
We’ve finally done it. We’ve added a community to MotoringFile. But it’s not a simple forum as most sites have. Instead it’s full integration with the most popular social network in the world; Facebook. Yes the rumor is true, we’ve created a Facebook application that seamlessly combines your Facebook profile with posting on MF. Here’s the full list of features you get when you connect to Facebook on MF:

– Add your Facebook profile to MF
– Post comments using your Facebook profile (this is of course optional – you can still post anonymously if you prefer)
– See what other Facebook users are online or commenting on MF
– Post your MF comments on your Facebook page

To start the process simply click the blue Facebook “Connect” button on the top right of the page.

If you’re a Facebook user the process will be over in seconds. If you’re not, simply create a profile and you’re done! However keep in mind that once you log into Facebook you’ll be posting comments under your real name. If you prefer not to do this you can always logout.

This initial integration is just the beginning. Look for countless tweaks to this new feature in the days and weeks ahead.

Additionally we’ve added acouple other non-Facebook features as well:

– A check box to get emails when new comments are posted to a story
– A reply button to individual posts so you can point your comment replies to other individual posters.

As always we’ll have more over the course of 2009 including a major redesign of the header background area. Until then, enjoy the changes.