let us know and we’ll scale them back right away.

>We’re excited about the potential of this unique program and we’d love to have you be a part of it.

Oddly enough, neither Gabe or myself received this email, but our good friend Todd did. And, if you did too, do your best to help out!